Latin America PowerPoint

Nation Building and Imperialism in
Latin America
Nationalistic Revolts in Latin
America- Why?
 Successful revolution in North America.
 Creole elite influenced by Enlightenment;
equality, free trade and freedom of speech
and the press became desired.
 Latin American elites disliked Spanish and
Portuguese domination.
Where Did These Revolts Occur?
Social Classes in Latin America
Who were they? What did they
 Creoles
 Mulattos
 Meztizos
 Indian
 African Slaves
Haiti: Toussaint L’Ouverture
Haiti a French colony,
used for its sugar
plantations supported by
large population of
African slaves.
In 1804 Haiti declared
independence from
L’Ouverture led the first
successful slave revolt.
1st colony to become
independent in Latin
Mexico: Hidalgo
The Creole elites wanted
to rid Mexico of
penninsulares rule.
Hidalgo inspired by the
French Revolution.
1810 – inspired revolt of
Indians and Meztizos to
fight the Spanish.
Although Hidalgo was
defeated, his fight for
independence is
recognized - September
16th, “Mexican
Independence Day”
Mexico: Morales
Attemtped to unify whites
and mixed races for
Helped create the
“Revolutionary Congress”
and wanted to draft a
New Spain’s government
became ruthless about
stopping Morales.
 Royalist militias murdered
those who supported
Mexico: Iturbide
Creoles and Pennisulares
together, afraid of the
Indian and Meztizo
revolts, overthrew
Spanish rule as a way of
preserving their own
They chose a military
leader, Agustin de
Iturbide, 1st emperor of
Mexico, in 1821.
Executed by liberals
Jose de San Martin
Freedom Fighter
A Creole elite, believed that the Spanish should be removed from
Latin America.
By 1810, San Martin had freed Argentina from Spanish rule.
San Martin, in a surprise attack that comprised of crossing the
Andes Mountains, defeated the Spanish and liberated Chile in 1817.
Simon Bolivar
“Liberator of South America”
Creole elite wanted to rid South
America of Spanish rule.
Bolivar led struggle for
independence in Venezuela,
Colombia and Ecuador.
Later led fight for independence
for all South American countries.
Assisted and took control from
San Martin and continued to
liberate more South American
By 1823, in central America,
Bolivar influenced the liberation of
El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica
and Nicaragua.
Brazilian Independence
When Napoleons forces
conquered Portugal, Brazilians
were able to take control of
Spain’s weaknesses.
The Portuguese royal family
fled to Brazil to escape
Napoleon’s forces.
In 1822, Dom Pedro (Pedro I)
declared Brazil independent
from Portugal and claimed
himself emperor.
Pedro I accepted a constitution
that provided freedom of the
press and religion as well as
allowing an elected legislature.
Imperialism: the United States
becomes involved in Latin America
By the 1820’s there still remained a threat
to the newly won independence of Latin
Britain and other European nations still
wanted to have control over Latin
America; politically and economically.
The Monroe Doctrine
In 1823, James Monroe of the United States guaranteed
Latin American independence.
And… warned European nations that the United States
would not tolerate European involvement in the United
State's “Sphere of Influence” or the land in the New
The Difficulties of Nation Building in
Latin America
1830-1870 the new Latin American nations republics, faced a number of serious problems
– wars of independence resulted in staggering loss of
people, property and livestock.
– The new nations, unsure of their precise boundaries,
attempted to settle border disputes with war.
– Poor roads, a lack of railroads, thick jungles, and
mountains made communication, transportation and
national unity difficult.
Church vs. State
Church and state conflict;
liberals wanted to curtail
the power of the church
while conservatives
fought for maintaining
the Churches privileges.
In Mexico, 1858-1861,
the division between
church and state led to a
civil war.
Caudillo Rule
The new governments of Latin America began with
republican governments, but they had no experience
ruling themselves.
 After independence, strong leaders - Caudillos came to
 Caudillos ruled chiefly by military force and were
supported by the “landed elites”.
 Some Caudillo’s helped modernize by building roads and
canals, ports and schools.
 The caudillo’s authority depended on his personal power.
 When he died or lost power, civil wars for control of the
country often erupted.
Antonio Lopez Y Santa Anna
A caudillo who ruled
Mexico from 18291855.
 He misused state
funds, halted reforms,
created chaos and
helped lose one third
of Mexico’s land to
the U.S.A.
Juan Manuel de Rosas
Caudillo leader of
Argentina from 18291852.
 Protected Argentina
from foreigners.
 Supported by the
masses, was
extremely popular
and serves as an
instrument for radical
Latin American Economy
Political independence brought economic
independence, but old patterns were
quickly reestablished.
 Latin America continued to serve as a
source for wheat, tobacco, wool, sugar,
coffee and hides b/c of cheap labor.
 Textiles were imported.
Latin American Economy Controlled
by Landed Elites
The economic control by landed elites was a problem.
Land = wealth, social prestige and political power.
Landed elites controlled government, courts, and a
system of inexpensive labor.
Landowners > enormous profits growing single
specialized crops for export, such as coffee.
Most people didn’t have land to grow basic food crops,
experienced dire poverty.
Change & Tradition in Latin
Growth of Latin American economy from the
export of raw materials.
Latin America dependent on nations to the West
(U.S. and Europe).
Poverty based on race and social class
Latin America still underdeveloped region
Latin American Middle Class
A middle class emerged due to the prosperity of
the increased exportation of raw goods.
By the 1900’s this population expanded, and this
middle class shared common characteristics.
– lived in cities,
– sought education and decent incomes,
– Viewed United States as a model of industrialization.
Middle Class Values
Middle Class sought liberal reforms, not
Once they had the right to vote, they
generally sided with the landowning elites.
Political Change in Latin America
After 1870, large landowners in Latin
America began to take a more direct
interest in national policies and even in
 In Argentina and Chile, landowning elites
controlled the government, they wrote
constitutions, but kept their power by
limiting voting rights.
Portfirio Diaz
Ruled 1876 - 1910.
Diaz, conservative,
created centralized
government with the
support of the army,
foreign capitalists, large
landowners, and the
Catholic Church.
During Diaz’s rule, wages
of workers declined.
By 1910 the Mexican
Revolution > Diaz ousted.
Indigenous people
were subsequently
forced into debt
slavery (Peonage)
 Diaz supported
“redistribution” of
land to wealthy
Peasants suffered.
Emiliano Zapata
Hero of peasants
Zapata seized estates of
wealthy landowners.
Between 1910- 1920, the
revolution damaged Mexican
Zapata’s accomplishments:
– 1917 constitution enacted
– strong presidency,
– created land- reform policies,
– established limits on foreign
– agenda to help the workers.
The revolution also led to
outpouring of patriotism.
United States Influence
Late 1800’s – early 1900’s
United States emerging world power, interferes
in the affairs of its southern hemisphere.
Cuba > protectorate of the U.S. after the
Spanish American War of 1898.
U.S. annexed Puerto Rico 1898.
In 1908, the U.S. supported a rebellion that
enabled Panama to separate from Colombia.
– What will the U.S. now control?
United States Influence Continued
American Investments in Latin America soon
followed, as did American resolve to protect
those investments.
Between 1898- 1934, American military forces
were sent to Cuba, Mexico, Colombia,
Guatemala, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic to
How will many Latin Americans view the US?