16 Green Buildings 绿色建筑 New buildings or civil engineering projects (工程项目) Improve our lives Long-lasting effects on the wider environment This chapter suggests how the correct design and use of buildings can make improvements to our wider environment 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 Climate around buildings 建筑周边气候 Resources for buildings 建筑(消耗的)资源 Energy conservation 建筑节能 Pollution 污染 Sick and healthy buildings 病态和健康建筑 Future buildings 未来建筑 16.1 Climate around buildings 建筑周边气候 A reason for the existence of a building is to provide shelter掩蔽处 from the climate, the cold and the heat, the wind and the rain. The climate for a building is the set of environmental conditions which surround a building and links to the inside of a building by means of heat transfer. 大气 长波 辐射 太阳 直射 辐射 太空 散射 辐射 环境长波辐射 地面 长波 地面反射 辐射 辐射 对 流 换 热 壁体得热 Climate has important effects on the energy performance of buildings, in both winter and summer, the durability耐久性 of the building fabric围护结构 buildings should be suitable for the local climate How does a built respond to the local environment more better? Selection of site to avoid heights and hollows 地点选择尽量避开高地和山谷 Orientation of buildings to maximise and minimise solar gains 建筑朝向尽量获得最大和最小太阳得热 Spacing of buildings to avoid unwanted wind and shade effects 建筑间距避免不必要的风和阴影 Design of windows to allow maximum daylight in buildings 窗户设计使阳光尽可能多的照到室内 Selection of trees and wall surfaces to shelter buildings from driving rain and snow 利用树木和外墙使建筑物能防雨雪 Selection of ground surface for dryness 选择地表面要干燥 16.1.1 Climate types 气候类型 Macroclimate 大气候: the climate of a large area, such as a region or a country. Microclimate小气候: the climate around a building and upon its surface. A good microclimate Lower heating costs in winter 冬季降低采暖费用 Reduction of overheating in summertime夏季减少过热 Longer life for building materials 增加建筑材料的寿命 Pleasant out door recreation areas良好的户外娱乐环境 Better growth for plants and tress 植物和树木更好生长 Increased user satisfaction and value 增加使用者满意度 16.1.2 Climate data 气候参数 Temperature Humidity Precipitation of rain and snow 降雨降雪量 Wind speed and direction 风速和风向 Sunshine hours and solar radiation 日照时间 和强度 Atmospheric pollution 大气污染 These factors can vary by the hour, by the day and by the season. Maximum or minimum values最大值和最小值 are needed for some purposes, such as Sizing heating plant or designing wind loads Average values平均值 Are needed for prediction of energy consumption. Probabilities or frequencies可能性或频率 16.1.3 Degree-days,度日数 accumulated temperature difference, ATD 累计温差 measure climatic severity 严酷during a particular season Can be abbreviated as 可以缩写为 is based on the fact that the indoor temperature of an unheated building is, on average, higher than the outdoor. For a traditional British construction the difference is taken to be 3℃. In order to maintain an internal design temperature of 18.5 ℃, for example, the building only needs to heating when the outdoor temperature falls below 15.5 ℃(18.5-3). degree-day 度日数 One day at 1 ℃ below base temperature gives 1 degree-day Two days at 1 ℃ below base temperature gives 2 degree-days or One day at 2 ℃ below base temperature also gives 2 degree-days. typical values are given in table 16.1. This data , averaged over the years , can be used in the calculation of heat loss and energy consumption. 16.1.4 Driving rain index, DRI大雨指数 is a combined annual measure of rainfall and wind speed. Table 16.2 gives Driving-rain indices for British Isles 不列颠群岛 16.1.5 Wind data 风 The main effects of wind on a building are those of force, heat loss and rain penetration. These factors need to be considered in the structural design and in the choice of building materials. Wind speed 风速 Wind direction风向 Wind speed 风速 The force of a wind increases with the square of the velocity, so that a relatively small increase in wind speed produces a larger than expected force on a surface such as a building. This force can be strong enough to lift roofs and also to pull out windows on the downwind side of buildings. Typical wind speeds range between 0 to 25m/s, as described below: 5 m/s wind disturbs hair and clothing 10 m/s wind, force felt on body 身体感受到力的作用 15m/s wind causes difficulty walking 20m/s wind blows people over. Wind direction 风向 wind rose 风玫瑰图 16.1.5 how to reduce the Wind effects around buildings? Reduce the dimensions, especially the height and the dimensions facing the prevailing wind盛行风 、主要风. Avoid cubical large shapes 避免过大的体型 Use pitched roofs斜屋顶rather than flat roofs平屋顶; use hips屋 脊rather than gable ends山形墙. Avoid parallel rows of buildings 避免平行排列建筑 Avoid funnel-like gaps 烟囱通道 between buildings Use trees, mounds植被and other landscape features景观地貌to provide shelter 16.1.6 Solar data 太阳 Heat Gain in chapter 3 Natural Lighting in chapter 7. 16.2 Resources for buildings 建筑(消耗的)资源 constructing the built environment use largest resources for most countries. The manufacture and transport of materials can also involve large amounts of energy Construction processes contribute to various forms of pollution Life-cycle analysis, LCA 生命周期分析 Raw materials: extraction and transport 原材料 Production: manufacture into building products 生产过程 Transport: from factory to construction site 运输过程 Installation : construction process 安装 Service life: impact and maintenance over lifetime of the building 设备寿命 Recycling and disposal : at end of life 循环利用和处理 Sustainability 可持续发展 Sustainability development aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising损 害 the needs of the future. The broad aims of sustainable construction are to 1) Improve the quality of our lives 2) Be acceptable to other people and future generation 3) Cause minimum damage to the wider environment and its resources. 16.3 Energy conservation 节能 At present, most of the energy used to heat buildings, including electrical energy, comes from fossil fuels 化石燃料 such as oil and coal. fossil fuels on Earth cannot be replaced and, unless conserved, they will eventually最后 run out. How to realize energy conservation? 16.3.1 Alternative energy sources 替代能源 Renewable sources of energy 可再生能源 Solar heating 太阳能加热 Wind Wave:潮汐能 Hydro:水能 Geothermal 地热能 Biofuels 生物燃料including : landfill gas填埋气体 , sewage gas垃圾沼气; wood 木材, straw秸秆, refuse垃圾 16.3.2 Energy efficiency 能效 when we convert energy from one form to another some of the energy is lost to use by the conversion process. Around 90% of the electrical energy used by a traditional light bulb is wasted as heat rather than light. Efficient equipment 高效设备 Condensing boilers冷凝锅炉, recover much of the latent heat from flue gases before they are released. Heat pump 热泵can make use of low temperature heat sources, such as waste air, which have been ignored in the past. Electricity use 电能利用 CHP( combined heat and power)联合发热发电/热电联产 can raise the energy efficiency of electricity generation from around33% to as much as 80% CHP techniques can also be applied on a small scale to meet the energy needs of just one building or a series of buildings. 16.3.3 Thermal insulation 隔热 External walls, windows, roof and floors are the largest areas of heat loss from a building. roof insulation屋顶隔热, cavity fill填充多孔材料, double-glazing双层玻璃, internal wall-lining内墙保温, and exterior wall-cladding外墙保温. 16.3.4 Ventilation 通风 The heat lost during the opening of doors or windows becomes a significant area of energy conservation, especially when the cladding覆层 of building is insulated to high standards. These ventilation losses are reduced by better seals in the construction of the buildings, by air-sealed door lobbies大 厅, and the use of controlled ventilation. Some of the heat contained in exhausted air can be recovered by heat exchange techniques such as heat pumps 16.4 Pollution The construction of buildings contributes to pollution in various ways The pollution we generate within our buildings is also significant We spend up to 90% of our time indoors 16.4.1 Air pollution空气污染 Carbon dioxide CO2 Smog 烟雾 Ozone O3 Nitrogen oxides NOx Sulfur oxides SOx Methane CH4 Chlorofluorocarbons CFCs Heavy metals 重金属 16.4.2 16.4.3 16.4.4 16.4.5 16.4.6 Water pollution 水污染 Soil pollution 土壤污染 Waste material Radon 氡 Indoor pollution 室内污染 Radon 氡 Colourless, odourless无味 Given off through the radioactive decay放射衰变 of uranium铀 rocks within the earth. Lung cancer 肺癌 Can be diluted 稀释by the atmosphere and becomes harmless. Ventilation beneath the floor and in the building 16.5 Sick and healthy buildings 病态和健康建筑 Sick buildings effects: Eyes, nose and throat irritations 痛 Dryness of throat, nose and skin Breathing difficulties and chest tightness胸部紧迫感 Headaches, nausea恶心,dizziness头昏眼花 Mental fatigue精神疲劳 Skin rashes 皮肤疱疹 Aching muscles and “flu-like ” symptoms 肌肉酸痛有流感征兆 Buildings at risk 存在风险的建筑物 Forced ventilation, including mechanical ventilation and air conditioning. Lightweight construction Carpets地毯 and other textiles纺织品 used on indoor surfaces. Warm and uniform environments Sick building causes Physical comfort conditions uncomfortable temperatures low humidity low air movement and ventilation rate insufficient negative air ions 空气负离子不足 low daylight level excessive noise level Chemical pollutants Microbial Chemical pollutants 化学污染物 Cigarette smoke 香烟烟雾 Formaldehyde vapours from furniture, particle boards 来自家具和碎木板中的甲醛 Vapours (VOC)from adhesives, paints and cleaners 来自粘合剂,涂料和清洁剂中的VOC Radon decay products from granite stone and aggregates 花岗石和聚合物中衰减产物氡 Ozone gas from photocopiers复印机 ,laser printers 激光打印机and high-voltage sources高压电源. Microbial 微生物 Airborne micro-organisms from bacteria and fungi in air conditioning system 空调系统中产生的细菌、霉菌等空气微生物 Micro-organisms in drinking water and vending machines 饮用水和售货机内产生的微生物 Micro-organisms in carpets, fabrics and pot plants. 地毯、织物和盆栽植物产生的微生物 军团病 (Legionnaire‘s Disease) 1976年7月,在美国费城一间旅馆内举行退伍军人会议, 期间近200名与会者患上一种前所未见的肺炎和呼吸道感染 病,导致29人死亡。病徵是全身不适、头痛、恶心呕吐、腹 泻、肌肉疼痛、发烧、咳嗽,初时是乾咳,其後有灰色或血 色的浓痰,病情急促和猛烈,若不及时医治,会死於肺炎及 其他并发症。 经过多个月的调查,并耗用高达200万美元的费用,终於 发现病原是一种当时尚未被人认识的杆菌,後称为「嗜肺性 军团菌」。由於这种病首次在退休军人身上发现,因此称为 「军团病」。 军团菌经空气传播。空调系统的水箱是军团菌的理想繁 殖地方,可经管道遍布整座建 物。因此长期在空调室内的人, 应特别小心。 Sick building solutions 病态建筑解决方案 The following general guidelines will help to eliminate the various causes which give rise to poor environments within buildings. Good design 好的设计 Correct installation正确的安装 Constant maintenance 持续的维护 Healthy buildings 健康建筑 16.6 Future buildings未来建筑 16.6.1 Appraisal of buildings 建筑的评估 The Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment (BREEA) systems 建筑环境评估法 appraises buildings under the following criteria Global issues 对全球的影响 Global warming, linked to the burning of fossil fuels 全球变暖,与建筑燃烧矿物燃料有关 Ozone depletion损耗, linked with the use of CFCs in insulants and coolants 臭氧损耗,与使用CFCs做绝热材料和制冷剂有关 Rain forest destruction, linked with the use of hardwood from forests which are not renewed. 雨林破坏,与建筑使用木材有关 Resource depletion, linked with non-recycling of materials. 资源损耗,与建筑使用不可再生材料有关 Neighbourhood issues对周围环境的影响 Legionnaires’ Disease, linked with faulty air conditioning systems 军团病,与空调系统有关 Local wind effects, linked with the height and shape of buildings 局部风,与建筑高度和形状有关 Re-use of a site previously built upon or reclaimed再 生的 .重复利用以前建设用地 Indoor effects 对室内的影响 Legionnaires’ Disease, linked with hot and cold water supplies军团病,与热水、冷水供应有关 Lighting, such as modern fluorescent lamps with electronic control gear 照明,例如现代电子控制的荧光灯 Indoor air quality linked with ventilation rates, humidification, control of systems and separate areas for smoking 室内空气品质,与换气次数、加湿、控制系统和吸烟 区有关 Hazardous materials, such as asbestos石棉, formaldehyde in cavity fill填充材料内的甲醛, and lead铅 in paint.有毒材料, 例如石棉,填充材料内的甲醛、油漆中的铅 16.6.2 Intelligent buildings智能建筑 Automated building services such as those for energy management, security and fire precautions. 自动建筑服务系统,如能量管理、安保和火灾预防 Information management such as telecommunication systems and computer systems for IT( information Technology) 信息管理例如电信系统和为IT服务的计算机系统 Connectivity determined by internal cabling and assess to external services 通过内部电缆与外部设备连接 Control of the environment achieved by the monitoring and control of building services and safety such as in a building automation system (BAS) 通过监测来控制环境、建筑服务和安保,如建筑自动化系统 Premises management achieved by the controlled monitoring and scheduling of maintenance and other building functions. 通过监控对维护或其他建筑功能时间提前安排 16.6.3 Integrated building design and construction 建筑综合设计和施工 For example, larger windows provide better daylighting but they also cause greater heat loss in winter and larger heat gain in summer. In order to provide the best possible environment in future buildings all available knowledge and skill needs to be integrated. The activities of the design team, professional groups and teaching should be oriented towards such an integrated approach. Integrated environmental design 综合环境设计 IED is a philosophy哲学 and method of designing buildings which aims to achieve the optimum environmental decisions. For example, the building services specialists should also be involved in other decisions such as those concerning shape, orientation, use of materials, fenestration, lighting and sound control Home work 病态建筑的症状、原因和解决方案 绿色建筑、智能建筑和综合建筑的定义及他们 之间的不同 如何实现建筑节能 Today’s key words building fabric围护结构 Environmental building 绿色建筑 Sick building 病态建筑 Energy conservation 能源节约/节能 Macroclimate 大气候 Microclimate 小气候 degree-day 度日数 Maximum or minimum values最大值和最小值 Average values平均值 Probabilities or frequencies可能性或频率 ventilation rate 换气次数 IT( information Technology) 信息技术 building automation system (BAS) 建筑自动化系统 Today’s key sentences: ( )Can be abbreviated as ( )可以缩写为 ( )Is an abbreviated for( ) ( )stands for ( ) ( )is a short of ( ) Exercises in class 1 when designing a buildings, we should consider many climatic factors including ( A temperature B humidity C precipitation of rain and snow D wind speed and direction E sunshine hours and solar radiation F atmospheric pollution ) 2 When sizing heating plant , we need ( ) A maximum values B minimum values C average values D probabilities or frequencies A few words about exam 一、fill in blanks(10分) 二、choose the suitable answers(2X10分) 三、answer in brief (10分) 四、calculations (60分) 平时成绩与试卷成绩差值不超过10分 卷面成绩为55分 严格考场纪律、坚决杜绝夹带纸条作弊。 给每位同学提供公平的考试条件是老师的职责! summary 一、每章例题 二、作业 三、每章加黑体 四、每章习题 酸雨: 指pH值小于5.6的降水