WATER Project Objectives We have a CHALLENGE: Water in necessary quantity and quality . Strenghten habits of citizens. Use water wisely. At the moment... In the world more than 1 milliard people lack access to clean water and over 1,7 milliard lack access to network for wastewater. UNESCO warns that in 15 or 20 years, lack of water will be the main ecological and political problem of humanity Ecological value Water is essential to the all biological processes. Ecological value Desert of Sonora (México) Tropical rainforest Desert of Sahara Ecological value SOLID GAS LIQUID Ecological value The origin of life and water as its supporter The first living being appeared in the primeval ocean hundreds of millions of years ago. From it came the first stem cell that gave life to all living beings that populate the planet today. Ecological value Home for many creatures Ocean, rivers and lakes, their natural environment. Condition for life of animals and plant species. Food chains in the aquatic environment. Ecological value Fundamental component of the body of living beings. Water is the main and indispensable component of the human body. We need about 2 liters of water per day to function normally. Ecological value •Fundamental component of the body of living beings. •Forms the aqueous environment where all the metabolic processes that take place in our body develops. Ecological value Solar energy and water PHOTOSYNTHESIS CO2+ H2O + solar energy Basic components of plant tissues EVAPOTRANSPIRATION A single large tree can evaporate around 250 l of water at the atmosphere every day. Ecological value Water and food DRINKS: Over 60% of the liquid we consume. The REST comes from food. Vegetables and fruit provide 20% of daily water. 10% comes from dairy products. 8% of carbohydrates (bread and cereals). The remaining 2% of meat, fish, eggs, etc.. Water distribution on Earth The majority of the water is liquid and in the oceans. Only 0.26% is fresh water available for human consumption. Ecological value URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND POLLUTION CONSEQUENCES PREVENTION Water demand. Presion on aquatic recourses. Public Health problems. Reduce consumption and minimize pollution. Ecological value GLOBAL WARMING Loss of water resources. Reduction of rainfall. Degradation of species and ecosystems. Solutions Avoid intervention of human in the water cycle. Ecological value WATER CYCLE The water is not created nor destroyed The water we use today is the same what was used millions of years ago. The human activity is seriously altering this cycle! Saving and sustainable use of water If we take a shower instead of bath We save 150 l every time Saving and sustainable use of water Where can we save water? Kitchen Taps Toilets Electrical appliances Our daily habits Shower Desing of our houses Gardens and plants Saving and sustainable use of water • Washing fruits and vegetables in a bowl save 10 liters of water. • If you wash dishes by hand, do not do it with the tap running • Use dishwasher just fully charged. The same goes for the washing machine. • Sprays to put on top of the tap saves a lot of water. Saving and sustainable use of water • If we properly adjust spirnklers and concentrate water on the green areas. • If we use native plants that need little water. • If we try to water early in the morning or at dusk. When watered in the hours of sunshine, 30% of the water evaporates. • We can fill buckets with cold water while waiting for the hot water to come out of the shower and use it. Saving and sustainable use of water • If you defrost food at room temperature, never under the tap. Save 15 liters. • We should avoid harsh cleaning products.. • If we're flushing the toilet only when necessary, we save thee 6 - 8 liters of water in the tank. • When you have left-over oil (from frying, cans of tuna, etc.) . we should not pour it down neither the sink nor toilet. • Greeen points Diagnosis of the Ecological State of a river’s section SAMPLING • Observe and describe the river. • Study of pressures: • Human activities that alter the structure and functioning of water masses. – Organized on not organized dumps, agriculture, farming.. – Airports, roads, urban areas, mining areas, recreational areas. – Hydroelectric plant, water harvesting, diversion canals, dam, margin covering. – Dredging of the channel, Changes on the riverbank, power lines, etc .... SAMPLING • Physicochemical parameters of water. • Obtaining water samples – Turbidity – Temperature. – Dissolved oxygen: allows the respiration of living organisms (fish, plants, invertebrates and aerobic bacteria), and the decomposition of organic matter when died (oxidizing capacity of oxygen, bacteria and fungi that need oxygen to degrade the organic matter.) SAMPLING – Level of oxygen saturation : below 40% - the river is in poor condition, above 110% (over-saturation) reflects an excessive growth of algae (eutrophication). Temperature ºC 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Oxygen saturation 0 PPM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 PPM 29 31 32 34 35 37 39 41 42 44 48 48 49 51 53 8PPM 58 61 64 68 71 74 78 81 84 88 92 95 99 102 106 SAMPLING -pH pH between 6.0 and 8.0 :Most aquatic plants and animals. If the pH of the water is out of the limits to which living things are adapted, they may die, stop breeding or migrate. An acidic pH can also cause the toxic compounds to be more harmful Results Less than 5.5-very acidic, life almost impossible 5.5-5.9-Fair 6.0-6.4-Good 6.5-7.5-Excellent 8.1-8.5-Fair More than 8.6-very alkali, life almost impossible. SAMPLING -Nitrates NO3-, Toxic Waste. It is a nutrient for plants and can cause excessive growth of phytoplankton. It is very toxic to humans. Results No pollution-4ppm or less Not drinkable – more than 40ppm SAMPLING - Hardness Quantity of calcium (important for forming the cell walls of plants) and magnesium (an essential nutrient for aquatic life and component of chlorophyll). Their presence is often natural and come from the river bed and surrounding materials. Results Soft Water 0-75 Water moderately hard 75-150 Hard Water 150-300 Very hard water> 300 SAMPLING - Biological indicators Study of aquatic macroinvertebrates Inform us on quality of water. By: - Different tolerance to pollution levels. - Living in the area before a contamination case, but not after. - Their life span is approximately one year. SAMPLING Study of aquatic macroinvertebrates •Select a sampling area. •Look at the surface. •Collect the samples. •Separation of macroinvertebrates. •Identify species using the key. •Calculation of the index. SAMPLING Presence and punctuation Individuals Mayflies Stoneflies Caddisfly larvas Dragonflies, damselflies Whirligig Beetle, distichous Flies, Mosquitos, Chironomidae Water scorpions, backswimmers, pond skaters Leeches Water worms Prawns, Crayfish Snails, clams Final score: Taxon Ephemeroptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Odonata Score 8 10 8 8 Coleoptera 4 Diptera 2 Heteroptera 5 Hirudin Oligochaeta Crustaceans Molluscs 4 2 5 5 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 SAMPLING Evaluation of water quality by aquatic macroinvertebrates index Final score More than 50 31-50 16-30 6-15 Less than 6 Water quality Very good Good Moderate Low Bad SAMPLING STUDY OF VEGETATION IN RIVER BANK 1 River ecosystem. 2 Functions of the vegetation on the rocks, their function. 3 Identification of species: (native trees, native bushes, native aquatic plants, alien species). 4 Structure of the river bank (Calculation of index and final evaluation). SAMPLING Composition and structure CONTINUATION IN LENGHTH AND WIDTH Optimal In >75% of the lenght of the bank there are trees or tree-like vegetation. Good width, all the layers of vegetation connected. Good In 50 - 75 % of the lenght of the bank there are trees or treelike vegetation. Good width, at least two layers of vegetation. Regular In 25 - 50% of the lenght of the bank there are vegetationof trees or bushes. Width modest, at least one layer or vegetation. Bad In <25% of the lenght of the bank there are vegetation of trees or bushes. Just acuatic vegetation or trees isolated by brambles or grass. Optimal More thn 2.5m high forest, native species and undergrowth with hardly any brambles Good More than 2,5 m high forest, some alien species, undergrowth with <30% of brambles. Average Woodland or bushes, several alien species,, more than 30% brambles or grass Bad Dominating vegetation- bushes or brambles. Productive plantations of alien species. 8 7 6 4 7 6 5 3 6 5 4 2 4 3 2 1 SAMPLING Performance: natural regeneration Points are added to the previous value Final ranking Optimal Good There are spots There are spots with young with young plants of trees plants of trees and bushes and bushes, natural regeneration slghtly endangared by grazing. 2 1 Regular Bad Low proportion of young individual, threatened by grazing. No natural regeneration or it is severely affected by grazing 0.5 0 SAMPLING State of banks vegetation Optimal Good Regular Bad More than 8 points More than 6 points to 8 including More than 4 points to 6 including Less than 4 points Final calculation (example) Structure of vegetation Naturale regeneration Toral score State of banks vegetation 6 1 7 Good FIN