Ground water/ Hydrogeology Learning Objectives •Ground water is a noun; groundwater is an adjective •Understand how soil properties affect hydraulic conductivity •Understand the difference between pressure head, elevation head, velocity head and total head •Understand Darcy’s Law •Be able to describe the differences among unconfined, perched, confined and artesian aquifers •Be able to define relevant groundwater terms including but not limited to water table, capillary fringe, vadose zone, storativity, and transmissivity •Understand the spatial and temporal properties of aquifers and ground water •Understand the effects of human activities on groundwater resources Ground water factoids • Scientists estimate groundwater accounts for more than 95% of all fresh water available for use. • Approximately 50% of Americans obtain all or part of their drinking water from groundwater. • Nearly 95% of rural residents rely on groundwater for their drinking supply. • About half of irrigated cropland uses groundwater. • Approximately one third of industrial water needs are fulfilled by using groundwater. • About 40% of river flow nationwide (on average) depends on groundwater. Hydrologic Cycle Zones of Subsurface Water Zone of Aeration • pores filled with both air and water • Water held against gravity by surface tension • Soil water/ soil moisture • Zone of Saturation – pores filled only with water – Water drained through soil under influence of gravity. – Ground Water Essential components of groundwater The rate of infiltration is a function of soil type, rock type, antecedent water, and time. The vadose zone includes all the material between the Earth’s surface and the zone of saturation. The upper boundary of the zone of saturation is called the water table. The capillary fringe is a layer of variable thickness that directly overlies the water table. Water is drawn up into this layer by capillary action. S. Hughes, 2003 How does the geology affect the existence of ground water? • What is an aquifer? A permeable, water-containing unit. - Water enters from recharge. - Temporarily stored. - Leaves by flow to streams (baseflow) or springs, or to wells - Has sufficient water to be usable What is an unconfined aquifer? • They are not sealed off at any point. • Recharge can occur anywhere. • Water at water table under atmospheric pressure. • Must pump to remove water Unconfined Aquifer What is a confined (or artesian) aquifer? • Sealed off • Transmits water down from recharge area • Water confined in aquifer unless drilled. - Water under hydrostatic pressure. - Water rises; well may flow. Artesian well spouts water above land surface in South Dakota, early 1900s. Heavy use of this aquifer has reduced water pressure so much that spouts do not occur today Betsy Conklin for Dr. Isiorho Unconfined and Perched Aquifers discharge=2000 ft3/s No tributaries here discharge=4000 ft3/s How is this possible? Ground Water and Surface Water • These are almost always connected • If a stream contributes water to the aquifer it’s called a “losing stream” • If a stream receives water from the aquifer it’s called a “gaining stream” • Same stream can be both at different places or at different times Perennial Stream (effluent) (from Keller, 2000, Figure 10.5a) • Humid climate • Flows all year -- fed by groundwater base flow (1) • Discharges groundwater S. Hughes, 2003 Ephemeral Stream (influent) (from Keller, 2000, Figure 10.5b) • Semiarid or arid climate • Flows only during wet periods (flashy runoff) • Recharges groundwater S. Hughes, 2003 Groundwater flow patterns are controlled by several factors: 1. Elevation and location of recharge and discharge areas. 2. Heterogeneity of geologic material 3. Thickness of material 4. Current or historic land use practices •Presence of streams, lakes, or springs can also greatly influence groundwater patterns. (Fetter 2001) How does ground water move? • Porosity: % by volume of an earth material that is pore space. • Primary porosity depends upon: - shape of grains - arrangement of grains - size distribution - compaction/cement’n • Permeability: ability of an earth material to transmit water • Depends upon - porosity - degree and size of interconnecting pores between larger pores What are some typical values of porosity and permeability? • Porosity clay 45-55 % sand 30-40 sandstone 10-20 shale 1-2 limestone 1-10 (or larger) • Permeability: varies over several orders of magnitude. Expressed as a rate, e.g. ft/day Darcy’s Law • formulated by Henry Darcy based on the results of 1855 and 1856 experiments • stating that the flow rate of water through porous materials is proportional to the hydraulic head drop and the distance (hydraulic gradient ) • The law holds only in laminar flows laminar flow • smooth, viscosity dominated flow. the direction of motion at any point remaining constant as if the fluid were moving in a series of layers sliding over one another without mixing • Reynold's number for groundwater Re = d * V * ρ / μ where d= grain diameter, (usually d30), V = velocity ρ = density of water μ = viscosity of water • Laminar flow Normally Re < 1 Never > 10 Bernoulli's equation – describes the behavior of a fluid moving along a streamline v2 + z + p 2g g Datum Velocity Head + Elevation Head + Pressure Head In ground water v is so small that can ignore Darcys’ velocity v = k i i = h / L h = (p1 + z1) - (p2 + z2) h is the change in hydraulic gradient between point 1 and point 2 p1 p2 z1 z2 L Datum Darcy’s Law • V=k*i – V : Flow Velocity – k : Hydraulic Conductivity (The rate at which a soil allows water to move through it ) – i : Hydraulic Gradient; i = h / L (Change in hydraulic head per unit of horizontal distance ) Darcy’s Law • Q=V*A = k * i * A = Darcy’s Law – A : Cross-sectional area of the Soil – k = saturated hydraulic conductivity – i = the change in hydraulic gradient divided by the distance over which the gradient changed Hydraulic Conductivity, k • Soil grain size • Structure of the soil matrix – pore size distribution – pore shape – porosity • Type of soil fluid – fluid density – fluid viscosity • Saturation How to get k (lab) • Constant-head conductivity test Q = K i A (remember Q= VA and V = Ki) i = h / L so Q = K (h / L) A h K = Q * (L / Ah) Q : Discharge A : Cross-sectional area L A How to get k (field) • Pumping methods / Tracking methods • Auger-hole method – Saturated soil materials near the ground surface in the presence of a shallow water table. – pumping the water out of an auger-hole extending below the water table and then measuring the rate of the rise of the water in the hole • Tracking with dyes, chemicals, radiation, or electrical conductivity (Ward and Trimble 2004) •Elevation head is the position of a particle relative to some standard measurement plane, sea level, etc. •Pressure head is the height of a column of fluid that will produce a given pressure. (Ward and Trimble 2004) •Groundwater contours at streams form a V, they point upstream when they cross a gaining stream and pointing downstream when they cross a losing stream. •When a stream has a greater level than the water in a aquifer the water in the stream recharges the groundwater. This is common in the western U.S. where stream begin high in the mountains and flow in alluvial fans formed at the base. Monitoring Wells and Piezometers Water levels within wetlands and adjacent to streams involves investigating shallow groundwater regimes. Monitoring wells: have perforation extending from just below the ground surface to the bottom of the pipe. Piezometers: are perforated only at the bottom of the pipe. (WRP TN HY-IA-3.1) (WRP TN HY-IA-3.1) •Monitoring Well: Water levels in pipe is the result of intergraded water pressure along the entire length of pipe. •Piezometer: Water level inside the pipe is the result from water pressure over a narrow zone of the pipe. Instrument Selection Monitoring Wells •Determining timing, duration, and frequency of the water table •Collected data from various wells used to construct groundwater contour maps or potentiometric surface maps Piezometers •Determining recharge or discharge •Determining ground water flow direction •Determine if perching layers are present Ground water management issues • Vegetation removal can decrease interception and ET losses – Leads to increase soil moisture- higher water tables • Ground water extraction exceeding recharge – Leads to higher pumping costs – Land subsidence – Sea water intrusion if coastal Ground water management issues • Urbanization can decrease recharge opportunity – Decrease soil storage, decrease low flows • Ground water contamination – Improper dumping of contaminants – Difficult to clean up Well drawdown Problems associated with extreme groundwater withdrawal • Dry Wells – cone of depression already seen • Saltwater contamination near coast • Groundwater withdrawal causes saltwater to be drawn into coastal wells, contaminating supply • Contamination of Wells with sewage • Formation of Collapse Sinkholes Saltwater contamination due to excessive well pumping Sinkholes in Urban Settings • What happens when a new well here is heavily pumped? Flow direction can change Groundwater Overdraft Overpumping will have two effects: 1. Changes the groundwater flow direction. 2. Lowers the water table, making it necessary to dig a deeper well. • This is a leading factor in desertification in some areas. • Original land users and land owners often spend lots of money to drill new, deeper wells. • Streams become permanently dry. S. Hughes, 2003 Groundwater Overdraft • Almost half the U.S. population uses groundwater as a primary source for drinking water. • Groundwater accounts for ~20% of all water withdrawn for consumption. • In many locations groundwater withdrawal exceeds natural recharge rates. This is known as overdraft. • In such areas, the water table is drawn down "permanently"; therefore, groundwater is considered a nonrenewable resource. • The Ogallala aquifer underlies Midwestern states, including Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, while California, Arizona and Nevada use the Colorado River as their primary water source. All show serious groundwater overdraft. S. Hughes, 2003 Groundwater Overdraft in the Conterminous U.S. (from Keller, 2000, Figure 10.13a) S. Hughes, 2003 where current ground moisture is significantly lower than the long-term average, /wp-content/uploads/2011/12/GRACE_GWS.png Groundwater Overdraft • Water-level changes in the Texas- -Oklahoma-High Plains area. • The Ogallala aquifer -- composed of water-bearing sands and gravel that underlie about 400,000 km2. • Water is being used for irrigation at a rate up to 20 times more than natural recharge by infiltration. • Water level (water table) in many parts has declined and the resource eventually may be used up. (from Keller, 2000, Figure 10.13b) S. Hughes, 2003 Pollution of Ground Water • pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers: chemicals that are applied to agricultural crops that can find their way into ground water when rain or irrigation water leaches the poisons downward into the soil • rain can also leach pollutants from city dumps into ground-water supplies • Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, chromium, copper, and cadmium, together with household chemicals and poisons, can all be concentrated in ground-water supplies beneath dumps Pollution of Ground Water • liquid and solid wastes from septic tanks, sewage plants, and animal feedlots and slaughterhouses may contain bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can contaminate ground water • acid mine drainage from coal and metal mines can contaminate both surface and ground water • radioactive waste can cause the pollution of ground water due to the shallow burial of low-level solid and liquid radioactive wastes from the nuclear power industry Pollution of Ground Water (cont.) • pumping wells can cause or aggravate ground-water pollution Water table steepens near a dump, increasing the velocity Water-table slope is reversed by pumping, changing of ground-water flow and drawing pollutants into a well direction of the ground-water flow, and polluting the well Balancing Withdrawal and Recharge • a local supply of groundwater will last indefinitely if it is withdrawn for use at a rate equal to or less than the rate of recharge to the aquifer • if ground water is withdrawn faster than it is being recharged, however, the supply is being reduced and will one day be gone Balancing Withdrawal and Recharge • heavy use of ground water can result in: • a regional water table dropping • deepening of a well which means more electricity is needed to pump the water to the surface • the ground surface settling because the water no longer supports the rock and sediment 1925 1955 Subsidence of the land surface caused by the extraction of ground water, near Mendota, San Joaquin Valley, CA. Signs on the pole indicate the positions of the land surface in 1925, 1955, and 1977. The land sank 30 feet in 52 years. Ground Water in Space and Time Groundwater Hydrograph •Seasonal water level fluctuations reflect variations in precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration. •Periods of rising water levels indicate recharge Thurston County Mean Balancing Withdrawal and Recharge • to avoid the problems of falling water tables, subsidence, and compaction, many towns use artificial recharge to increase recharge; natural floodwaters or treated industrial or domestic wastewaters are stored in infiltration ponds in the surface to increase the rate of water percolation into the ground Ground water chemistry • One of the most important natural changes in groundwater chemistry occurs in the soil. Soils contain high concentrations of carbon dioxide which dissolves in the groundwater, creating a weak acid capable of dissolving many silicate minerals Ground Water vs Surface Water Quality • GW quality, temperature and other parameters are less variable over the course of time than SW • Range of groundwater parameters encountered is much larger than for surface water, e.g., total dissolved solids can range from 25 mg/L in some places in the Canadian Shield to 300 000 mg/L in some deep saline waters in the Interior Plains. • At any given location, groundwater tends to be harder and more saline than surface water. • It is also generally the case that groundwater becomes more saline with increasing depth, but again, there are many exceptions. Ground water and geology • Ground water is also important quite apart from its value as a resource or its close connection with surface water supplies. • Ignoring the effect of ground water on slope stability can be both costly and dangerous. • The fluid pressures exerted by ground water, for example, play an important role in the occurrence of earthquakes. • Geologists also know that the movement of water through underground geologic formations controls the migration and the accumulation of petroleum and the formation of some ore deposits. Ground water as energy source • Ground water may be used as a source of heat. Ground source heat pumps are receiving increased attention as energy efficient commercial and residential heating/cooling systems. Although initial costs are higher than air source systems – due to the additional costs of the underground installations – the much greater energy efficiency of ground source systems makes them increasingly attractive. • Research into the use of geothermal water has been carried out in a number of institutions across Canada. The City of Moose Jaw has developed a geothermal heating system for a public swimming pool and recreational facility. Carleton University in Ottawa already uses groundwater to heat and cool its buildings. The Health Centre complex in Sussex, New Brunswick has been utilizing an aquifer for thermal energy storage since 1995. Hydraulic fracking • 2 million to 4 million gallons of water per well, as well as a variety of chemicals—some of them toxic—to reduce friction, prevent corrosion, and kill bacteria in the well. • 2 million to 4 million gallons of water, as well as a variety of chemicals—some of them toxic—to reduce friction, prevent corrosion, and kill bacteria in the well. • After tapping the well, fracking chemicals are pumped out along with any naturally occurring water. This “flowback” water is often temporarily stored in open-air pits that, while lined, can leak or overflow during heavy rains. GAS WELL • Shale gas deposits are far deeper than freshwater aquifers, reducing the potential for groundwater contamination from fracking chemicals, there have been incidents of aboveground chemical spills and gas leaks into well water • One NAS study in PA and NY found higher concentrations of methane in water wells within 1 km of gas wells. • No evidence of fracking fluids • Few studies, much contention • Uses large amounts of water to inject chemicals Washington urls • htm King County Groundwater • oundwater/resources.html WA DOEGW assessment • WA DOE- well logs