To What Extent Can Biogenic SOA be Controlled? Annmarie Carlton, Rob Pinder, Prakash Bhave, George Pouliot CMAS – Chapel HIll, NC Office of Research and Development National Exposure Research Laboratory Atmospheric Modeling Division, Research Triangle Park, NC April 9, 2015 Important Findings CMAQ Simulations indicate anthropogenic pollution enhances predicted biogenic SOA concentrations in the U.S. substantially ~ 50% –Effects are largest in eastern U.S. –POC and NOx are largest individual pollutant classes contributing to overall biogenic SOA 1 MOTIVATION Non-fossil (biogenic) carbon is a dominant component of atmospheric organic aerosol Substantial portion of PM2.5 carbon is ‘modern’ even in urban areas (Lewis et al., 2004; Szidat et al., 2006; Bench et al., 2007; Gelencsér, et al., 2007) Tracer-based ambient SOA ‘measurements’ dominated by contributions from biogenic hydrocarbons (Edney et al., 2003; Kleindienst et al., 2007) Ambient WSOC, AMS OOA spectra and other indicators of SOA correlate strongly with tracers of anthropogenic pollution (Weber et al., 2007; de Gouw et al., 2005; Goldstein et al., 2009) If anthropogenic pollution is enhancing biogenic SOA how can this contribution be quantified? 2 Anthropogenic/Biogenic Interactions in SOA Formation POA SOAA SOAB SOAA SVOC anthropogenic VOCs POA SOAB SVOC oxidants SVOC SVOC oxidants biogenic VOCs controllable emissions non-controllable (e.g., anthropogenic VOCs) (e.g., biogenic VOCs) H+ effects not shown 3 Estimating Anthropogenic Contribution to “Biogenic” SOA • Difficult to directly measure in the atmosphere –O3, OH ambient measurements – no insight as to whether the precursor was anthropogenic or biogenic –PM mass - can make estimates only about organic precursors with detailed chemical analysis • Can investigate large scale trends and relationships with an atmospheric model (CMAQ) by manipulating emissions 4 accumulation mode organic PM cloud water monoterpene AORGC ATRP1, ATRP2 dissolution SV_TRP1 SV_TRP2 AOLGB sesquiterpenes ASQT or NO3 POA SV_SQT AISO1, AISO2 AISO3 ∙OH SV_ISO1, SV_ISO2 O3,O3P, or NO3 Pathways do not contribute to SOA Non-volatile 5 EMISSIONS VOCs EMISSIONS EMISSIONS isoprene H+ glyoxal methylglyoxal EMISSIONS ∙OH,O , 3 ∙OH Modeling experiment • Simulation of August 15 - September 4, 2003 • Continental US • Time period has high biogenic contribution to SOA • Emissions: controllable versus not controllable Not Controllable Wildfire Prescribed burning VOCs from plants / trees Soil NOx Lightning NOx Controllable Everything else: Power plants Vehicles Agricultural burning Area sources 6 Percent of emitted species from controllable and uncontrollable sources controllable sources – gray uncontrollable sources - white 7 Carlton et al., ES&T (2010) Biogenic SOA at the Surface (<~34 m): 18 day average Base CMAQ simulation all emissions Fraction of biogenic SOA from controllable pollution non-controllable emissions = biogenic emissions + wildfires + prescribed burns fraction 8 Results averaged from Aug. 18th – Sep. 4th, 2003 Carlton et al., ES&T (2010) Difference in predicted biogenic SOA mass concentrations Maxima for time period Average for time period On Average ~ 1 ug/m3 of Biogenic SOA in SE is (All Sources - Biogenic Only) from controllable sources • Additional simulations to estimate effects and contributions of individual species • POC, NOx, VOC, SO2, NH3 9 To control biogenic SOA – what should regulators focus on? • What emitted species are most important? • What locations are most impacted? • Group the anthropogenic emissions into – VOC: Volatile Organic Carbon – POC: Primary Organic Carbon Particles – NOx • Remove one of these species at a time • Calculate change in biogenic SOA 10 Regional Influence of Controllable Emissions on “Biogenic” SOA Controllable POC Controllable NOx Controllable SO2 11 Surface (<~34 m) Concentration; 18 day average Change in population-weighted AQ metrics 12 Cloud SOA 2003 Monthly-Averaged CMAQ Results at RTP 13 Cloud SOA Precursors glyoxal methylglyoxal 2003 Monthly-Averaged CMAQ Results at RTP 14 Cloud SOA Precursors ∙OH SOA formation is photochemistry 15 Conclusions • Used CMAQ to estimate fraction of biogenic SOA that is controllable. • In the Eastern US, ~50% of the biogenic SOA can be controlled by reducing anthropogenic emissions • To reduce concentrations of biogenic SOA, focus on –primary organic carbonaceous particles (POC) and NOx –SO2 impacts biogenic SOA in the southeastern US • Cloud-produced SOA exhibits seasonal cycle similar to ∙OH and biogenic VOCs 16 Acknowledgements • Sergey Napelenok • Marc Houyoux • Alice Gilliland • Rohit Mathur • Golam Sarwar • Ed Edney, Tad Kleindist, John Offenburg, Michael Lewandowski • Charles Chang & Ryan Cleary 17