TCE And the endicott New York Superfund Site

Shari Weiss
Phd Student
Walden University
Dr. Thron, Course Instructor
Winter 2011
 In
1997, IBM reported a spill of methyl
chloroform (EPA, 2010)
 IBM had a hydrogeologic report done that
indicated a “higher than expected plume”,
including TCE (EPA, 2010).
 In 2002 the NYS DEC ordered IBM to do a
comprehensive assessment of contaminant
vapors in surrounding areas
 Participants
will learn about what
Tetrachlorethene (TCE) is
 How TCE impacts Health
 The Endicott, New York Superfund site and
what it means to you
 Research and Recommendations
 Where to get more information
 Vapor
Contaminants had migrated to area
 This includes buildings in the Village of
Endicott and Town of Union
 TCE is the pollutant of most concern
regarding indoor air (EPA, 2010).
 In 2004, site reclassified as a class 2
Superfund site
 Tetrachloroethene=TCE
 Volatile
Organic Compounds=VOCs
 Health Consequences=“cancer, organ
damage, and/or birth defects” (NYSCEC,
 No formal regulations for evaluating TCE
exposure, only suggested guidelines
 A 2005 Health Statistics Review reported
increased rates of testicular and kidney
cancer, as well as heart birth defects
 In
2009 3 researchers conducted a study on
the impact of TCE on the immune system
(Cooper, Makris, & Jinot)
 Studies with mice indicated lupus like
symptoms after exposure to TCE
 Human studies are limited
 Some recent studies indicated a “causal
relation between exposure and disease”,
 Skin irritation and liver issues
2010 a long term study of NASA research
facilities and vapor intrusion was published
 TCE was present in groundwater
 TCE levels analyzed were higher indoors than
 This study demonstrates how TCE can be
effectively measured if it is present due to
vapor intrusion
 Demonstrates how groundwater
contamination can result in vapor intrusion
 Despite
scientific evidence-lots of
controversy and debate
 No real standards, only proposed limits
 Hard to accurately measure
 More research needs to be done
 Study published by Brenner (2010) is
 Monitoring-testing
costs between $2000$3000 annually (NYSCEC, 2006)
 Mitigation-installing specialized venting
systems to eliminate TCE costs from $1000$30000 depending on the complexity of the
structure, and could be higher (NYSCEC,
 Over time, mitigation costs are equal or less
than annual testing
installed mitigation systems in all
buildings within the “plume” in the village of
 Viewed as being responsible in vapor
mitigation management
 Use
of current technology to mitigate
 Liquid Boot© Gas Vapor Mitigation System
 Spray on Barrier
 Can be used on existing and new construction
 The
NYSCEC (2006) recommends the
DOH establish exposure limits based on lowest
levels studied.
DOH and DEC implement mitigation where TCE
vapor intrusion is detected and confirmed
If someone lives or works in a building near a
site, they can request indoor air testing
Cleanup of a site should be done as quickly and
“aggressively” as possible
Continuing education of communities
Find out if you live in the impacted “plume”
 Request information from the Broome County
Department of Health
 Ask for your building to be tested and/or
mitigated for TCE
 Information available at:
 Review the Citizen Participation Action Plan at:
Brenner, D. (2010). Results of a Long-Term Study of Vapor Intrusion at Four Large
Buildings at the NASA Ames Research Center. Journal of the Air & Waste
Management Association (1995), 60(6), 747-758. doi:10.3155/1047-3289.60.6.747
Cooper GS, Makris SL, Nietert PJ, Jinot J, 2009 Evidence of Autoimmune-Related
Effects of Trichloroethylene Exposure from Studies in Mice and Humans. Environ
Health Perspect 117(5): doi:10.1289/ehp.11782. Retrieved from:
CETCO Remediation Technologies. Liquid Boot© Gas Vapor Mitigation System.
Retrieved from:
Environmental Protection Agency (2010). Region 2 Home. IBM Corporation-Endicott.
Retrieved from:
New York State Assembly Committee on Environmental Conservation,(2006). Vapor
Intrusion of Toxic Chemicals: An Emerging Public Health Concern. Final Report.
NYS DEC (2008). Citizen Participation Action Plan for Endicott Area Environmental
Projects. Retrieved from: