T.R.A.I.L. Presentation 9/17/12

Transportation Recreation
Alternatives In Louisiana
Presentation Outline
What is TRAIL – Mission & Vision
What is the Lafayette Metropolitan Planning Organization
Time Line
Economics of Recreation
TRAIL a sustainable non-profit - Events
TRAIL Projects (website)
Atakapa-Ishak Trail in Detail (website)
TRAIL Mission & Vision
TRAIL is a non-profit organization dedicated to building and maintaining parks, hiking trails, bike trails and
other recreational infrastructure. Development of the infrastructure is how TRAIL promotes it motto of the 4
E’s: Experience, Educate, Exercise and Enjoy. These facilities encourage people to get outside Experience
their environment, gain more Education about their environment and health, have more opportunities for
exercise and better Enjoy their community. TRAIL is working to build better communities that promote healthy
lifestyle options, appreciation for the native environment, and a more desirable place to live, work and visit.
The vision of TRAIL is to be the catalyst to help build, maintain and promote the use of bike paths, walking
paths, running paths, kayak trails and parks. TRAIL works alongside various governments, individuals and
businesses to make these facilities a reality. TRAIL would assist in financing projects through searching for
grant opportunities, raising funds through events, and soliciting sponsorship.
What is a Metropolitan Planning
Organization and its functions?
A metropolitan planning organization (MPO)
is a transportation policymaking organization
made up of representatives from local
government and transportation authorities. The
Federal Surface Transportation Assistance Act
of 1973 required the formation of an MPO for
any urbanized area with a population greater
than 50,000. MPOs were created in order to
ensure that existing and future expenditures
for transportation projects and programs were
based on a continuing, cooperative and
comprehensive (3-C) planning process.
Federal funding for transportation projects and
programs are channeled through this planning
Metropolitan Transportation
Planning Process
Time Line
Bikeway Technical Subcommittee to MPO
Concept of an entity that would become T.R.A.I.L. developed
Red’s triathlete group talks about a Mardi Gras event and the Lundi Gras Bar-A-Thon is born fund raiser and is carried out
every year since.
TRAIL legally organized
TRAIL partners with Alzheimers Association to put on several events bike rides, runs and volleyball tournaments.
TRAIL establishes an account with Community Foundation of Acadiana specifically for the construction and maintenance
of the Atakapa-Ishak Trail. Plans to establish future project specific accounts as warranted.
Andre’ Mitchell joins TRAIL plans to become future Board Member
Hire Kat Crappel & Tony Bonomolo join TRAIL as independent contractors
Submission of 1023 to attain 5010c(3) recognition
•Promotes Healthy Living
•Provides Entertainment
•Provides Economic Acitivity
•Provides Economic Means of Transportation
Economic Impact of Recreation in Your Community
• A 1998 study found that lots adjacent to the Mountain Bay Trail in
Brown County, Wisconsin (NW of Green Bay) sold faster and for an
average of 9% more than similar property not located next to the Trail.
• In the popular Outer Banks of North Carolina, a onetime investment
of $6.7 million of federal, state and local funds in new trails has created
1,400 jobs and now pays back $60 million a year.
• The median paddler group spent $215 per trip in, local communities.
Non-locals spent an average, of $46 per person per day. The majority of
local, expenses were made in communities adjacent to the waterways.
• “Given that recreation-based nonmetropolitan counties have
experienced three times the rate of net migration as compared to
nonmetropolitan areas as a whole, rural communities endowed with
natural amenities will likely experience growing local demands on
service and retail businesses”
• Consumer’s Survey on Smart Choices for Home Buyers finding that
trails ranked the second most important amenity out of a list of 18
• Blueways also tend to encourage economic development and tourism
through the enhancement and promotion of the existing river resources.
• A study of users of the Fox River Trail (Green Bay) showed 39% of
responding businesses indicated increased business as a result of the
Fox River Trail.
• Tourists seeking natural-resource-based settings, tranquility, and
adventures have affected rural economies by injecting new dollars into
local businesses supporting local tax bases and creating increased
demands for locally available land, labor, and capital. With regard to
recreational use of natural resources tourist expenditures create local
demands for traded goods and services, thus creating jobs and income
for local residents”
•According to a USDA Economic Research Service study, rural
counties able to attract “creative class” businesses enjoy job- growth
rates higher than even metropolitan counties. According to the study,
two qualities sought by creative class workers are “active streets scenes
and outdoor recreation opportunities”—both of which are fostered when
people are given the option of safe walking and biking facilities.
• By promoting minimum-impact practices, water trails embrace the
"Leave No Trace" code of outdoor ethics that promote the responsible
use and enjoyment of the outdoors.
• Each of the 9,000 homes within one-half mile of the Monon
(Indianapolis, Indiana) trail enjoy an estimated sales premium of
$13,059, amounting to a $116 million increase in property values
associated with the presence of the Monon Trail.
• For every $1 paid to canoeing outfitters customers spent $5 for gas,
groceries, restaurants, campgrounds and other lodging. Seventy canoe
liveries in Florida generate $38.5 million per year.
• An Australian study found that those who walked for recreation for
more than 8.6 minutes per day were 72% more likely to report better
physical health and 33% more likely to report better mental health, than
those who walked less.
Tammany Trace
Minimize impact
Build environmental &
cultural awareness
Provide positive
experiences for both
visitors & hosts
Provide direct financial
benefits for conservation
Provide financial benefits
& empowerment for local
10,000 visitors
per month
TRAIL Sustainable Business Model
In order to be a self sustaining organization that does not rely on membership or grant
monies to support the administrative overhead, T.R.A.I.L. puts on several events that
encourage exercise and the utilization of the bike trails, running/walking trails and
parks that TRAIL assists in building and maintaining. Some of these events are:
• Cajun Country 1/2 Marathon & 10k Trail Run
• Cajun Challenge Bicycle Ride
• Lundi Gras Bar-A-Thon
• Volleyball Tournaments
• Riding Armadillo Scavenger Hunt (RASH)
• Spring Festival Ride
How To Get Involved & Stay Informed
Facebook Group search TRAILs4LA
• Facebook Events Page
• Scott Schilling: 337-781-9416 scott@LAtrail.org
• Kat Crappel: Kat@LAtrail.org
• Tony Bonomolo: Tony@LAtrail.org
• Andre’ Michell: 337.254.7460 andre@LAtrail.org