I. Soil Environment Conservation Act II. Soil Monitoring Policy III. Contaminated soil management IV.Future Policy direction I. Soil Environment Conservation Act I-1 History of soil environment policy I-2 Structure of soil environment conservation Act I-3 System of soil environment management I-1 History of soil environment policy 1995 ~ ~ 1980 1 1 2 Early Phase (Before 1980) 3 2000 2004 2009 - Farmland-centered soil management policy for increase of production - Soil contamination occurred such as excessive uses of soil and chemicals - Little understanding of soils, absence of soil policy 2 Growth Phase (1980 ~ 1994) - Development of heavy chemical industry → Serious soil contamination - Run soil measuring networks - Conduct soil contamination survey throughout the country('87) I-1 History of soil environment policy 1995 ~ ~ 1980 1 3 2 Development Phase (After 1995) 3 2000 2004 2009 - Establish Soil Environment Conservation Act(’95.1), Decree and Regulations(’96.1) - 2000 : Tighten up the law on Prevention of soil contamination and remediation · Integrate regulations for Petroleum storage facilities · Establish the management guideline · Add more contaminants(11 → 16) · Introduce the regulation of soil environment assessment (ESA) · Establish the Detailed Soil survey guidelines - 2004 · Reporting of soil contamination and Enrollment of soil remediation business · Introduce verification of remediation and risk assessment articles - 2009 · Add more contaminants(16 →21) and Subdivide area(2→3) · Tighten up the remediation regulation I-2 Structure of soil environment conservation Act General Provision Regulation on soil contamination Designation/Management of specific region Purpose Reporting soil contamination Level for designation of specific region Definitions Supervision of specific facilities Establishing management plan Establishing basic plan Soil survey Project for improving soil quality Soil contamination level Remediation of contaminated soil Restriction on using land and activities Measuring Network Verification Compensation for loss Risk assessment Cancellation of designation Soil environment assessment Strict liability Specialized agencies/ Remediation business Supplementary provisions Designation of special agency Execution by proxy Cause for Disqualification Assistance from relevant organizations Prohibition on a subsidiary businesses State subsidy Revocation of designation Report and examination Standards for administrative disposition Hearing Delegation of powers I-3 System of soil environment management Survey & Remediation responsibility Nation Survey Private Remediation Polluter pays principle - Soil measuring network (Regional MOE) - Actual state soil survey (City, province) - Soil contamination survey - Soil environment assessment Polluter, Owner, Occupant, Operator I-3 System of soil environment management Legal management system of soil contamination Soil measuring networks Actual state survey Soil contamination survey Below worrisome level No action needed -Area exceeding worrisome level -(Available to exceed worrisome level due to accidents) Over worrisome level Detailed soil survey Below worrisome level -Area exceeding worrisome level -Area needed response activities Article 15: Orders to take preventive measures -Improvements in or relocation of facilities Article 17: Designation of areas requiring response for soil conservation -Restrictions on use of relevant material -Response level (Decree Article 12) -Notice of the location -Remediation of contaminated soils Execution of order Direct remediation: military facilities (below 50m3) Commissioned remediation: - Execution of order: 2 year (2 extension available) - Report to government - Government’sverification Not executed At most 2 years imprisonment Or a fine of $ 10M Article 18, 19, 20, 21: Formulation and execution of response plan -Project to improve contaminated soil -Plan to use the land -Notice of the location I-3 System of soil environment management Organization of soil management MOE (Masterplan for soil conservation) Ministry of Knowledge Economy Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry of National Defense National Emergency Management Agency NIER (R&D for soil conservation) Local Environment Office (Soil survey & Manage agencies) Local government (Manage specific facilities, soil survey and remediation) - K eco - Survey agencies - Associations related to soil environment - KEITI - Agencies for leakage test - Environmental NGOs - KEI - Soil remediation businesses - Other business groups II. Soil Monitoring Policy II-1 II-2 II-3 II-4 Soil Measuring Network Actual state soil survey Soil contamination survey for specific facilities Management of vulnerable area II-1 Soil Measuring Network Measuring Degree of soil contamination (Article5) For the purpose of surveying the actual nationwide state of soil contamination the Minister of Environment shall establish a measuring network and measure the degree of soil contamination at all time Organization Ministry of Environment (1,521) 7 Local Environment Office (Regional MOE) Han River Basin (285) Nakdong River Basin (190) Wonju Office (193) Geum River Basin (228) Daegu Office (243) Youngsan River Basin (262) Jeonju Office (120) II-1 Soil Measuring Network Guideline (Procedure) Soil sampling 0 ~ 15 cm below ground level(Field, Paddy field etc.) Sampling at the depth of contamination source placed Record all about sampling (Location number, sampling depth, date etc.) Analysis and Report the results ※ Samples must be kept for 1 year at laboratories Guideline (Analysis items) Land Categories Field, Paddy Field, Orchard, Woodland, Ranch, Parks, Amusement, Sports, Riverside and School Road, House, Factory, Railroad and Multipurpose Items Heavy metal(8) Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Cr+6, Zn, Ni General(2) CN, Organophosphorus* * For Field, Paddy field, Orchard and Sports Other(1) pH Heavy metal(8) Cd, Cu, As, Hg, Pb, Cr+6, Zn, Ni General(7) PCBs*, CN*, Phenols*, TPH, BTEX, F, TCE*, PCE* * For factory and multipurpose Other(1) pH II-2 Actual state soil survey Measuring Degree of soil contamination (Article5) For the purpose of surveying the actual nationwide state of soil contamination the Mayor/Province governor shall conduct an actual state of soil survey in the area under his jurisdiction, which is feared to suffer soil contamination Framework City, County, District Check the area feared to suffer soil contamination Survey the actual state of soil contamination Notify the survey plan(February) 16 local Research Institutes of Public Health and Environment Report the survey results(December) Report the detailed soil survey results(Next June) City, Province Make the survey plan Notify the survey results(Next March) Report the survey plan(February) Report the survey results(Next January) Report the detailed soil survey results(Next July) Ministry of Environment Make and announce a survey procedure Put all the reports together and estimate the results II-2 Actual state soil survey Guideline (Procedure) Site visit & Select survey area Area feared to suffer soil contamination(16 categories) Industrial area, metal smelting area, Waste dumping/incinerating area, etc. Make a priority list and report the survey plan Sampling and analysis ※ Samples must be kept for 3 years at laboratories Report the results supervise following step for the area over worrisome level Minimum survey area by region (2,000 sites) Seoul Busan Daegu Gwangju Daejeon Incheon Ulsan Kyungki 102 85 92 63 69 78 65 250 Gangwon Chungbuk Chungnam Jeonbuk Jeonnam Kyungbuk Kyungnam Jeju 167 134 152 140 153 235 165 50 II-3 Soil contamination survey for specific facilities Owner’s duty on management of specific facilities Report on Facilities Subject to Control of Specific Soil Contamination Install the facilities to prevent soil contamination Examination of Soil Contamination Examination of the level of Leakage (Every 8 year after 10 years) Examination of the level of Soil Contamination (Every 1 ~ 5 year) Number of specific facilities in Korea(2009) Petroleum Total (2009) Toxic materials Total Gas station Industrial facilities Etc (Heating facilities) 22,643 316 22,327 15,135 4,295 2,897 II-4 Management of vulnerable area Abandoned mine areas - From 1992, soil contamination survey and mine reclamation work have been conducted at abandoned mine areas because environment contamination becomes social issues - Soil contamination survey has been conducted at 936 mine areas among total of 2,089 mine areas - Make a master plan to manage area around Abandoned mine(2004) Total 4,681 Types of Mine Coal Mine Metal Mine Non-metal Mine 394(151) 2,089(936) 2,198 - Asbestos mine Total 90 Types of Mine Asbestos Mine Asbestos related Mine 38(15) 52 - MOE and MKE(Ministry of Knowledge and Economy) conduct a detailed survey II-4 Management of vulnerable area Industrial complex - From 2004, soil contamination survey has been conducting at 25 industrial complexes that have high possibility of contamination - Targeting 25 national and local industrial complexes that have over 1 Mm2 and 10-year-old - Since 2004, survey for 20 complexes has been completed - Survey Procedure Review relative data Check the site condition (Document, Interview, etc.) (Storage tanks, wastes, etc.) Conduct survey (Sampling, Analysis, etc.) Estimation (Extent of contamination, Remedial methods, etc.) II-4 Management of vulnerable area USFK granted lands - Soil and groundwater contamination survey has been conducted at USFK granted lands that are under operation or return - Since 2004, 52 USFK granted lands have been surveyed and 18 camps are returned and under remediation - Since 2008, surroundings of 28 USFK granted land have been surveyed III. Contaminated soil management III-1 Detailed soil investigation III-2 Verification of soil remediation III-1 Detailed soil investigation Purpose - Area soil contamination recognized - Delineate the extent and volume of contamination Procedure Phase I Data Review, Site visit, etc. Phase II Check contaminants and contaminated area Phase III Detailed soil survey to delineate the contamination - Topsoil & Subsoil survey - Determine sampling density by targeted area - Groundwater and River(stream) survey - Prevention of contamination and recommend remediation methods Responsible party should conduct the detailed soil investigation in 1 year III-2 Verification of soil remediation - When soil remediation is undergoing, the process and the completion of verification has to be conducted(Article 15-6) - Remediation framework with verification Ministry of Environment Manage the remediation results Report the completion City, County, District Report the survey results Report the remediation plan Report the verification results Polluters Contract for detailed survey Survey Agency Make a contract Soil remediation business operator Perform remediation Completion Ask verification Report the verification plan Report the results Report of verification results Make a verification plan Process verification Completion verification IV. Future policy direction II-1 Risk Assessment II-2 Prevention of Soil erosion II-3 Soil Bank IV-1 Risk Assessment Risk Assessment (Article15-5) Minister of Environment, Mayor/Province governor, or responsible parties shall assess the extent of risk affecting human bodies and environment considering contaminants, surrounding conditions, plan for land use, etc and determine remediation extent and time to finish Subject area - Remediation on national property - Remediation on the land impossible to identify the responsible parties or unable to remediate by the responsible parties - Remediation on naturally contaminated land Procedures Make a plan and Report to MOE Review the plan (MOE) Verify the results & Public opinions Notify the results to the public (>20days) Monitoring soil Condition in every 2 yrs IV-2 Prevention of soil erosion Top soil erosion survey (Article 6-2) Minister of Environment shall survey soil erosion to figure out the top soil condition for managing soil as resources - Top soil contains lots of organic matters and nutrition - Unable to restore - Need to strengthen managing soil resources - Vulnerable topography in soil erosion - About 50 M ton/yr (28M in Crop field, 22M in Forestry) IV-3 Soil Bank Designation of soil bank (Article15-7) Minister of Environment shall designate soil bank in case that it is necessary to clean up efficiently gathering soil in an area (national property) - To remediate efficiently and recycle the remediated soil Our Precious resources for the next generation Thank You