Staff Presentation template (size 7.2 MB)

Reducing energy waste
Good for us, great for the environment
• Why we use energy
• Energy use in Ireland
• Energy use and the environment
• Reducing energy waste at home
• Reducing energy waste at work
Why we use energy
• Most of the energy we use in Ireland comes from fossil fuels, oil,
coal, peat and gas
• Energy keeps our homes warm, production lines running and our
public services delivering
Energy use and the
• Energy use from fossil fuels
(coal, oil, gas) releases CO2 , a
greenhouse gas, which can
influence our climate over a
period of time
• The average person in Ireland
will cause the release of about
10 tonnes of CO2 every year
Energy use in Ireland
• We import almost
90% of our
primary energy
• Irish consumers
export almost
€6bn from our
economy buying
energy from
Over half of Ireland’s electricity is generated from imported gas,
but sources are drying up, in 2020 Russia will be the main
Reducing energy waste at home
• Where does the energy go?
Reducing energy waste at home
• This is a 2 bar electric fire
– Each bar uses approximately 1 kWh
of energy if left on for one hour
Reducing energy waste at home
• Consider measuring your ‘live’ energy use
– Easy to install meters give instant feedback on
energy consumption and costs
Reducing energy waste at home
Power of One: Case Study
The Brennan Family
Saving €110 per year
Reducing energy waste at home
Replace 5
with 5 compact
fluorescent lamps
and you will save
this 1000kg pile of
Reducing energy waste at home
Space heating
Power of One: Case Study
The Meehan Family
Saving €680 per year
Reducing energy waste at home
Power of One: Case Study
The Heffernan Family
Saving €332 per year
Reducing energy waste at home
• Invest to save
– Appliances: Only buy ‘A’ rated energy labelled products
– Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs): These use a fraction of the electricity of an
ordinary light bulb and last up to 10 times longer.
– Insulation: Insulating your attic and walls could save you 30-40% on your home
heating bill. Visit for information on the Better
Energy Homes scheme grants that can help.
– Heating System Upgrade: The Better Energy Homes scheme will also grant aid
high efficiency boilers and heating control improvements.
Reducing energy waste at home
• Invest to save
– If you want to do even more for the environment think about how your energy
needs could be met through renewable sources.
– Solar energy(the sun)-for space and water heating
– Geothermal (heat from the ground)-heat pumps for space and water heating
– Biomass(woodchip and pellets)-boilers and stoves for space and water heating
– Wind powered turbines (the wind)- for electricity generation
– Hydro electric power (moving water in rivers)- for electricity generation
Reducing energy waste at home
• For more detailed information
on home energy saving go to:
Get your free copy of this
guide for Householders
Reducing energy waste at work
• Reducing energy waste at work is about delivering the same service
or activity but using less energy
• This involves looking out for opportunities to save energy in our day
to day activities
Reducing energy waste at work
Business Implications
• Competitiveness
– Reducing costs, staying in business, cash flow savings
• Security of supply
– Price security
• Environmental Protection
Increasing legislation (Best available techniques, carbon tax etc)
Emissions Trading (EU ETS)
Integrated Pollution and Prevention Licences (IPPC)
Building Energy Rating (BER)
Energy Using Products Directive
Energy Services Directive
Reducing energy waste at work
Exactly the same principles as at home
• Reduce loads on the power systems
• Switch off equipment when its not needed, at the end of the day or
over lunch breaks, this includes lights, compressed air generators,
heating and cooling etc.
• Suggest your own ideas!
Reducing energy waste at work
• Example: Medical insurance Group, Pacificare, developed an
energy awareness campaign for its 380 staff in Letterkenny and
saved 15% of its annual energy costs.
– The only investment was €55 on two plug-in energy watt-meters
One thing leads to another...
and at work
reduce energy waste
at home
for a better
environment for