Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing Radiation
Ionizing radiation consists of
subatomic particles or electromagnetic
waves that are energetic enough to
detach electrons from atoms or
molecules, ionizing them.
Ionizing Radiation
Alpha Particles: consist of two protons
and two neutrons bound together into a
 Beta Particles: Beta particles are highenergy, high-speed electrons or positrons
emitted by certain types of radioactive
 Gamma Rays: Gamma rays are short
wavelength electromagnetic radiation, not
Ionizing Radiation
◦ Alpha Particles: Sheet of paper
◦ Beta Particles: Plastic shields
◦ Gamma Rays: Lead of a certain thickness
Ionizing Radiation
There are four standard ways to limit exposure:
◦ Time: Limiting or minimizing the exposure time will reduce
the dose from the radiation source.
◦ Distance: Radiation intensity decreases sharply with
distance, according to an inverse square law.
◦ Shielding: Barriers of lead, concrete, or water give effective
protection from radiation formed of energetic particles
such as gamma rays and neutrons. The effectiveness of a
material in shielding radiation is determined by its halve
value thicknesses, the thickness of material that reduces
the radiation by half.
◦ Containment: Radioactive materials are confined in the
smallest possible space and kept out of the environment.
Inverse Square Law
I1 = Intensity 1 at D1
I2 = Intensity 2 at D2
D1 = Distance 1 from source
D2 = Distance 2 from source
Inverse Square Law Example
The radiation exposure to a person was
measured at 5 mR/hour of gamma
radiation when the source was located a
distance of one foot away. Increasing the
distance to two feet would result in an
exposure of how many mR/hour?
Non-ionizing Radiation
Extremely Low Frequency Radiation (ELF)
Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radiation at 60 HZ is produced by power lines, electrical wiring,
and electrical equipment.
Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation
Microwave radiation (MW)
Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation
Microwave radiation (MW) is absorbed near the skin, while Radiofrequency (RF) radiation may be
absorbed throughout the body.
Sources of RF and MW radiation include radio emitters and cell phones.
Infrared Radiation (IR)
The skin and eyes absorb infrared radiation (IR) as heat.
Sources of IR radiation include furnaces, heat lamps, and IR lasers.
Visible Light Radiation
The different visible frequencies of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum are "seen" by our eyes as
different colors.
Excessive visible radiation can damage the eyes and skin.
Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) has a high photon energy range and is particularly hazardous because
there are usually no immediate symptoms of excessive exposure.
Lasers typically emit optical (UV, visible light, IR) radiations and are primarily an eye and skin hazard.
Applicable OSHA Standards
General Duty Clause 5(a)(1)
 Ionizing radiation falls under a variety of OSHA standards
◦ 1910.1096 , Ionizing radiation (general industry).
◦ 1926.53 , Ionizing radiation (construction).
◦ 1915.57 , Uses of fissionable material in ship repairing and
shipbuilding. Ionizing radiation requirements for ship repairing
and shipbuilding activities.
◦ 1910.120 , Hazardous waste operations and emergency
response. This HAZWOPER standard contains requirements
relating to ionizing radiation at hazardous waste sites.
◦ 1926.65 , Hazardous waste operations and emergency
response. This HAZWOPER standard for the construction
industry; also contains requirements relating to ionizing
radiation at hazardous waste sites.
OSHA Directives
Memorandum of Understanding Between
the OSHA and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. CPL 02-00-086 [CPL 2.86],
(1989, December 22).
◦ Delineates the authorities, responsibilities, and
other activities between OSHA and NRC for
occupational health and safety at radiation sites.
OSHA Coverage of Ionizing Radiation
Sources Not Covered by Atomic Energy Act
of 1954.
◦ STD 01-04-001 [STD 1-4.1], (1978, October 30).
OSHA Standards Cover
Exposure limits
 Employee Monitoring
 Warning signals
 Signage
 Material storage
 Incident notification/reporting