Donald Roussel - Enhancing Partnerships in Support of the Maritime

Enhancing Partnerships in Support of the Maritime
Sector: An Overview of Transport Canada Initiatives
20th CMC Towboat Conference
May 25, 2013
Transport Canada Marine Safety and
Security Overview
• Our goal is to have a safe, secure, efficient and environmentally
responsible marine industry in Canada.
• Some key activities TCMSS is involved in to achieve these goals:
– Develop, administer and ensure compliance with regulatory regime for marine
safety, security and pollution prevention
– Perform Port State Control and Flag State Control inspections, cargo inspections
– Oversee marine training programs for officers and crews of commercial ships
– Oversee marine pilotage matters
– Maintain the Canadian Register of Vessels; license small commercial vessels and
pleasure craft
– Help industry comply with regulatory requirements through awareness, education,
certification, inspection and enforcement
Marine Safety Partnerships
• Partnerships are an important part of how we achieve our
• Shipowners and classification societies
– Delegated Statutory Inspection Program
• Alternative Service Delivery
– New policy takes effect January 2014
– Risk-based inspections of Canadian vessels 24 metres and above
– In most cases certificates will be obtained from authorized third
– Creates a more efficient certification regime for stakeholders
– Harmonizes Canadian certification regime with those of other
maritime states
– Allows TCMSS to target areas of highest risk
Marine Safety Partnerships
• Partnering to develop standards
– In early 2013, TCMSS published the Guidelines for the
Construction, Inspection, Certification and Operation of Tugs
< 24 Metres in Length (TP 15180)
– Currently we are reviewing the Standards and Guidelines for the
Construction, Inspection and Operation of Barges that Carry Oil in
Bulk (TP 11960)
• Consultative approach through CMAC
Marine Safety Partnerships (cont’d)
• Marine training schools
• TC oversees training for seafarers across Canada:
Administers the policy and regulatory framework
Develops standards and accredits training institutions
Monitors compliance
Coordinates with industry
Marine Security Partnerships
• Measures to prevent unlawful interference with the marine
transportation system
– Marine Transportation Security Clearance Program
– Joint Canada-US Port State Control pilot project
– Integrated Cargo Security Strategy
• Domestic partners: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Security
Intelligence Service, Canada Border Services Agency
• International partners: United States Coast Guard, Transportation
Security Administration, US Customs and Border Protection
Marine Security Partnerships (cont’d)
• Further measures to prevent unlawful interference with the marine
transportation system
– Maritime resilience planning
– Marine Security Operation Centres
• Domestic partners: Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Canadian Security
Intelligence Service, Canada Border Services Agency, Department of
National Defence, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canadian
Coast Guard
• International partners: United States Coast Guard, Homeland Security,
Transportation Security Administration, US Customs and Border
Partnerships for Environmental Protection
and Responsible Resource Development
• Ballast Water Inspection Program
– Partners: United States Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
Canadian and US St. Lawrence Seaway Corporations
• Contributing to Responsible Resource Development
– Partners: Natural Resources Canada, Environment Canada, Major
Projects Management Office
• Promoting the marine sector benefits all Canadians
• Safe, secure, efficient, environmentally responsible
• Cooperating with our partners helps promote the sector and advance
our common interests
• TCMSS remains committed to the continuing success of this important
Contact Information
Donald Roussel
Director General
Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street
11th Floor, AMS
Ottawa ON K1A 0N5