preservation planning - Portland State University

Historic Area Planning in the Process of Urbanization
Experience of the Historic
Preservation in Portland, Oregon
Deng, Qi Vice Chief Planner
Homedale Institute of Urban Planning & Arch. Design
Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design
E-mail: Mobile: +8613910851344
Historical resources not be copied and are non-renewable.
Rapid urbanization and industrialization destroy the historic
look of the town.
Contradiction between conservation and development.
USA historic preservation key words: Grant, Law, Executive
Orders & Regulations, Standards & Guidelines, Tax Incentives.
in the technical aspects of historic preservation, there are
many similarities between China and the United States, but
the way of operation and implementation mechanisms vary
greatly. Many of them are worthy of studying.
National Legal
Points of Interest: The National Register Process, Tax
Incentives, Zoning Code Preservation Incentives,
Historic Design Reviews
The Case of Portland and Beijing, And Sentiment
Interpretation of national law level
China:《PRC Cultural Relics Protection Law》(2002), 《Preservation
Ordinance of Historical and Cultural City, Town and Village》(2008).
USA: “National Historic Preservation Act of 1966".
Original legislative mind:
same, emphasize inheritance and carry forward the national spirit.
preservation, inheriting, research, patriotism and tradition education,
spirit, living part of community life, are being lost or substantially altered,
benefits will be maintained and enriched for future generations of
Americans, genuine opportunity to appreciate and enjoy the rich heritage,
assist economic growth and development;
Interpretation of national law level
《Cultural Relics Protection Law》: involves various types of
historical relics and heritage, historic cities, towns and the
individual buildings. Determining the classification and the
corresponding construction and control regulations.
Responsibilities: withdraw, penalties, sanctions
《Preservation Ordinance 》:is the declaration and
approval requirements, preservation planning requirements,
ensuring of scientific, democratic and open. Protection steps
requirements, related penalties for breaking the regulations.
Interpretation of national law level
“National Historic Preservation Act” established a
registration system of national historic sites. Also sets
funding for states for the mapping of historic buildings,
preservation planning, national historic sites login system
nomination, and for the purchase and protection of historic
buildings; set up a special agency to oversee
implementation – Historic Preservation Advisory Committee.
Interpretation of national law level
The content in the laws on financial support and public
participation, “Cultural Relics Protection Law” does not
involve; “Preservation Ordinance ” refers to: broad
consultation, may hold hearings. Owners being responsible
for the maintenance and repair. Local governments should
give maintenance and repair grants and take measures to
protect. the planning should be open. Strengthen the
scientific, democratic and open force, and strengthen the
government management and responsibility.
Interpretation of national law level
“National Historic Preservation Act” for heritage designation,
incentives, funding policies and the participation of the whole
process are addressed:
to give maximum encouragement to organizations and
individuals undertaking preservation by private means;
encourage the public and private preservation and utilization
of all usable elements of the Nation's historic built environment.
National Legal
Points of Interest: The National Register
Process, Tax Incentives, Zoning Code
Preservation Incentives, Historic Design
The Case of Portland and Beijing, And Sentiment
Historic Preservation Planning
Protection Planning difference 保护规划编制的差异
Chinese preservation planning is a top-down system, focusing
on physical space form research and its environmental
elements protection. American preservation planning pay
much attention to the social, economic form research,
Through the preservation planning to achieve the effect of the
popularization and promotion, raising public awareness of the
identity of the preservation concepts, like other planning,
getting the public involving in the entire protection planning
Tax Policy
Some of the historic property tax incentives in 1976 and 1981
stimulate the re-use of the historic property, while eliminate
any benefit compensation for building demolition. 1981
"Economic Recovery Tax Act" is the economic incentives for
further strengthening the re-use of historic buildings.
Income of the tax credit 20%: The Federal Historic
Preservation Tax Incentives program offers a 20% tax credit
for the rehabilitation of income-producing historic structures.
10% Tax Credit: The 10% tax credit is available for the
rehabilitation of non-historic buildings placed in service before
Tax Benefits for Historic Preservation Easements
Financial Incentives for Historic Preservation
 Federal Historic Tax Credits
 Oregon Historic Special Assessment (SHPO)
 Preservation Easements (HPLO)
 Preserving Oregon Grants (SHPO)
 Save America’s Treasures Program (NPS)
 National Trust for Historic Preservation Programs
 Miscellaneous Programs
 List of Oregon Charitable Foundations
GOAL 5: Natural Resources, Scenic & Historic
Areas, and Open Spaces----Oregon
• To protect natural resources and conserve scenic and
historic areas and open spaces Local governments shall
adopt programs that will protect natural resources and
conserve scenic, historic, and open space resources for
present and future generations. These resources promote
a healthy environment and natural landscape that
contributes to Oregon's livability.
• maintain current inventories of
resources: Historic Resources;
• Planning
• Implementation
Historic Resources and Preservation in Portland
500 historic landmarks;
2 National Historic Landmarks;
12 conservation landmarks.
14 historic districts,
7 conservation districts.
are designated by the Portland
Historic Landmarks Commission.
Portland is a "Certified Local Government" (CLG), the City of Portland
participates in a preservation partnership with the Oregon State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO) and the National Park Service (NPS).
The National Register nomination process for individual properties and
districts may be initiated by citizens, property owners, or local, state and
federal governmental bodies.
Historic Resources Inventory: In 1984 the City of Portland completed and
adopted a citywide inventory of more than 5,000 properties that were
determined to have potential historical and architectural significance
Portland Historic Resources Zoning Regulations
Types of Historic Resources
 Historic Landmarks, Conservation Landmarks
 Historic Districts, Conservation Districts
 Properties Listed in the Historic Resources Inventory
Historic Designation Processes
National Register Listing
City of Portland Historic Designation Process
Local Historic Designation Removal Process
New listings in the Historic Resources Inventory
Historic Design Review
architectural style; structure placement, dimensions, height, and bulk; lot
coverage; building materials and color; and other factors. ensures that:
 Special historical, cultural, and architectural features;
 New development and changes enhance the surrounding area;
 New development enhances the environment for pedestrians.
Portland Historic Resources Zoning Regulations
Zoning Code Preservation Incentives:
Special zoning provisions, or incentives, encourage new historic designations and
increase the potential for historic resources to be used, renovated, and preserved.
Transfer of density and floor area ratio (FAR).
Additional density in Single-Dwelling zones
Additional density in Multi-Dwelling zones
Daycare in residential zones.
Conditional uses in R, C, and E zones.
Exemption from minimum density.
Nonresidential uses in the RX zone.
Nonresidential uses in the RH, R1 and R2 zones.
Commercial allowances in Employment and Industrial zones.
Commercial allowances in the Central City IG1 Zone.
Incentives in the Guild’s Lake Industrial Sanctuary District.
Demolition or Relocation of Historic Resources
Building Codes: Special Provisions for Historic Buildings
Area Character
Project Design
The guidelines for Historic District are intended to guide
exterior alterations of existing buildings (including additions)
and new construction. The guidelines are designed to maintain
and preserve those qualities that make the Historic District a
unique historic neighborhood.
Impression of Portland City
National Legal
Points of Interest: The National Register Process, Tax
Incentives, Zoning Code Preservation Incentives,
Historic Design Reviews
The Case of Portland and Beijing, And
Case 1: Re-Presenting the Post-Industrial Neighborhood:
Planning and Redevelopment in Portland’s Pearl District
Provides an excellent example of processes associated with
the creation of a post-industrial urban neighborhood. The
redevelopment of this area demonstrates a conscious attempt
to create a specific conception of urban place vital to Portland’s
image as the capital of good planning.
Case 2: “New world” & Tianzifang in Shanghai
"New World" in the original tradition of the old Shanghai based on the “Linong" style
block conversion, according to the traditional style of housing has been completely
renovated for restaurants, bars, cold stores, gift shops, small hotels, clubs and other
purposes, just as a "new world“ in the central downtown of the city
Tianzifang fully retain the original old buildings, and even retained the original together
with the old and messy. Successful commercial development here has a good market
environment and lively popularity, bustling, together with restaurants, bars, cold stores,
gift shops, bookstores and other small commercial activities.
Case 3: Zhaitang town center planning and the West
Zhaitang Village historic preservation planning
This Village is adjacent to the town
central business district,
it can learn and use these
favorable resources of the
business center to improve village
it can use their house to selfmanage to increase villagers'
the transformation and
construction in the village can
develop its own characteristics,
make itself become an idiomatical
village with a certain business
value, and also an important part
of the township.
Case 3: Zhaitang town center planning and the West
Zhaitang Village historic preservation planning
Have done preservation planning and the preparation of the transformation
of knowledge construction handbook
Planning the implementation details to develop, including: management
system, legal system, residents participation system, financial management
system, the approval process ,supervision and inspection, reward.
But the works for the project are not taken seriously. The Government's main
focus is how to get money. Unfortunately, because it does not have the legal
status of historic village. not all available funds for preservation, according to
the audit system, lot of the funds can not be used for preservation
implementation. And no consideration of public participation and related
Case 3: Zhaitang town center planning and the West
Zhaitang Village historic preservation planning
Implementation way: Zhaitang is not a popular area of ​real estate
development, the main distribution function is mountain tourism. Differential
rent of land is low, the profitability of real estate development with the history
of the village can not support the repair of construction and infrastructure.
What can be learned?What can not learn?
1) The technical level ---- are norms and methods: easy to learn, to innovate,
and to change the inherent norms
2) Institutional background levels---- not easy to learn, but can be tried.
Institutional innovation is more difficult, involving the social, political and
economic problems in the field, some will be sensitive issues related to
3) Cultural background levels---- hard to learn, even can not learn. Chinese
social democratic system is heading the direction of progress. Western
democratic ideas, as early as in ancient Greece, has been formed, at that
time, Chinese 2,000 years feudal society had only just begun. This is not a
question of ideology, this is a cultural issue.
What can be learned?What can not learn?
1. Tax Credit : difficult to achieve. U.S. local government tax revenue
comes from a large real estate holding tax, and the Chinese local
government revenue mainly from one-time transfer of the land transfer.
Which is why the government's focus is always on the development
projects. The greater the amount of demolition, the greater the amount
of reconstruction and development, so that they can expand the
amount of construction, promote economic growth and tax revenue.
Preservation not only to reduce the sources of tax revenue, but also the
need to increase financial input. Therefore, local governments and
developers like to build a new demolition of the old. If the tax system
does not change, historic preservation will be very difficult to promote.
What can be learned?What can not learn?
2. Sound historical register system, designation of preservation district.
Need preserved from the law to a particular sub-areas, forcing
governments and developers in the urban development process, in
accordance with the law to protect historic districts.
3. Land revenue of preservation district: preserved district can not be largescale fully developed, the conversion of land ownership can not be
brought land revenue, it cut off the finance on the land of preserved
district. In this case, the benefits of the preserved district land should be
transferred to the land's inhabitants, it has the premises of the assets, so
as to enhance the value of preserved district , through the market, follow
the principle of protection, to promote small-scale protection.
What can be learned?What can not learn?
4. Historic preservation district and historic buildings, according to
preservation planning into the control planning, while giving the
appropriate encouraged indicators to land and buildings: the transfer of
remote indicators; transfer of density and floor area ratio (FAR), special
construction standards; given the construction of practical use in
preservation areas, reflecting the economic value, encourage historical
construction of business operations and employment.
5. Deepen preservation planning, need full research and development of
social and economic power preservation areas, publicity and public
6. Improve the Historic Design Review system, the development of detailed
specifications, manuals and other technical documents.
Thank you for attention
Welcome to China, appreciation and study our history and
culture, like our historical and cultural elements in every city.