Neighbourhood Development Plans } Statutory

Neighbourhood Plans
Dave Chetwyn
Managing Director, Urban Vision Enterprise CIC
Planning Adviser, Locality
Vice Chair, National Planning Forum
Chair, Historic Towns Forum
Planning Chair, Civic Voice
Localism Act
Elements of Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood Planning
Neighbourhood Development Plans
Neighbourhood Development Orders
Community Right to Build Orders
Planning Permission
Deciding to Produce a Neighbourhood Plan
Benefits of Neighbourhood Plans
Statutory status – greater influence over planning
Focus on neighbourhood rather than district
Can modify Local Plan policy.
Possible influence on other council activities.
Opportunity to specify which sites will be developed.
Begins a dialogue with a range of organisations.
Can encourage community projects and self-build
Making the Decision
Support Available
Project Plan
What, when, who, costs
Scope and Content
One policy
Comprehensive set of policies
What difference do you want to make?
What in the Local Plan to you want to modify?
No point in just repeating what the Local Plan says.
Local Policy
Regional Spatial Strategy
Local Plan
Core Strategy
Supplementary Documents
Area Action Plans
Neighbourhood Development Plans
Statutory Development Plan
The Basic Conditions
The Basic Conditions
Have appropriate regard to national policy.
Contribute to the achievement of sustainable
Be in general conformity with the strategic
policies in the development plan for the local
Be compatible with EU obligations.
In addition, NDOs and CRtBOs must have
regard to the protection and enhancement of
listed buildings and conservation areas.
Getting Started
Neighbourhood Area
Determining the Area
What is a neighbourhood – criteria?
Publicise the process
Core neighbourhood / optional areas
Speak to people in different parts of the area
Contact local groups
Discuss with local authority
Identify clear physical boundaries
Possible Approaches
Resident association area(s)
High Street/local centre and environs
Housing estate
University and environs
Town centre/City centre
Administrative boundaries
Conservation area
Business park
Getting the Area Designated
• map of area
• statement explaining the area
• statement on body making application
Business Areas
Designated by local authority
Area has to be wholly or
predominantly business in nature
Allows business people to vote in
Qualifying Bodies
Town or Parish Council
Neighbourhood Forum
(areas with no parish council)
5 Year duration
Requirements for a Neighbourhood Forum
Express purpose of promoting or improving the social,
economic and environmental wellbeing of an area that
consists of or includes the neighbourhood area concerned
Membership open to:
People living in the area
People working in the area
Elected members for the area
Minimum of 21 members from above groups
Reasonable steps to secure one of each.
Membership drawn from different places in the area.
Purpose reflects the character of the area in general terms.
Getting the Forum Designated
name of proposed neighbourhood forum;
written constitution;
name of neighbourhood area and map;
contact details one neighbourhood forum member;
statement on neighbourhood forum.
Democratic Legitimacy
Parish/Town Council
Neighbourhood Forum
Elected Body
Self-appointed body
Election every 4 years on
wide range of issues
Need to reflect diversity,
character and inclusivity of
Community Engagement
(Broad range of issues and detail)
(Yes/No on entire plan)
Community-led Plans
Qualifying Body
Key stakeholders
Wider community
Duty to Support
• Making data and maps available.
• Identifying key local strategic policies from the
Local Plan.
• Advising on relevant national policies/guidance
• Sharing information on key contacts,
stakeholders, etc.
• Making available venues and helping to arrange
community engagement activities.
• Checking the plan prior to formal submission.
• Providing professional/technical support, such as
assistance in laying out and illustrating a plan and
writing plan policies.
• Providing members for neighbourhood forums or
more informal working groups.
• Setting up a neighbourhood planning web page
on the local authority’s website.
Evidence Base
Why is the Evidence Base Important?
Understanding the area
Identifying issues
Identifying need
Identifying trends
Identifying pressures
Informing policy and proposals
Making realistic assumptions
Things You Need to Know
Demographic – current and trends
Socio-economic data and trends
Environmental issues – flooding, air quality, etc.
Designations (heritage, landscape, wildlife, etc.)
Transport – services, capacity, usage
Infrastructure – capacity, fitness for purpose, need
Housing – stock (type, tenure, condition), need
Land uses, development sites
Building the Evidence Base
Proportionate approach
Don’t get overwhelmed!
Recent and robust
Use Local Plan evidence base
Seek help
Involve other organisations
Existing Evidence
The LDF, including core strategy
Other local authority plans and strategies
Socio-economic data (e.g. census)
Technical reports (land, flooding, etc).
Transport studies
Strategic Housing Market Assessments
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments.
Conservation area appraisals
Buildings-at-risk surveys and
Landscape character studies.
Statutory list (listed buildings and scheduled ancient monuments)
Details of other environmental protection designations (TPOs, SSSIs, etc.)
Plans from other public bodies or statutory undertakers.
Community plans, parish plans and village design statement.
Libraries, archives, web sites.
Neighbourhood-Level Evidence
Business surveys
Vacancy / floorspace survey
Available sites survey
Land values
Housing needs survey
Housing condition survey
Audit of community facilities
Building for Life Assessment
Transport linkages
Stakeholder engagement
(statutory undertakers, schools, etc.)
Transport capacity analysis
Traffic / pedestrian flow surveys
Heritage audit
Conservation Area Appraisals
Local Lists
Urban Design Analysis
Open space survey & analysis
Engaging with the Community
Why Community Engagement is Important
Statutory requirements (including in Localism Act)
Developing political consensus
Developing the evidence base (front loading)
Better informed outcomes
(community know their own place best)
Realistic and deliverable plans/policies
Maintaining public confidence and support
Avoiding conflict, delay, cost
Democratic deficit
Statutory Requirement
Publicise the neighbourhood area (6 weeks)
Publicise the neighbourhood forum application (6 weeks)
Pre-submission consultation (6 weeks)
Submission of plan publicity (6 weeks)
Profile and Awareness Raising
Local Partnerships
Third Sector – disabled, BME, aged, civic, environment, etc.
Private Sector – chamber of trade/commerce, etc.
Education – School council, university, etc.
Public sector – councils, health bodies, etc.
Consultation Comes First!
Capacity Building
Everyday Experience
Specialist Knowledge
Minimal Capacity Building
Intensive Capacity Building
Participation or Tokenism
Access to Specialist Support/Enabling
Relevant, Stimulating and Fun!
Being Realistic – Managing Expectations
What Not to Do
The stand-in-the-library approach
The talking at people at a public meeting approach
The consultant-producing-options approach
The publish-and-defend approach
The boring-people-to-a-point-of-unconsciousness approach
The people-are-too-stupid approach
The outcomes-predetermined approach
Key Points
Statutory development plan – about the use and development of land.
Parish/community-led – you produce the plan
You decide on the scope of the plan
Need for a robust and proportionate evidence base and
Early and effective community engagement is essential
Must meet the Basic Conditions.