Webinar starts at 3:00 pm Cost perception about GREEN BUILDINGS IS GREEN EXPENSIVE OR OUR TRUE NEED TO SUSTAIN ??? Presented By Mala Singh Green Entrepreneur & Sustainability Advisor If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 MALA SINGH MANAGING DIRECTOR PEC SOLUTIONS GREEN DESIGNS PVT. LTD. . NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER INDIAN GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL . GREEN BUILDING COMMITTEE MEMBER FORESTS & ENVIRONMENT DEPT. – GOVT OF GUJARAT . HEAD CONVENER – GREEN GOVERNANCE (GOVT) MUMBAI CHAPTER – IGBC . GROUP SUSTIANBILITY ADVISOR SKIL PORTS & LOGISTICS LTD. . GREEN BUILDING & SUSTAINABILITY ADVISOR DEVELOPER GROUPS & INFRASTURCTURE COMPANIES If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 Millions of years ago several planets came into existence but it was our planet Earth which decided to give LIFE and Beautiful LIVING to several species and so became MOTHER EARTH. “ WE HAVE ONLY ONE EARTH ” If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 POPULATION DEMAND INDUSTRIAL GROWTH URBANISATION CONSUMPTION OF NATURAL RESOURCES GLOBAL WARMING & CLIMATE CHANGE If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 Buildings: An essential sector in climate change Mitigation Through creation of intelligent green buildings With estimated 60% of global energy consumption, the operation of buildings contributes more to energy use and climate change than either transportation or industry. To meet the emerging climate change and carbon challenge the human settlement needs retrofitting. Buildings have to be planned & designed with an holistic and integrated approach, so that they contribute in enhancement of the City environment, Greenery, Energy & Water efficiency, Human comfort, Quality of life. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 INDIA’S NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR CLIMATE CHANGE 1. National Solar Mission – To increase the share of solar energy and other renewable and non-fossil based energy sources 2. National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency – To promote energy efficiency through star labelling system and energy conservation building code (ECBC). 3. National Water Mission - By 2050 it states that India is likely to be water scarce thus National Water Mission thus aims at conserving water, minimizing wastage and ensuring more equitable distribution through integrated water resource management. 4. National Mission for a Green India - It builds on the Prime Minister’s Green India campaign for afforestation of 6 million hectares and the national target of increasing land area under forest cover from 23% to 33%. 5. National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change - To work with the global community in research and technology development and collaboration through a variety of mechanisms and, in addition, will also have its own research agenda supported by a network of dedicated climate change related institutions and universities and a Climate Research Fund. The Mission will also encourage private sector initiatives for developing innovative technologies for adaptation and mitigation. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING MOVEMENT IN INDIA To promote Green Building Movement In India, Indian Green building Council & GRIHA are the leading organizations. Various rating systems (IGBC) 1. IGBC Green Homes Rating 2. LEED India CS 3. LEED India NC 4. IGBC Green Township 5. IGBC Green SEZ 6. IGBC Green Factory Rating 7. IGBC Landscape rating 8. IGBC existing building rating GRIHA (TERI) – SVA GRIHA, GRIHA RATING, LARGE Development rating If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SOME OF The IGBC CERTIFIED PROJECTS If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SOME OF THE CERTIFIED BUILDINGS BASED ON GRIHA APPROACH IN INDIA If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 Cost of green ? There is no “one size fits all” answer to the question of the cost of Green. Green Buildings can be done with high or low cost both. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 INTEGRATED APPROACH & PLANNING FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN (SUSTAINBILITY IS NOT BELOW IN THE – LINE ITEM ) • Do you think “Integrated Approach & Planning for Green building design” leads to escalate the project cost??? • Answer is “NO” • In fact, this approach minimizes the regulatory risk & also support Climate Change mitigation measures. • This approach also add value in the project by providing long term paybacks & benefits in terms of energy & water savings • This approach also defines “Social Responsibility” & contributes in the Sustainable Development & Green Economy. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 INTEGRATED APPROACH & PLANNING FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN (SUSTAINBILITY IS NOT BELOW IN THE – LINE ITEM ) • As per various Global studies, it was proved that Green Buildings do not require additional cost, if design project team have thorough knowledge of Green & Sustainable parameters, have the capability to incorporate & integrate these features in the planning stage of design. • The perception of additional cost remains in the mind set of those people, who consider sustainability parameters as additional features in the project. • When establishing a design and a budget for a Green Building, the key point to remember is that “Sustainability is a program issue”, rather than an added requirement. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 INTEGRATED APPROACH & PLANNING FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN (SUSTAINBILITY IS NOT BELOW IN THE – LINE ITEM ) The first question in budgeting should not be “How much more will it cost?,” but “How will we do this?” This must be done as early as possible in the project and it must be considered at every step of design and construction. This is done by: • Establishing team goals, expectations & expertise (Architect, Env. Planner, MEP experts, landscape, Site Analyst etc.). We need the complete team on board to start design • Including specific goals in the Program • Aligning budget with program. • Staying on track through design and construction Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that sustainability is not a below in the-line item. (Need to be treated “First Thought” in the mind) If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SYNERGY OF COST WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & DESIGN REGULATIONS IN INDIA There is no doubt that better understanding of Environmental Policy & applicable design regulations for each region in India, to incorporate specified sustainability parameters of the policy & regulations in the planning stage itself leads to define the exact cost of the project planned. Hence there is no point of additional cost. • Under EIA notification 2006 of MoEF, Environmental Clearance is mandatory for all construction projects (more than 20,000 sq.mt BUA). If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SYNERGY OF COST WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & DESIGN REGULATIONS IN INDIA The following sustainability parameters have been covered as mandatory part of project design & implementation in India. • Site Planning as per NBC (retaining topography, landscape, soil erosion measures etc.) • Design Planning as per NBC (climatology/ orientation) • Energy Management & design (ECBC/ BEE – building envelope & Energy Efficient technologies) • Water Management & design (NBC, BIS, IS, CPCB) • Material Management (fly ash notification of MoEF, procurement of Green materials) • Construction Management Plan & Compliance monitoring reports is a part of regulatory frame work. **Note – The above parameters are prescribed in the mandatory conditions of Environment clearance issued. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SYNERGY OF COST WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & DESIGN REGULATIONS IN INDIA In fact, it is also clearly defined in the prescribed Environmental conditions that “Occupancy Certificate” should not be issued to the project until all Environmental Infrastructure & Sustainability parameters have not been installed, commissioned & validated by the Local Corporation bodies. Need & Challenges: • Lack of Environmental Policy awareness in the architectural education system (induction of legal policy & Green parameters in the Education syllabus) • Intent of Developers to implement the required mandatory norms on the ground (paybacks & benefits understanding required. Govt. incentives schemes may encourage the same) • Lack of expertise (Trainings need to be provided to the execution team) If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SYNERGY OF COST WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & DESIGN REGULATIONS IN INDIA Some of the states have already initiated incentive schemes for their regions to encourage Sustainability….. • Gujarat Govt. has mandatory RWH policy, Solar policy, & integrated water management facility for recycling & reuse of waste water. Also provides Rs.9.47 for 1 unit of electricity generation under the export policy of Renewable Energy directly connected with grid, it’s a long term payback (Monthly). • Thane, Maharashtra has mandatory solar water heater policy & provide tax benefits & various other Green parameters. • Tamil Nadu has also well defined solar policy & subsidy/ incentive benefits. RWH(Refund policy), Penalties are also well defined. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 SYNERGY OF COST WITH CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY & DESIGN REGULATIONS IN INDIA • In Bangalore water Supply & sewerage board proposes tax rebate on RWH filters. (Relaxation of VAT for key components used in the installation). Other tax rebates in the implementation of renewable energy. • The UERC (Uttarakhand electricity Regulatory commission) rebate is paid in addition to the central government investment subsidy, which is 60% of the SWH benchmark costs. • PCMC (Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation) rebate in property tax & builders premium for Green buildings. (GRIHA rated), MNRE incentives to GRIHA rated projects. • 0.25% concession in the interest rate by State Bank of India for home loans. • Faster Environmental approvals for IGBC & GRIHA Pre- certified projects. Still Govt. needs to streamlined the incentive policies for all the states from Central & Regional level to encourage implementation of Sustainability parameters. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 INTEGRATED APPROACH & PLANNING FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN (SUSTAINBILITY IS NOT BELOW IN THE – LINE ITEM ) CONCLUSION Incorporation of all sustainability parameters defined as per legal regulations (EC) in the design planning itself leads to create an integrated design approach & also complement the requirements of Green Building norms in the project design, reduce the regulatory risk & keep no option for “adoption of green” separately. Hence legally compliant projects have no additional cost. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY Can we assume a building without any opening, where there is no outer connectivity? – “No” What we need? – An adequate material in the building opening, which can allow us to view the outer world & also reduce heat gain – i.e. “GLASS” • Glass is an excellent green material, if used intelligently. Certain glasses like solar control glasses can reflect heat or UV rays and maintain optimal temperature inside the building. They let in great amount of natural lights to energize the interiors. Thus glass in buildings substantially reduces the need for artificial lighting and allows daylight to light the interiors. It leads to achieve higher energy efficiency in the Green Buildings. • It can be used in residential & commercial structures both. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY For the selection of appropriate Glass suitable to a specific design of a building depends upon following parameters. • Climate zone– 5 climatic zones of India as per NBC • Building orientation – Maximum openings/larger façade should be in north & south and buffer spaces in the west & east. • Wall Window ratio – The ratio of vertical fenestration area to gross exterior wall area. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY • • • SHGC – the ratio of solar heat gain entering the space through the fenestration area to the incident solar radiation, typically ranging from 0.9 to 0.1 where the lower value indicate lower solar gain U value – Heat gain due to temperature difference is expressed by U-Value of a glass. It is the amount of heat transferred (loss/gain),due to a temperature differential of 10C between inside and outside per square meter. Shading design – to reduce insolation & heat gain like pergolas, chajjas, jallis, overhangs, green wall or plantation on east & west sides. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY Baseline Criteria for IGBC Green Homes as per version 2.0 (Ref: Annexure 1) Energy performance approach (Modeling & simulation) Fenestration – SHGC value Climate Zone Maximum SHGC Value WWR (less than 20%) WWR (20 to 30%) WWR (more than 30%) Composite 0.5 0.42 0.36 Hot & Dry 0.5 0.42 0.36 Warm & Humid 0.5 0.42 0.36 Moderate 0.6 if window to wall 0.48 0.4030% Glazing U- value (applicable only ratio {WWR} more than Coldall climate zones maximum 0.8 0.80 For U value for baseline is 5.7 W/m2k.0.80 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY Prescriptive Criteria for building Envelope Measures as per IGBC Green Homes version 2.0 (Ref: Annexure - 2) Fenestration – SHGC value Climate Zone Maximum SHGC Value WWR (less than 20%) WWR (20 to 30%) WWR (more than 30%) Composite 0.38 0.32 0.27 Hot & Dry 0.38 0.32 0.27 Warm & Humid 0.38 0.32 0.27 Moderate 0.50 0.40 0.30 Cold 0.8 0.8 0.8 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY Prescriptive Criteria for building Envelope Measures as per IGBC Green Homes version 2.0 (Ref: Annexure - 2) Glazing U – value Climate Zone Max. U value WWW less than 30% Min. U value WWW more than 30% Composite 3.3 2.8 Hot & Dry 3.3 2.8 Warm & Humid 3.3 2.8 Moderate 3.3 2.8 Cold 3.3 2.8 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY As per ECBC Compliance ( applicable to GRIHA & MoEF guidelines for building envelope) Vertical fenestration U factor & SHGC Requirements ( U factor ) Climate Zone WWR less than 40% WWR between 40% - 60% Maximum U – factor Maximum SHGC Maximum SHGC Composite 3.30 0.25 0.20 Hot & Dry 3.30 0.25 0.20 Warm & Humid 3.30 0.25 0.20 Moderate 6.90 0.40 0.30 Cold 3.30 0.51 0.51 If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 GREEN BUILDING & GLAZING COMPLIANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DESIGN & COST EFFICIENCY Glass with low U value & low SHGC gives good energy performance in tropical climate whereas a glass with low U value and high SHGC gives good energy performance in the cold climate. Tangible & Intangible benefits of glass: Intangible Benefits: • Psychological connection to the outside world. • Reduce visual fatigue • Improve health & Increase productivity Tangible Benefits: • Comfortable lighting conditions/ reduction in the load on lighting power • Daylight sensor reduce the artificial lighting needs & increase the life of fixtures. • Low U value & low SHGC reduces the heat ingress resulting into decrease in HVAC load & energy consumption. • Glass has recycled content & provide regional materials credits • In LEED, Glass contributes 4 points & in GRIHA it has great impact on criterion 13 & 14 (to reduce conventional energy demand & to optimize energy performance of the building). ** Note – Comprehensive Energy Simulation studies with the help of all the stakeholders leads to reap the maximum benefits. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 ES AND POST OCCUPANCY PRACTICES FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN Do you think Sustainable construction practices increase the cost??? “NO” In fact, these practices will keep the site healthy, will not disturb the ecosystem & will minimize the impact of project activities on the Environment, also conserve & preserve natural resources, this will lead to increase in the productivity & healthy/safer environment for construction workers & site project team. • • • • Construction Management Plan needs to incorporate the conditions & guidelines to comply all sustainable practices required as per Green Building norms (MoEF guidelines may also be referred) Contractors terms & conditions should be updated accordingly. Responsibility needs to be identified for the implementation & monitoring of the compliances on site. Action plan should be executed & monitoredIf youcontinuously . are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 ES AND POST OCCUPANCY PRACTICES FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN DURING CONSTRUCTION (Practices need to defined as per specific site conditions) Mulching Tree transplantation Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Cleaning of tyres Excavated fertile soil (storage & reuse) Silt Fencing If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 ES AND POST OCCUPANCY PRACTICES FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN DURING CONSTRUCTION….. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Personal Protective equipments Drinking water facility Adequate lighting Handling construction Waste First Aid Facilities Day care crèche If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 ES AND POST OCCUPANCY PRACTICES FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN POST CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES …… Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Waste collection at each dwelling unit Organic waste converter Waste collection in common area Vermicomposting If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 No Smoking ES AND POST OCCUPANCY PRACTICES FOR GREEN BUILDING DESIGN GREEN EDUCATION Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 LING , THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Do we need to focus on “My Individual Benefit” or “Community Benefit” for better Tomorrow ??? Its for all….. People, Planet & Profit To the Building occupants • Lower operating cost (Electricity & water bills) • Enhance quality of life • Healthy environment & happiness To the Builders • Faster approval from the Government. • Brand Building under CSR program If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 “GREEN” FULFILLING , THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT To the Environment • Reduction in demand of natural resources • Reduction in GHG emission (Global Warming & Climate Change) • To enhance the Green cover. To the community & Nation • Powerful economic development tool for sustainable communities & growth. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220 We need to change our perception of “Green is expensive” to “Green is the need of the hour” for better tomorrow & good quality of life.Lner Mala Singh , (Green Entrepreneur) Founder & MD PEC Solutions Green Designs Pvt. Ltd. If you are unable to hear the speaker please dial 1800 102 1300/ 044 6688 0220