Urban Sustainable Mobility Policies in Italy

The policies for urban sustainable mobility and
the evaluation of environmental benefits
Final Conference CiteAir II
Rome 24th June 2011
Arch. Giovanna Rossi
Direction for the Sustainable Development, Climate and Energy
Ministry of Environment, Land Protection and Sea
Prorities for the sustainable mobility
In 2010 the Ministry of Environment has defined a proposal of priorities
for sustainable mobility in Italy, made by the following measures:
 Rules to limit the circulation of cars and commercial vehicles in urban central
areas (Limited Traffic Zones, regulation of parking areas)
 Increasing of regional railway transport systems, promoting the intermodality
and integrated tickets
 Increasing, especially around big cities, the use of railways and sea for transport
of goods
 Renewal of fleets of buses and commercial vehicles
 Increasing the production of electric vehicles and fuelled with LPG or methane,
promoting the research in the field of biofuels
 Increasing the use of bicycles and integrated service of local public transport, as
car sharing anf bike sharing
Goals of policies of urban sustainable mobility
 Reduce the air and acoustic pollution
 Reduce the consumptions of energy
 Reduce the greenhouse gases emissions, as CO2
 Increase the road safety
 Reduce the traffic congestion
Fund for the Sustainable Mobility 2007-2009
From 2007 to 2010 the Ministry of Environment has funded 187 projects of
106 munipalities for a total of 200 millions of Euro, on specific measures of
sustainable mobility, as:
 Renewal of fleets of buses of urban public transport service
 Realization of parking areas, promoting the intermodality with public transport
 Realization of pedestrian areas and cycle paths
 Realization of services of infomobility
 Starting of integrated service of public transport, as bike sharing and car sharing
 Starting of services of distribution of goods in urban centre with ecological
 Realization of gates to control the Limited Traffic Zones (LTZ) in urban centre and
the reserved lanes to the circulation of buses and taxi
 Starting of initiatives of mobility managers of public bodies and businesses
Fund for the Sustainable Mobility 2007-2009 - Duration of the
programme and environmental benefits
187 projects funded (70% of total eligible costs), started beginning from
2008 to 2010, average term for each project is 36 months, the conclusion
of the entire programme is expected by 2014
For each project the municipality co-funded has indicated the expected
benefits in terms of reductions of air pollution for the following pollutants:
CO, NOx, PM10, VOC, CO2.
The municipalities have indicated the methods to estimate the
reduction of air pollution through specific indicators, each estimate has
been expressed in terms of Kg of pollutant reduced / year
The analysis of environmental benefits
of projects
Analysis fulfilled from MATTM: Distribution of co-funded projects for
measure, and identifying of relevant environmental indicators for each
measure, on the basis of information indicated by municipalities
In general, for each project have been identified:
 Direct effects, consisting in the increase of km covered with
ecological vehicles
 Indirect effects, consisting in the reduction of km covered with other
motorized means of transport
Indicators for the environmental evaluation of the projects co-funded from
MATTM (Initial analysis)
 Number of passengers/km covered with means of public transport
(reserved lanes to the public transport, increase of public transport and
 Emissions avoided with the substitution of older buses with new ecological
ones (renewal fleet of public transport)
 Number of km avoided without the use of private cars and commercial
vehicles (all measures cofunded)
 Number of km covered with services of car sharing, bike sharing (integrated
services to the public transport)
 Number of km covered with bicycles on cycle paths (cycle paths)
Indicators for the environmental evaluation of the projects co-funded from
MATTM (Initial analysis)
Some data that need for the elaboration of indicators:
 filling rate of buses
 rate of substitution public transport/private cars
 number of vehicles that cannot circulate into LTZ
 number of new buses purchased and average of km covered in a
 filling rate of intermodal parking areas
number of bicycles of the bike sharing services, number of km of
cycle paths
The evaluation of state of the art of policies of urban mobility:
the survey of Ministry of Environment
MATTM is elaborating a survey, oriented to the municipalities cofunded
with Fund for the Sustainable Mobility, to know the state of the art of
mobility urban planning in the municipalities and general information about
the mobility system in the specific cities.
The survey is made by the following sections: general data about population
and municipal area, mobility urban planning, information about performance
of urban public transport, policies to limit the vehicular circulation in central
areas (LTZ), planning of intermodal parking areas, cycle paths, information
about injuries in urban area
The environmental impacts of mobility: two levels of evaluation
At first analysis, the check of impacts of urban sustainable mobility policies
need two levels of evaluation:
 Analysis of effects due to the system of mobility in an urban area, and
consequently analysis of vehicular flows, availability of parking areas, cycle paths,
railway transport, etc… of the specific interested area.
 Analysis of effects due to a specific measure of urban sustainable mobility,
whose elaborations (methods of calculation) can be adopted indipendently from
the context of the specific interested urban area (example: Analysis of number of
subscriptions to the car sharing service)
In particular, this second one analysis is important to support the evaluation of the
efficacy of the use of financial resources allocated to a specific measure (and related
projects) of urban sustainable mobility
Teamwork on sustainable mobility at Conference for
State-Cities and Local Autonomies (7th december 2010)
Teamwork made by Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of
Interior, National Association of Municipalities and Local Authorities, with the following
• Share the priorities on the policies of urban sustainable mobility
• Share the indicators for the environmental evaluation of measures of
urban sustainable mobility
• Promote the exchange of best practices for the management of policies of urban
sustainable mobility
• Promote the dissemination of results of Teamwork, through a specific National
Conference on Sustainable Mobility
Thank you for the attention
Giovanna Rossi