1 FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 2 SLOVAK REPUBLIC FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 5 500 000 inhabitans 3 Family carers in Slovakia: CLUB OF LARGE FAMILIES Large families 4+ children Families with disabled child (member) FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 4 Partners Goverment Parliament NGO soup Actual problems Family carers CLUB OF LARGE FAMILIES FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 5 Definition of Family carer A family carer is “ a non-professional person who provides primary assistance with activities in daily life, either in part or in whole, towards a dependent person in his / her immediate circle. This regular care may be provided on a permanent or non permanent basis and may assume various forms, in particular: nursing, care, assistance in education and social life, administrative formalities, co-ordination, permanent vigilance, psychological support, communication, domestic activities, etc. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 6 In Slovakia, a term Family carer officialy does not exist Slovak legislation is using: • Natural person caring for disabled person (state provides financial support for caring); • Nurse (home nurse) doing home services; • Personal assistent (state provides financial support for assisting) Repková, K.: Rodinná starostlivosÅ¥ na Slovensku ako verejný záujem. IVPR, Bratislava 2007 FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 7 Slovak literature is using term Family carer for: •natural person caring for disabled person; •this person is 18 – 64 year old (especially accent on productive age!) ; •state provides financial support for caring. Carer is person in relation to a dependent person: •a family relationship, •ensures the day, personal and proper care to the extent necessary for all daily activities or personal assistance for intimacy personal activities, as movements in acute diseases. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 8 FAMILY CARER Postulate In Slovakia COFACE non-professional person (without financial support ) non-professional person ?? state provides financial support for caring 18 – 64 year old YES relationship to caring person persons without family relationship; In special case can be caring person from family parents, siblings, children and other persons primary assistance with daily life activities YES YES regular care may on a permanent basis, permanent vigilance, YES YES regular care may on non permanent basis, permanent vigilance, NO YES nursing, care, psychological support, Profesional nurse YES assistance in education and social life, administrative formalities, NO assistant YES co-ordination, communication, domestic activities NO assistant YES respite NO only for caring person with state financial support for caring 18 – 64 year old YES NO only for caring person with state financial support for caring 18 – 64 year old only for limitedCARERS time IN SLOVAKIA FAMILY YES Social insurance, health insurance 9 Family carer vesus legislation Act No 447/2008 Z.z. from 29th October 2008 About cash benefits to compensate severe disability According to § 22. 4 No. Act no. 447/2008 on the stump. Contributions - cash allowance for personal assistance cannot be provided if personal assistance implementing spouse, parents, or the natural person who receives the child into care, or natural person, the court appointed as guardian, children, grandchildren, grandparents, siblings, bride, son, father-in-law .... FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 10 Family carer vesus legislation Act No 447/2008 Z.z. from 29th October 2008 About cash benefits to compensate severe disability Person who carries out a care service under the Act effective from 1 January 2009 is required meet the condition of education, either complete secondary education obtained in the field of study focusing on care or to provide health care, or attend an accredited course treating at least 220 hours to 31 December 2011. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 11 Act No 447/2008 Z.z. from 29th October 2008 About cash benefits to compensate severe disability § 22 Cash allowance for personal assistance (10) The rate per hour for personal assistance purposes of calculating the financial contribution for personal assistance is 1, 39% of the subsistence minimum for one adult person as provided for by special regulation. The basic amount of cash contribution to care is € 200 per month, if a person takes care of one people with severe disabilities. Basic amount of the cash grant is reduced by 50% of the pension benefit, if a citizen with a severe disability cherishes individual who is the recipient of such benefits. The cash contribution shall be reduced by the amount of the pension increase for immobility. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 12 Act No 447/2008 Z.z. from 29th October 2008 About cash benefits to compensate severe disability § 22 Personal assistants from among family members may be only on terms that the person is severely handicapped has a high degree of reliance on others (at least 3650 hours per year), but only in the range of 4 hours a day - 1460 hours per year (assistance in getting up and lying down, personal hygiene, positioning, dressing and undressing, administering medicines and acute diseases). FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 13 Act No 447/2008 Z.z. from 29th October 2008 About cash benefits to compensate severe disability Respite Personal assitant is entitled to 30 days a year for facilitation services provided by the municipality. Employment Carying is not employment relationship. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 14 Some Slovakian paradoxes: •very high unemployment (average over 12%, some regions over 30%); •Officialy tendency for higher employment for FAMILY CARERS; •Real FAMILY CARERS are not supported; •Limited (maximum 12 years) social security for parent FAMILY CARER provided and paid for by state (§ 15 sect. 1 type, d) a e) in acordance on § 128 sect, 1 type, e) Act No. 461/2003 about social insurance); •Low capacity of institutions for eldery persons; •Low salary for personnel in these institutions; •Institutions are supported from taxes (still support on costs of other municipal activities); •Unemployment at home – solution: working abroad; •In few years catastrophic misery in FAMILY CARERS. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 15 Official figures indicate the number of family carers of those who receive the allowance. Family carer of the family is excluded from receiving the allowance, so just the most numerous group of family carers is not covered by law and remains without support. Family carers have no right to respite, no social security etc. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 16 Family carer cares fully without contribution, without support, without any rest. Aware in which situation are family carer? FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 17 Grundtvig project showed that: •Family carers are taken for granted as a function arising from family relationships and traditions; •Family carers identified themself often as not with the function of family carers; •Family carers cannot articulate their needs; •Most Family carers are women. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 18 Industrialization after II. WW of Slovakia brought migration to the cities. In the rural areas there are many old and dependents persons. Solutions in practice are: •Since children live in the city, the parent is placed in the eldery home or other facilities, children should participate in financing (Family Law); •Children can take a parent to them self and combine work with care; •Children can take a parent to them self, and one member leaves employment and is dedicated to caring; •Parent remains in the country without proper care. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 19 Housing construction in the years of communist industrialization - small apartments designed for one generation housing max. 4 to 5 persons. It is a problem to take a parent into the apartment, which requires a special room. General lack of housing is reflected by Slovakia with Cyprus has the largest number of adults per household (children are living with parents). FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 20 How many Family carers are there really in Slovakia ? from about 50 000 recipients of financial contribution, employed are only about 1,100. Rest is unvisible Among them, there are no real Family carers caring for own parents, children, husband, sibling FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 21 Systematically underestimated and uncontrolled situation in Slovakia led to tremendous pressure on official institutions, which have function of homes for elderly persons and not only facilities for terminal stage of life that is difficult to manage at home. Waiting time for placement in institution ranges several months or years. These facilities have a shortage of workers. They are required to be educated. They leave Slovakia – abroad are much better conditions to exist. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 22 AUSTRIA Recomendation to support 24-hour care (§ 21b of the Federal Law on care benefits) •Contribution for employing non-autonomous selfemployed carers • Allowance for two employments at home care is € 800 per month, 12 times a year. •If there is only one employment relationship, the amount of the contribution is of € 400 per month. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 23 A proposal of Club of Large Families concerning adverse effects of demographic aging and children’s poverty in families To Include work of a parent (mother or father) who takes care of a child/children in GDP measurement (open a discussion on adjustment of the relevant statistical methodology and prepare prerequisites for a political decision to adopt complementary factors). 2007 FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 24 OECD SOCIAL, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION WORKING PAPERS N°. 116 COOKING, CARING AND VOLUNTEERING: UNPAID WORK AROUND THE WORLD Veerle Miranda www.oecd.org/els/workingpapers FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 25 OECD SOCIAL, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION WORKING PAPERS N°. 116 Household production constitutes an important aspect of economic activity and ignoring it may lead to incorrect inferences about levels and changes in well-being. The calculations suggest that between one-third and half of all valuable economic activity in the countries under consideration is not accounted for in the traditional measures of well-being, such as GDP per capita. In all countries, women do more of such work than men, although to some degree balanced – by an amount varying across countries – by the fact that they do less market work. While unpaid work – and especially the gender division of unpaid work – is to some extent related to a country’s development level, country cross-sectional data suggest that demographic factors and public policies tend to exercise a much larger impact. FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 26 Invisible Work Day Invisible work, it counts! In 2010, we just ask you to place a white sheet of paper on your window. Club of Large Families has sent more than 1 000 000 e-mails FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 27 FUTURE OF FAMILY CARERS Family carers need their own carers; Municipality needs Family carers; State needs Family carers; We need Family carers; Price is regulated through market, value of family caring is very high – position of Family carers shall be real and have true value FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 28 Material and sources used from own and other NGO resources. Thanks to NGO working with disabled people and volunteers working in Club of Large Families Family carers in Slovakia monitoring of the situation from state wiev point doc. PhDr. Kvetoslava Repková, CSc. Institute for Labour and Family Research (EUROCARERS member) citation from official source FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 29 THANKS ! Stanislav Trnovec Club of Large Families Lichardova 16 81103 Bratislava Slovak Republic trnovec@gmail.com www.kmr.sk FAMILY CARERS IN SLOVAKIA 30