What future now? a sustainable health service: case for action [template presentation for NHS Boards –May 2010] Agenda 0:00 introduction 0:10 aim of today 0:20 big issues exercise 0:30 sustainable health service: presentation 1:00 exploring the business case 1.20 making it happen 2.25 action planning 3.00 close The next three hours… Explore how [name of Trust] can use ‘sustainable development’ to secure the most appropriate services for addressing health needs The next three hours… Explore how [name of Trust] can use ‘sustainable development’ to address its challenges in putting patients’ needs at the core Looking forward to 2015… What are the big issues keeping you up at night? - in your NHS role? - thinking about the wider world? Key themes 1. the big global challenges 2. the pressures facing the NHS 3. how these interact 4. how we can resolve these issues simultaneously 5. why this makes good business sense Numbers + Growth in Economic + Growth in Human Output … has resulted in HUGE Growth in our Environmental Footprint tightening planetary boundaries Lancet edition A changing context EU Targets 20% reductions in CO2 by 2020 20% Renewables by 2020 United States 80% reduction in CO2 by 2050 UK Climate Change Act 34% cut by 2020; 80% by 2050 Independent Committee; annual report to Parliament Carbon Reduction Commitment Business as usual? looming budget cuts ageing & growing population increased patient demands ‘diseases of affluence’ wider citizenship expectations Lifestyle diseases There are as many obese people in the world today as there are starving or undernourished people Marmot Review Sustainability is… Sustainable development is… meeting human needs without compromising nature or society the process by which we get there Sustainability is… Sustainable development is… meeting human needs without compromising nature or society the process by which we get there Key synergies with NHS priorities: • avoid harm • cut waste • reduce variation • shift to prevention 1. develop understanding of future trends as they relate to health and business continuity 2. evolve business models/ strategies to meet risks and opportunities 3. align activity with promoting determinants of health 4. cut cost base by shifting to preventative care not ‘salami slicing’ services 5. systematically manage tensions between short and long-term measures of success sustainable development in the NHS 1. develop understanding of future trends as they relate to health and business continuity 2. evolve business models/ strategies to meet risks and opportunities 3. align activity with promoting determinants of health 4. cut cost base by shifting to preventative care not ‘salami slicing’ services 5. systematically manage tensions between short and long-term measures of success sustainable development in the NHS Use resources more efficiently Illustrative slide – insert relevant MAC curve for the Trust you will be talking to http://www.sdu.nhs.uk/page.php?page_id=160 Build resilience rising energy costs + increased volatility + cost of carbon = material business risk 1. develop understanding of future trends as they relate to health and business continuity 2. evolve business models/ strategies to meet risks and opportunities 3. align activity with promoting determinants of health 4. cut cost base by shifting to preventative care not ‘salami slicing’ services 5. systematically manage tensions between short and long-term measures of success sustainable development in the NHS Join-up the benefits • transport • employment & • procurement skills • new buildings• community engagement • facilities Promote health now 1. develop understanding of future trends as they relate to health and business continuity 2. evolve business models/ strategies to meet risks and opportunities 3. align activity with promoting determinants of health 4. cut cost base by shifting to preventative care not ‘salami slicing’ services 5. systematically manage tensions between short and long-term measures of success sustainable development in the NHS Transform care • Quality total picture to be considered • Innovation achieve multiple objectives • Productivity platform for collaboration and working across boundaries • Prevention opportunities to act upstream to manage demand, make resilient investments, community dialogue 1. develop understanding of future trends as they relate to health and business continuity 2. evolve business models/ strategies to meet risks and opportunities 3. align activity with promoting determinants of health 4. cut cost base by shifting to preventative care not ‘salami slicing’ services 5. systematically manage tensions between short and long-term measures of success sustainable development in the NHS Show leadership The leadership spectrum compliance-led incremental strategic systemic • SDMP not integrated • Clutch of ‘good EnvIronmental factors/ practice’ projects objectives are separate • Focus on estate and • Inadvertent environment not SD undermining of health • A competing priority objectives • Senior-level drive • SD is hardwired into business model • SD integrated policy/ plans/ business case • Tensions between short/ long-term • Evident in priorities priorities • Communications and systematically actual performance managed Where are you? application & impact at risk impact trajectory of embedding sustainability in NHS Trusts compliance-led incremental strategic systemic medium impact low impact high impact knowledge & engagement Where are you? application & impact at risk impact trajectory of embedding sustainability in NHS Trusts compliance-led incremental strategic systemic medium impact low impact high impact knowledge & engagement QIPP makes no reference to SD SD seen as one board member’s job Where are you? SD integral to business case, QIPP & World Class Commissioning future trends/ scenarios shape strategy & service models application & impact at risk impact trajectory of embedding sustainability in NHS Trusts compliance-led incremental strategic systemic structured dialogue about investment/ disinvestment medium impact low impact high impact new health economy collaborations knowledge & engagement use of MAC cost curves to cut cost base Conclusions 1. there are big global challenges 2. these add to the pressures facing the NHS 3. these problems are interlinked 4. they can be resolved together using sustainable development 5. this makes good sense for business, patients and wider health [written case study template] picture or quote [insert business issue here] Issue: [insert facts of what took place] Action: 1. key benefit or result 1 2. key benefit or result 2 3. key benefit or result 3 [written case study template] picture or quote [insert business issue here] Issue: [insert facts of what took place] Action: 1. key benefit or result 1 2. key benefit or result 2 3. key benefit or result 3 [role play scenario template] Insert relevant role play scenario from the accompanying Resource Pack as an instruction slide for the ‘Making it Happen’ exercise The last three hours… Explore how [name of Trust] can use ‘sustainable development’ to address its challenges in putting patients’ needs at the core The last three hours… Explore how [name of Trust] can use ‘sustainable development’ to secure the most appropriate services for addressing health needs