Comments on Technical Guideline for Soil Monitoring

I. Summary of technical guideline
II. Reviews
III. Recommendations
I. Summary of technical guideline
I Summary
- To provide detailed technical guidelines for the procedure of monitoring of the
contaminated soil
- Detailed technical steps for soil monitoring
- Reporting monitoring data and results
Classification of Land in view of chemical contamination
1 Land used for agricultural purposes
2 Land used for forestry purposes
3 Land used for residential and recreational purposes
4 Land used for commercial and service purposes
5 Land used for industrial purposes
I Summary
Soil contaminants
Maximum acceptable limit
Land used for
Land used for
Land used for
residential and
Land used for
commercial and
service purposes
Land used for
Arsenic (As)
Cadmium (Cd)
Copper (Cu)
Lead (Pb)
Zinc (Zn)
+ 39 pesticides including Atrazine
Classification of contaminated soil
Soil contamination level
Number of analyzed samples for heavy metal concentration in
excess of the acceptable limit; %
Number of parameter of
chemicals in soil with
concentrations in excess of the
acceptable limit
One parameter
Two parameter
Heavy contamination
> 50
> 25
≥ 3 parameters
Medium contamination
25 – 50
20 – 25
2 parameters
Mild contamination
< 25
< 20
1 parameter
I Summary
Technical guidelines
1 Basic survey
- Determine possibility of contamination
- Review data, Interview and site visit, etc.
2 General condition survey
- Find contaminants, overall contamination extent at subject area
- Determine sampling points and analysis items depending on land uses
3 Precise survey
- Delineate extent and volume of contamination based on general condition survey
- Determine sampling points, depth and analysis items depending on land uses
II. Review
II Review
Framework of soil environment management of Korea
1 Soil monitoring
Soil measuring network (MOE) :
- To monitor(identify) soil condition of whole nation
- Monitoring points(fixed) are selected and soil condition is checked in every year
Actual state soil survey (local government) :
- To detect soil contamination of concerned area in early stage
- Select concerned area (not fixed points, area) and conduct survey in every year
- industrial area, mine area, waste dumping area, etc.
Leakage test and soil contamination test (owner of specific facilities)
- To detect soil contamination of specific facilities in early stage
- Duty of owners of the facilities
II Review
Framework of soil environment management of Korea
2 Soil survey (investigation)
Detailed soil survey (Responsible party) :
- To delineate extent and volume of contaminated area
- Area which is identified contamination from soil measuring network, actual state of
soil contamination survey, and where accidents take place
Soil environment assessment :
- To examine soil contamination when the site installed the specific facilities is
transferred(taken over), rented(taken on lease)
- Not compulsory
Risk assessment :
- For the area owned by nation and naturally contaminated area
- Determine extent and period of remediation considering the results of risk
- Establish committee to verify results of risk assessment
II Review
Framework of soil environment management of Korea
3 Verification of soil remediation and monitoring soil condition after remediation
Verification of soil remediation :
- To verify remediation process and remediation results
- Determine number of sampling and analysis items depending on contaminated
extent and remediation methods
Monitoring after remediation :
- For the remediated site which was or has been installed specific facilities
- Check soil condition for 2 years after remediation
II Review
Comments on the technical guidelines
1 Objectives
“to identify areas at risk of contamination or already considered as contamination ones,
and to be included in the monitoring programs”
▷ To identify areas at risk of contamination, Soil monitoring is needed
such as soil measuring network and actual state survey of Korea
▷ To identify areas already considered as contamination ones,
Detailed soil survey is needed (delineate the extent of contamination)
2 Monitoring area
“areas which have high potential of contamination, including factories and industries,
waste landfills or incineration, metal mining, including areas where accidents and public
grievances take place frequently”.
▷ Needed to select proper monitoring area depending on its objective
II Review
Comments on the technical guidelines
3 Technical guidelines
▷ Similar to detailed soil survey of Korea
▷ Guideline to delineate the extent of soil contamination after identifying the
4 Others
▷ Monitoring frequency
▷ Monitoring agencies that performs sampling and analysis
▷ Criterion on management of documents
5 Following steps
▷ In case that contaminated area (Heavily, Medially, or Mildly) is identified,
What is next step? How to manage the contaminated land?
III. Recommendation
III Recommendations
- Phase-in of the soil management policy is needed.
ex) from soil monitoring of nationwide & actual state survey on the risk area
- Considering land uses and its area, periodically check the soil condition at the
selected points
★ Useful for basic data to make policies by determining the background level
of Vietnamese soil and contamination level for soil management.
- This guideline can be applicable to delineate the extent of contamination
- Soil contaminants
Considering Vietnamese industries, more items related with oil(TPH, BTEX, etc.)
and hazardous chemicals(CN, Phenol, TCE, PCE, etc.) are going to be introduced
III Recommendations
A master plan of soil conservation in Korea (2010 ~ 2019)
Make healthy soil environment to achieve a green society
5 Projects
Strengthen policy of Protection of public health and precaution
Establish rational foundation of soil management
Develop soil & groundwater technologies and human resources
Promote the soil environment industries for green growth
5 Establish cooperative soil conservation system and international cooperation
Key Projects
Expand the nation’s role on soil remediation
- Establish soil bank
- Make a remediation fund, National Priority list
Manage soil & groundwater together
- Run soil & groundwater monitoring network
- Develop system and policy
Promote the soil environment industry
- Research project to develop technologies
- Establish and run a soil bank
Expand performing a risk assessment
- Make a remediation level from the assessment
- Develop the technologies for risk assessment
Thank You