Chapter16_PPT Apparatus Testing





Knowledge Objectives

• Describe the requirements for the performance tests as required by NFPA


• Describe the criteria for re-rating fire pumps.


Skills Objectives

(1 of 2)

• Perform the no-load governed engine speed test.

• Perform the pump shift indicator test.

• Perform the pump engine control interlock test.

• Perform a gauge meter test.

• Perform a flow meter test.

• Perform a tank-to-pump flow test.


Skills Objectives

(2 of 2)

• Perform a vacuum test.

• Perform an internal relief valve test.

• Perform a priming system test.

• Conduct the pumping and overload tests for fire pumps.

• Perform the pressure control tests.



(1 of 7)

• An apparatus accepted and placed in service must be properly inspected, operated, maintained, and tested over its lifetime.

– Pumping system delivers certain amount of water at desired pressure

– Pump’s failure to deliver required water at certain pressure impairs fire-suppression ability and safety of fire fighters




(2 of 7)

• An apparatus is subject to annual performance testing.

– Certification testing can be done by agencies other than the UL.

– Critical that apparatus be tested periodically by independent, third-party certifying agency



(3 of 7)

• Performance tests are conducted after the apparatus is put into service to determine if its performance meets predetermined specs or standards.

– Performance testing of pumps is integral and a vital part of apparatus safety and maintenance.



(4 of 7)

• Insurance Services Office (ISO) reports that fire is still the leading cause of loss cited with personal and commercial property insurance policies.

– Definite correlation between improved fire protection and compliance with NFPA standards

– ISO Fire Suppression Rating Schedule assigns the highest point total to apparatus pumps.


(5 of 7)

• NFPA 1911, Standard for the Inspection,

Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-

Service Automotive Fire Apparatus, calls for annual service testing of apparatus pumps

– Fire pumps have a rated capacity of 250+ GPM

(1000+ L/min) at 150 psi (1000 kPa) net pump pressure.

– Test fire pumps yearly to determine if they are still able to achieve designed performance.



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• Performance tests test the entire system.

– Engine, transmission, pump, and related accessories and devices used in operating the pumping system

– “Stress test” for the apparatus

– To pass, the apparatus must:

• Deliver original design flow and pressure

• Show no signs of overheating, loss of power, or over-acceleration

• Not exhibit other major defects




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• The test should be annual for all apparatus with a fire pump with 250+ GPM capacity or if the pump and/or engine has been repaired or modified.

– The test is not the same as the “New Apparatus

Acceptance or UL Test,” which is by an independent agency for the manufacturer.

– NFPA 1911 calls for a test when major repairs or modifications are made to the pump or a component of the apparatus used in pump operations.


Fire Apparatus Requirements

(1 of 6)

• Engine-driven accessories should not be disconnected or inoperative during the annual performance test.

– If a chassis engine drives the pump, all headlights, running lights, warning lights, and air conditioners should operate during the pumping portion of the test.

Fire Apparatus Requirements

(2 of 6)

• Devices turned off or not operated during the pump performance test

– Aerial hydraulic pump

– Foam pump

– Hydraulic-driven equipment

– Winch

– Windshield wipers

– Four-way hazard flashers

– Compressed-air foam system compressor


Fire Apparatus Requirements

(3 of 6)

• If electrical loads are connected through an automatic electrical load management system, the system should automatically disconnect loads during the test.

• When operating the pump, the engine temperature must be kept within a proper range.

– Neither cold nor excessively hot engine will give good service


Fire Apparatus Requirements

(4 of 6)

• Watch the oil pressure to see that the engine is properly lubricated.

• Monitor the transmission gears for overheating.

• Note and manage engine or pump vibration or leaks in pump casing or connections.



Fire Apparatus Requirements

(5 of 6)

• Use side intakes only when performance testing the fire pumps.

– May use front- or rear-mounted intakes with side intake suction(s) for all pumps providing flows of 1500+ GPM

– Keep all other intakes closed and properly capped.

– Remove Storz fittings before testing. Replace with steamer caps during the test.


Fire Apparatus Requirements

(6 of 6)

• In case of apparatus failure, leave time for repairs.

– “Failure” is defined as a cessation of proper functioning or performance.

– Document other defects in the engine or pump performance.

– Correct minor defects immediately if possible.

– If repairs cannot be done on site, reschedule apparatus testing for later.


Environmental Requirements

(1 of 3)

• Before beginning tests on pumps, determine and record the environmental conditions

– Ambient air temperature

– Water temperature

– Atmospheric pressure

• NFPA 1911 specifies tests be conducted when ambient air temperature is 0 °F to 110°F (–18°C to 43 °C)

• Days with moderate temperatures are ideal.


Environmental Requirements

(2 of 3)

• Warm water is more likely to cavitate inside the pump.

– May result in a loss of 500 GPM (1900 L/min) in flow rate

• Cold water is more likely to freeze and foul the test equipment, especially if the air temperature is also low.

– Recommend a water temperature of 35°F to

85 °F (1.7°C to 29°C); 60°F (16°C) is ideal

Environmental Requirements

(3 of 3)

• To correct local atmospheric pressure readings to sea level, add 1 in. Hg (25 mm Hg) for every

1000’ (305 m) of elevation at the site.

– High pressure pushes harder on the surface of the water being drafted, making it easier to lift.

– Low pressure makes it hard to lift.

• If environmental conditions are not within specified limits, delay the test.


Test Site

(1 of 7)

• The test site should be on an improved roadway or solid ground with water 4 –8’


–2.4 m) below grade.

• Water should be 4+’ (1.2+ m) deep at the strainer to provide clearance below and sufficient depth above.

• Conduct all tests requiring flowing water with the pump drafting.


Test Site

(2 of 7)

• When a suitable drafting site is not available, a chosen site must provide a level area, a source of water, and a discharge area.

• Site elevation and lift should be recorded.

– Lift is the vertical height that water must be raised during drafting.

– Maximum lift is the greatest elevation difference at which the apparatus can draft required water under established characteristics of operation



Test Site

(3 of 7)

• The rated capacity of the pump determines:

– Suction arrangement

– Diameter of the suction hose

– Maximum number of suction lines

– Maximum allowable lift


Test Site

(4 of 7)

• Characteristics to consider for maximum lift:

– Pump design

– Engine adequacy

– Condition of the pump and engine

– Size and condition of the suction hose and strainers

– Pumping site elevation above sea level

– Atmospheric conditions

– Water temperature


Test Site

(5 of 7)

• Fire departments that want the best pump performance should consider other factors when conducting performance tests.

– Select a test site with adequate clear, fresh water.

– Salt water is denser than fresh water and should not be used in tests.

– Avoid muddy water since it contains hidden debris and can clog the pump, valves, fittings, and gauge lines.


Test Site

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• Make sure the water source allows good performance and easy accessibility.

– Apparatus should be able to park on a level, hard surface.

• A properly designed pump test pit is an option in conducting performance testing.

– If using a test pit, make sure the usable pit capacity is

10+ gal for every 1 GPM of the pump.

– Pits with less capacity can result in air entrapment and excessive water temperature rise.

Test Site

(7 of 7)


Equipment Requirements

(1 of 5)

• Before conducting performance tests on apparatus, AHJ must ensure the availability of proper equipment and satisfactory working conditions

• Equipment needed during testing

– One 0–300 psi test gauge

– One 0–30 in Hg vacuum gauge

– Two 0–150 psi test gauges

– Two Pitot gauges


Equipment Requirements

(2 of 5)

• Equipment needed during testing (continued)

– One or more flow meters in lieu of Pitot gauges

– Assorted smooth-bore testing nozzles

– Mechanical or digital hand-held tachometer

– Strobe-type tachometer and tape if the apparatus does not have a pump shaft

– Suction hoses of appropriate sizes and lengths

– One or more mallets

– Two deluge appliances with stream straighteners


Equipment Requirements

(3 of 5)

• Equipment needed during testing (continued)

– Numerous lengths of 2½ 

(64-mm) or 3

(76-mm) hoses

– Two wheel chocks

– Assorted wrenches and Allen keys

– Roll of plumber’s tape

– Assorted spanner wrenches

– Hydrant wrench

– Calculator



Equipment Requirements

(4 of 5)

• Nozzles for testing are found in the department’s regular equipment.

– Should know the actual coefficient of discharge of each nozzle

– Choose a nozzle size to give the desired discharge at a nozzle pressure of 60 –70 psi (410–480 kPa).

– Use only smooth-bore nozzles.

– Pitot tube with air chamber and pressure gauge is necessary for determining velocity pressure of the water at the nozzle

Equipment Requirements

(5 of 5)


No-Load Governed Engine Speed


(1 of 4)

• Check governed engine speed.

– If not within ±50 rpm of governed speed when apparatus was brand new, correct the problem before proceeding with the tests.

– Check speed while preparing the apparatus before the testing day.

– Failure to operate at the correct governed speed during performance tests is a common problem.



No-Load Governed Engine Speed


(2 of 4)

• To get the maximum engine power, run the engine up to the governed engine speed and make sure it stays once the engine reaches a normal operating temperature.

– Do not let the engine exceed a rated no-load governed speed.

– Check the air cleaner and fuel filter restrictions and replace filter elements to avoid power loss.

No-Load Governed Engine Speed


(3 of 4)

• To get the maximum engine power


– Check the fan belt and adjust the tension to provide adequate cooling during the pump performance test.

– Check that the alternator belt tension and battery charge will provide enough electrical power to allow 45 seconds of uninterrupted primer operation during the vacuum and priming device tests.


No-Load Governed Engine Speed


(4 of 4)

• Readings should equal the no-load governed engine speed from when the apparatus was new.

– Information is listed on the original acceptance form(s), on or near the pump panel on the UL plate.


Intake Relief Valve System Test

• If apparatus is equipped with an intake relief valve system or combination intake/discharge system, test to ensure the system operates by manufacturer’s specifications

– Relief valve: device that allows bypass of fluids to limit the system pressure

– Conduct the test using a second pumper to supply water to the pumper being tested.


Pump Shift Indicator Test

• Test to verify the pump shift indicators in the cab and on the panel indicate the correct status when the pump is shifted from road to pump mode.

– Pump shift indicators in the cab and on the pump panel require an electromechanical device to sense the pump shift status.



Pump Engine Control Interlock Test

(1 of 2)

• 1991 NFPA 1901 required an interlock system on any apparatus equipped with electronic or electric engine throttle controls to prevent engine speed advancement.

– Unless chassis transmission is in neutral with the parking brake engaged

– Or unless the parking brake is engaged, the fire pump is engaged, and the chassis transmission is in pumping gear

– Or unless apparatus is in “Okay to pump” mode


Pump Engine Control Interlock Test

(2 of 2)

• NFPA 1911 standard requires testing interlock in only two configurations.

– Various combinations for arranging chassis, transmission gear, parking brake, and pump shift in driving compartment

– Engine speed control should be adjustable at the panel when using that combination.

Gauge and Flow Meter Test

(1 of 3)

• Can check discharge pressure gauges quickly against test gauges for accuracy

– Cap individual discharge lines with gauges and open the discharge valve slightly.

– Test gauge, master discharge gauge, and all other discharge gauges should have the same reading.


Gauge and Flow Meter Test

(2 of 3)

• Check each water pressure gauge or flow meter for accuracy.

– Check pressure gauges at at least three points

• 150 psi (1034 kPa)

• 200 psi (1379 kPa)

• 250 psi (1723 kPa)

– Any gauge off by more than 10 psi (69 kPa) must be recalibrated, repaired, or replaced.


Gauge and Flow Meter Test

(3 of 3)

• Check flow meters (flow minders) individually using hose stream with smooth-bore tip and

Pitot tube to measure actual flow

– Check each flow meter for accuracy at the flows included in the test.

– Most flow meters can be recalibrated using a small screwdriver or magnet during the test.

– Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when recalibrating the flow meter.



Tank-to-Pump Flow Test

• Compare flow rate with rate designated when apparatus was new or with rate established in previous testing

– Rates less than previously established indicate problems in tank-to-pump line or tank pump

– For tanks with capacities greater than 750 gal

(2840 L), use the same test except use the flow of 500 GPM (1890 L/min).


Vacuum Test

(1 of 3)

• Pump on the new apparatus must be able to develop a vacuum of 22 in. Hg (75 kPa)

– Unless the altitude is greater than 2000’ (610 m)

– The vacuum inside the pump or suction hose should not drop more than 10 in. Hg (34 kPa) in 5 minutes.

Vacuum Test

(2 of 3)

• Vacuum test is a test of the priming system: tests pump tightness, including valves and fittings

– Not a test of the pump’s ability to maintain vacuum while pumping water

– Use the required vacuum based on elevation above sea level as noted in NFPA 1911


Vacuum Test

(3 of 3)

• Leaking gaskets and improperly adjusted pump packing are two problems on the test, so preparation of the apparatus is important.

• If the primer device fails to produce a vacuum of at least 22 in. Hg (75 kPa) at sea level, determine and correct the reason for the discrepancy before conducting further testing.



Priming System Test

(1 of 3)

• At the start of the vacuum test, pay attention to the ease with which the pump develops a vacuum.

– Before priming, close all discharges, drains, and water tank valves and petcocks.

– Make sure the gaskets in the suction line hose(s) are in place and free of foreign matter.

– Close the intake valves.

– Tighten the intake caps and couplings.


Priming System Test

(2 of 3)

• For pumps operating at less than 1500

GPM (5678 L/min), a priming device should create the necessary vacuum in 30 seconds to lift water 10’ (3 m) through 20’

(6 m) of suction hose of an appropriate size.

– Priming device on pumps of 1500+ GPM should accomplish this task in 45 seconds


Priming System Test

(3 of 3)

• Might need extra 15 seconds where pump system includes auxiliary 4+” (100+ mm) intake pipe with volume of 1 ft 3 (0.03 m 3 ) or more

– Operate controls to develop pressure, then open one discharge valve to permit water flow.

– If pump does not pull draft in specific time, note the cause and adjustment and/or repair as necessary.


Pumping Test Requirements

(1 of 5)

• Make sure loads not required for the pumping test are turned off or shed by the load manager.

– NFPA 1911 requires that if the pump is driven by the apparatus engine, engine-driven accessories should not be functionally disconnected or rendered inoperable during the tests.

– If a chassis engine drives the pump, all headlights, running lights, warning lights, and air conditioners should operate during the test.

Pumping Test Requirements

(2 of 5)

• Other equipment driven by the engine must operate normally.

• Check for:

– Air system leaks

– Improper operation of air compressor unloader

– Improper activation of fan clutch

– Other potential power loss


Pumping Test Requirements

(3 of 5)

• During the pumping test, do not stop the pump except when discharges are closed to permit changing the hose layout or nozzle diameter.

– Keep flowing water from the discharge outlet when changing testing nozzles to avoid overheating.

– Keep the engine compartment closed during the test unless the apparatus meets an older standard.



Pumping Test Requirements

(4 of 5)

• When testing the pump at elevations up to

2000’ (610 m), use 20’ (6.1 m) of suction hose of appropriate size for the pump’s rated capacity.

– Number, length, condition of suction hoses, plus altitude, water temperature, atmospheric pressure, and lift affect the performance while pumping from a draft.

Pumping Test Requirements

(5 of 5)



Pump Performance Test

(1 of 20)

• For pump testing, there are three factors

– Pump speed

– Net pump pressure

– Pump discharge rate

• A change in any factor causes a change in at least one other factor.

– Using variables is the only way to reach the standard test condition desired.


Pump Performance Test

(2 of 20)

• During the test, operate the pump at a reduced capacity and pressure for several minutes to let the engine and transmission warm up gradually.

– Increase the pump speed until reaching a desired pressure at the pump.

– If the desired pressure is not attained, add one or more lengths of hose, use smaller nozzle, or throttle the discharge valve.


Pump Performance Test

(3 of 20)

• When the pump obtains the desired pressure, read the Pitot gauge to see if the required water is being delivered.

– If the discharge is not as desired but the pump will deliver more water, increase the discharge by speeding up the pump.

– If speeding up the pump increases the pump pressure by more than 5 or 10 psi (34 or 69 kPa), take out a length of hose, slightly open the discharge valve, or use a larger nozzle.


Pump Performance Test

(4 of 20)

• To achieve maximum pump performance, check the suction screen on the pump inlet and remove any debris.

– Check the priming device fluid level and add more fluid if necessary.

– If the pump has packing seals, check and adjust as required to minimize vacuum losses.

– Check and replace cracked or missing suction and discharge hose and cap gaskets.

Pump Performance Test

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Pump Performance Test

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• Hard suction hoses with smooth interiors produce lower friction losses than do more flexible suction hoses with spiralcorrugated interiors.

– Basket-type suction strainers have lower entrance losses than do barrel-type strainers.

– Recommended for use with 1500 GPM (5678

L/min) or greater pumps


Pump Performance Test

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• Testing the pump at a draft is preferable to testing from a hydrant because true pump performance is easier to evaluate.

– If no suitable drafting locations are available, testing the pump from a hydrant is acceptable.

Pump Performance Test

(8 of 20)

• Discharge pressure

– Water pressure on the pump discharge manifold at the gauge attachment

– Gauge readings reflect the pressure necessary for the pump to perform at a required net pump pressure.

– Reduce the net pump pressure by 1 for the

200 psi test, and by 2 for the 250 psi test.



Pump Performance Test

(9 of 20)

• When testing the pump from a hydrant, the intake hose size and length should let the needed water reach the pump with an intake gauge pressure of 20+ psi (138+ kPa) while flowing at a rated capacity.

– Intake pressure: pressure on the pump intake passageway at the gauge attachment

– Only a strainer (screen) at the pump intake connection is required to test this.


Pump Performance Test

(10 of 20)

• Most apparatus are rated for operations at elevations up to 2000’ (610 m).

– Engine and pump performance is reduced at higher elevations.

– If more than 2000’ above sea level, contact the manufacturer for the corrected pump rating before attempting the pump test.


Pump Performance Test

(11 of 20)

• The pump should be subjected to a pumping test of at least 45 minutes.

– Let the pump, transmission, and engine warm up 10 minutes before beginning the tests.

– Do not throttle down the pump except when the discharges are closed to permit changing the hose or nozzle or to change the position of the transfer valve.


Pump Performance Test

(12 of 20)

• If the pump is a two-stage, parallel/series-type, run the pump in parallel mode at 100 percent capacity.

– Run the pump in series or parallel mode for test at 70 percent capacity

– Run the pump in series mode for test at 50 percent capacity

– Do not throttle down the engine except when the hose, nozzle, or the position of the transfer valve changes.

Pump Performance Test

(13 of 20)

• Take and record the complete set of readings at least five times during the

20-minute test for a 100 percent rated capacity.

– At least twice during the overload test

– At least three times during each 10-minute test for 70 and 50 percent capacity


Pump Performance Test

(14 of 20)

• Document

– Time

– Pump speed counter (rpm)

– Pump speed (rpm)

– Pump tachometer

– Pump intake test gauge (in. Hg)

– Apparatus pump discharge

– Testing gauge pump discharge

– Nozzle Pitot readings

– Flow meter(s) readings


Pump Performance Test

(15 of 20)

• During each testing period, record on the performance test form:

– Engine water temperature

– Engine oil pressure (psi)

– Transmission oil temperature

– Voltage



Pump Performance Test

(16 of 20)

• If the pump flow or pressure readings vary by more than 5 percent during the test, determine the reason for fluctuation, correct the cause, and continue or repeat the test.

– If the pump counter speed shaft (rpm) is not provided, read the engine speed with a phototachometer or strobe light off the rotating element.

Pump Performance Test

(17 of 20)

• Subject the pump to a pumping test consisting of:

– 20 minutes pumping at 100 percent rated capacity at 150 psi, net pump pressure

– 10 minutes pumping at 70 percent rated capacity at 200 psi, net pump pressure

– 10 minutes pumping at 50 percent rated capacity at 250 psi, net pump pressure



Pump Performance Test

(18 of 20)

• Capacity test/150 psi test (100 percent test)

– Conduct the capacity test within several minutes after the priming test is successfully completed.

– This sequence ensures that the engine, pump, and transmission have adequate time to warm up.


Pump Performance Test

(19 of 20)

• Overload test/165 psi test

– If the pump has a rated capacity of 750 GPM

(3000 L/min) or greater, subject the apparatus to an overload test.

– Do not start the pumping tests until the pump pressure and discharge quantity are satisfactory.

Pump Performance Test

(20 of 20)

• 200 psi test (70 percent test)

– Conduct a 200 psi (1379 kPa) test immediately after the 165 psi overload test.

– No time delay between tests unless you are making a nozzle tip change

• 250 psi test (50 percent test)

– Conduct a 250 psi (1723 kPa) test immediately after the 200 psi test.



Pressure Control Test

(1 of 2)

• Test the pressure control device, relief valve, or the pressure governor on the pump panel at 150 psi (1034 kPa), 90 psi

(620 kPa), and 250 psi (1723 kPa).

– Perform a pressure control test using net pump pressure and net pressure rise readings.

– Some pressure control systems might not operate correctly if the hydrant pressure is too high.


Pressure Control Test

(2 of 2)

• Closing all discharges in less than 3 seconds could cause instantaneous pressure rises.

• The pressure control device might not respond rapidly enough to avoid damage to the pumping system.

– Taking more than 10 seconds to close all discharges is not a reasonable test of the pressure control device response capability.

– Controlling the closure of discharges can be performed manually or otherwise.


Post Performance Testing

(1 of 9)

• After conducting the performance tests, reduce the apparatus engine speed to idle.

– Let the engine, pump, and transmission cool down for approximately 10 minutes.

– After cool down, turn off all engine-driven accessories turned on during testing.


Post Performance Testing

(2 of 9)

• After 5 minutes, switch the apparatus from pump to road mode.

– Keep the apparatus idling to let the engine turbo cool down.

– Pump and suction lines still have a vacuum, so open the discharge valve to remove the vacuum inside the pump.

– Remove testing equipment, hoses, hard suction hoses, and nozzles; put apparatus back in service.


Post Performance Testing

(3 of 9)

• When operating from a draft or static source, backflush the pump and tank after testing.

– Backflushing requires attaching the apparatus to a clean water source and flushing the discharge and intake valves and pump.

– Drain and refill the tank.

Post Performance Testing

(4 of 9)

• The pumping system should exhibit no undue heating, loss of power, or other defect during the test.

– Calculate and record the average flow rate, discharge pressure, intake pressure, and engine speed at the end of each test phase.



Post Performance Testing

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• When the apparatus operates at or near full engine power while stationary, heat raises the temperature of certain components above what could be touched without discomfort or injury.

– Performance is considered acceptable as long as the apparatus can be operated, used for required duration under those conditions, and engine coolant temperature stays within a normal range.

Post Performance Testing

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• Normal wear in the pumping system can require speeds greater than required at the time of delivery for the pumping test.

– Variances are acceptable as long as the apparatus passes performance tests without exceeding the no-load governed engine speed.



Post Performance Testing

(7 of 9)

• Final test results

– Record all test conditions, readings, and information to receive full credit for performance tests.

– Compare most recent results with previous ones to look for long-term changes that could indicate hidden problems.


Post Performance Testing

(8 of 9)

• NFPA 1911 contains a test data form to be used with annual performance tests.

– Contains headings and blank spaces to record data

– Record information neatly.

– Use a pen instead of a pencil.

– Fill in “Witnessed by” and “Date” lines at the bottom of the first page to make the test form more legally defensible.


Post Performance Testing

(9 of 9)

• Conduct testing once per year, every year.

– Pumps tested less often will not show serious trends.

• If test conditions are equivalent to those at delivery and engine speed increases by more than 10 percent, determine the reason and correct the deficiency.

– Maintain test conditions as consistently as possible from test period to test period.

Problem Solving

(1 of 7)

• Most performance tests are conducted without any incident, but sometimes trouble may develop.

• Failure to prime the centrifugal pump is a frequent source of trouble.

– Usual reason for failure is an air leak in the suction hose or pump

– Trace trouble by removing the discharge hose lines, capping the discharge openings and suction hose, and operate the priming mechanism.



Problem Solving

(2 of 7)

• Locate the leak by listening for air movement.

• Two causes of failure of pump to deliver desired capacity, pressure, or both

– Insufficient power

– Restrictions in intake arrangement

• Insufficient pressure when operating the centrifugal pump could be from pumping too much water for the available power.

Problem Solving

(3 of 7)

• Possible causes of insufficient power:

– Failure to advance the throttle far enough

– Using the wrong transmission gear position

– Engine might need a tune-up

– Improper fuel grade for adequate combustion

– Vaporization in the fuel line



Problem Solving

(4 of 7)

• Restriction in intake arrangement is indicated if the pump speed is too high for the capacity and attained pressure levels.

• Could result from:

– Too-small suction hose

– Too-high altitude or suction lift

– Incorrect strainer type

– Intake strainer clogged at the pump or the end of the suction hose

Problem Solving

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• Could result from (continued):

– Collapsed or defective suction hose

– Aerated water or too warm water (greater than 90 °F [32°C])

– Foreign material in the pump

– Pressure control device set too low or malfunctioning



Problem Solving

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• An air leak in the suction hose connections or pump intake manifold results in an excessive pump speed.

– Could cause a loss of prime and complete cessation of flow

• Engine speed differences from the original pump test could be from:

– Operating an apparatus with the wrong transmission gear


Problem Solving

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• Engine speed differences from the original pump test could be from (continued):

– Stuck throttle control cable

– Restrictions in intake arrangements

– Suction hose under insufficient water

– Air leak on the pump’s intake side

– Changes in environmental conditions

– Pump and/or engine wear

– High gear lockup not functioning


Re-rating Fire Pumps

(1 of 4)

• Consider re-rating the apparatus fire pump under two conditions:

– When the apparatus is delivered or repowered with an engine that supplies power beyond that needed by the pump, warranting a larger capacity rating for the apparatus

– Changes to the environment in which the engine or pump was initially delivered so that the engine no longer achieves its original performance


Re-rating Fire Pumps

(2 of 4)

• Never consider the pump for re-rating if the engine is worn or should have major restorative work.

– Do not consider the pump for re-rating if test results indicate that the pump has wear or other problems.

– There’s a good chance the pump will not pass the complete pump test.


Re-rating Fire Pumps

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• If AHJ wants to re-rate the pump, complete a pumping test as specified in NFPA 1911, including having the test witnessed and certified by an accredited third-party testing organization.

– Problems with engine wear, pump wear, pump blockages, and other issues will worsen at an accelerated rate if not corrected, resulting in catastrophic failure during an emergency.


Re-rating Fire Pumps

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• Might need to keep using the pump on the apparatus that does not meet original rating until the pump can be repaired

– Decide on a case-by-case basis depending on the specific pump deficiency and the apparatus available for replacement while repairs are being made.

– Re-rating the pump downward where deficiencies exist creates a false sense of vehicle capability.



(1 of 2)

• Failure of the pump to deliver the required water at a certain pressure impairs the suppression ability and safety of fire fighters.

• Engine-driven accessories should not be disconnected or inoperative during tests.

• First performance test: Check the governed engine speed.



(2 of 2)

• A vacuum test is a test of the priming system, including pump tightness plus valves and fittings.

• There are two conditions to consider when re-rating a pump.
