Sustainability Planning - Airport Consultants Council

Sustainability Planning
'Where do we come from? What are we?
Where are we going?' PAUL GAUGUIN
Carol Lurie, LEED AP, AICP
Principal/Senior Planner,
VHB/Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Sustainability –
How We Got Here
National and international trends
Environmental movement
Leadership in Environmental Energy and Design (LEED)
Regulatory mandates
– Executive Orders and Acts
• 13514 - Federal leadership in environmental , energy, and
economic performance (October 5, 2009)
• 13423 - Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and
Transportation Management”
• Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007
• Energy Policy Act of 2005
• Economic Considerations
Sustainability Planning
Facility Design and Construction Guidelines
Sustainability Management Systems
Stand-Alone Sustainability Plans
Sustainable Master Plans
Sustainability Reporting
Facility Design and
Construction Guidelines
Chicago OMP/Sustainable Design Manual* (2003)
Sustainable Airport Manual/SAM (2009)
Revised SAM (expected 10/2010)
– New construction - site management, water efficiency, energy and
atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor air quality, facility
operations and construction practices
PANYNJ Sustainable Design Guidelines (2004) and
Sustainable Design Project Manual* (2007)
– New Construction, and Substantial Renovation & Reconstruction
LAWA Sustainable Airport Planning, Design and Construction
Guidelines* (2008)
– General construction and maintenance of buildings and other
facilities, roads, runways, taxiways, infrastructure
– In all LAWA’s bid documents, design specifications and
construction contracts.
Massport Sustainable Design Standards & Guidelines* (2009)
– All capital projects – horizontal and vertical
* Partially based on LEED criteria
Management Systems
• Heathrow - Sustainable Development
Management System (SDMS)
• Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)
– Sustainability Performance Improvement
Management System/SPIMS
– Enables LAWA stakeholders to evaluate and
integrate green practices across the organization
– Continually tracks and improves environmental,
social and economic performance
– Implementation Teams
Sustainable Design
Energy and Atmosphere
Materials and Resources
Water Efficiency
Transportation Resources
Administrative Processes
• Albuquerque – Sustainability Management
Sustainability Plans
• Develops airport-wide sustainability policy, with
detailed goals and objectives
• Considers all aspects of airport operations
(e.g., administration and finance, planning, design
and construction, procurement, operations, security,
facilities, communications, marketing, maintenance)
• Incorporates a range of environmental, social and
economic categories
Air quality and climate change
Water quality and conservation
Solid waste reduction and recycling
Community outreach
Planning to avoid or minimize other environmental
resource effects
– Regional or local purchase programs
• Develops measurable performance targets
• Reports on progress regularly
Sustainable Master Plans
• Sustainability integrated into each stage of a Master
Plan process – OR• Separate Sustainability Chapter
• Examples
PDX Airport Futures (both)
ITH Sustainable Master Plan
Colorado Springs Master Plan Update
Buffalo Master Plan Update
Sustainability Reporting
• Annual Reports
Boston Logan – Annual Environmental Report Card
Heathrow – Annual Sustainability Performance Report
Zurich -- Environmental and Sustainability Reports
Oakland -- Sustainability Program Annual Report
• Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
– Airport Operator Sector Supplement (November 2010)
– Sustainability Reporting Guidelines to aid airport operators in
producing sustainability reports
• Benchmarking studies
– ACI-NA – Environmental Benchmarking Study
– ACRP – Synthesis 10 Airport Sustainability Practices
Playing It Forward or
New, Big Scary Ideas
Environmental Management Systems
Zero Net Energy
Carbon Neutrality
Climate Action Plans
Third Party Verification
Social Responsibility
Climate Adaptation Planning
Environmental Management
Management of an organization's environmental programs in a comprehensive,
systematic, planned and documented manner
• Tool to improve environmental performance
• Systematic way of managing an airport’s environmental affairs
• Addresses immediate/long-term impacts of operations on the environment
• Gives order and consistency to address environmental issues through allocate
resources, assign responsibility and evaluate practices, procedures and processes
• Outlines a series of guidelines, procedures and processes that address
environmental impacts in day-to-day business activities.
• Focuses on continual improvement of the system. Follows a Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle
• ISO 14001 - series of international standards on environmental management
Provides a framework for the development of an EMS and the supporting audit program
Example: Denver International Airport
Tool that DIA uses to manage environmental issues and increase its operating efficiency. The
Facility Zero
Net Energy
Based on concept of zero energy building (ZEB)
• A net zero-energy airport has greatly reduced energy needs
through efficiency gains and energy for vehicles, thermal,
and electrical is met by renewable energy
• Ways to achieve facility zero net energy
– Offsets all of its energy use from renewables available on-airport
and unusable brownfield sites
– Through the purchase of new off-site, Renewable Energy
• Example: Outagamie County Regional Airport, Appleton, WI
– Facility inventory
– Energy analysis
Carbon Neutrality
When CO2 emissions are reduced to net zero
• Emissions caused by under the control of the airport (not including planes) are
reduced and/or offset by buying carbon credits.
• Recognized or verified by outside entity
– Airport Carbon Accreditation, a voluntary program masterminded by ACIEurope, designed to gauge and recognise efforts by airports to shrink their
carbon footprint. and reduce greenhouse gases
– Independent verification in accordance with ISO14064 (Greenhouse Gas
– CarboNZero programme (Europe)
• Examples: Canadian and European airports set the stage
– Many are signatories to the 2008 Aviation and Environment Summit
Declaration, which commits to carbon-neutral growth and a carbon-free future
– Sweden SLV; Christchurch, NZ, Munich, Manchester,
• Examples: North America
– Newfoundland-Gander Airport is North America's first carbon neutral airport
– New York New Jersey Port Authority aims to be carbon neutral by 2010
through emission reductions and carbon offsets (March 27, 2008)
Climate Action Plans
Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement - a voluntary
commitment to reduce municipal greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 7% below 1990 levels by 2012
Agreement signed by more than 900 Mayors across the U.S.
representing over 81.8 million citizens
Participating cities or counties prepare a Climate Action Plan
GHG assessment
– Presents baseline greenhouse gas emissions inventory and emissions
reduction target
– Methodology may not be consistent with ACRP guidelines
Example: SFO Ordinance No. 81-08 Climate Change Goals and
Action mandates the achievement of GHG emission targets by each
City Department. SFO Climate Action Plan is the blueprint for
establishing a carbon neutral Airport
Example: Greenprint Denver - energy efficiency and renewable
Sustainability Rating
Certification system that recognizes facilities for being
US Green Building Council – Leadership in Environmental Energy and
ACEC/APWA/ASCE developing new rating system for civil infrastructure
FHWA preparing sustainability checklist for transportation projects
Example: U.S. Airport-specific approaches in place/under consideration
– Chicago SDM (“Green Airplane” rating system)
– ACRP 02-28 - Sustainability for Airports: Best Practices, Success Metrics,
and Beyond
Example: Europe
– Heathrow - Carbon Trust Standard, the world's first award that
recognizes genuine improvements in carbon efficiency.
Social Responsibility (SR)
Builds on idea of corporate social responsibility
• Addresses community programs, art and education support,
diversity, environmental justice
• Examples: Many U.S. airports have programs in place
– Nashville - art and educational support programs
– Boston-Logan – local hiring and procurement
– Sea-Tac – environmental education campaign to promote
environmental stewardship and raise awareness of airport
environmental and sustainability initiatives
• ISO 26000 (late 2010)
– Provides voluntary guidance on social responsibility (SR)
– Aims to encourage voluntary commitment to social responsibility
and will lead to common guidance on concepts, definitions and
methods of evaluation
Climate Adaptation Planning
Planning and preparing for greater intensity storms, more
frequent weather events, flooding, sea level rise
Increased Temperatures
Extend runways
Select materials to withstand extremes
Severe Weather Events &
Increased Frequencies
Size stormwater facilities
Flooding action plan
Revise emergency response plans
Sea Level Rise & Storm Surge
Elevate runways and infrastructure
Changing Ecological Systems
Develop wildlife management strategies
Public Health Concerns
Monitor air and water quality
Plan for epidemics and evacuations
Climate Adaptation Planning
TRB Special Report 290