Contaminated land: dealing with hydrocarbon contamination Remediation options for petroleum hydrocarboncontaminated soil and groundwater Contents of presentation Remedial objectives Ex situ remediation techniques In situ remediation techniques Monitored natural attenuation Some comments on NAPL remediation Some comments on MTBE Monitoring and verification Environmental Simulations International Remedial objectives Risk management (derived from risk assessment) – Remove the source – Break the pathway – Remove the receptor Not usually an option! Which contaminants? Appropriate cost-benefit performance Are there specific local requirements? Previous CIEH training on remediation technologies Environmental Simulations International Remediation selection and licensing Beyond the scope of this presentation! – But feel free to cover in discussion – Licensing might include – Planning requirements – Mobile plant licence – Waste management licence – IPPC Environmental Simulations International Main remedial options for petroleum hydrocarbons Approach Applied at Source Pathway Move receptor Restrict access Excavate & treat Pump & treat Barriers/PRB’s SVE & related In situ bioremediation Thermal techniques Receptor () MNA Environmental Simulations International Ex situ remediation Soil – Excavate – Excavate – Excavate – Excavate and and and and landfill biotreat thermal treatment soil wash Groundwater – Pump & treat Environmental Simulations International Adequate definition of area to be removed? Excavate & landfill “Dig and dump” – Historically the “default option” for soils – Future constraints Legislative Cost Total environmental impact – emissions, truck movements, etc. Environmental Simulations International Excavate & biotreat Hydrocarbon degradation in oxygenated treatment systems – Windrows, biopiles, etc. Well-established Some common questions – – – – – Contaminant availability/residuals Speed of treatment Volatilisation Leachate control Indigenous or added microorganisms? Environmental Simulations International How biodegradable are petroleum hydrocarbons? “Rapid” “Moderate” “Slow” BTEX Highly substituted monoaromatics Asphaltenes Naphthalenes n-alkanes <C20 n-alkanes C20 – C40 Branched alkanes 3-4 ring PAH’s Environmental Simulations International alkanes >C40 cycloalkanes >4 ring PAH’s Ex situ biotreatment Environmental Simulations International Excavate & thermal treatment Hydrocarbons, etc. desorbed from soil at elevated temperatures – e.g., rotary kiln Off-gas treatment – e.g., catalytic or thermal oxidiser Straightforward technology but rarely used Some common questions – – – – Emissions control Fuel use Economics Properties of treated soil Environmental Simulations International Excavate & soil wash Hydrocarbon removal from soil by water/agitation; treatment of process streams Often pushed as method for PAH remediation Some common questions – – – – Process engineering (blockage, attrition, etc.) Slurry handling Water treatment Economics Environmental Simulations International Pump and treat Break pathway by abstraction of groundwater; treat groundwater – Really a containment technology Some common questions – How long to pump for? – Pump water and/or NAPL? – Water treatment technology Hydrocarbons and other components – Treated water discharge – Long-term costs Environmental Simulations International In situ remediation Barrier and PRB technologies SVE and related technologies Bioremediation Environmental Simulations International Barrier techniques Variants – Capping – Cut-off walls (barriers) – Solidification Well-proven – But solidification a questionable option for hydrocarbons Some common questions – Long-term performance – Ensuring integrity Environmental Simulations International Permeable reactive barriers (PRB’s) Reactive zones installed across the groundwater plume to enhance contaminant removal or degradation For hydrocarbons, this is mostly likely to involve enhancements of in situ bioremediation – We will consider this in a few slides time Environmental Simulations International SVE and variants Removal of volatile components by moving air through – Soil (SVE; high vacuum extraction (HVE)) – Groundwater (In situ air sparging (IAS)) Can be combined with removal of contaminated groundwater and/or NAPL – Slurping (multiphase extraction) Can be combined with enhanced biodegradation – Bioventing, bioslurping… Environmental Simulations International SVE and variants Environmental Simulations International SVE and variants Well-established Some common questions – – – – Subsurface permeability Subsurface heterogeneity Effectiveness for MTBE Emissions treatment Thermal oxidisers Activated carbon Biofilters – Groundwater management Environmental Simulations International In situ bioremediation Contaminant degradation by stimulating biological activity in the subsurface – Note: hydrocarbon degradation is most effective in the presence of oxygen Many variants on basic process configuration Some common questions – – – – – Can you supply enough oxygen? Inhibitory effects? Distribution of additives Biofouling problems Speed Environmental Simulations International “In situ bioreactor” Environmental Simulations International Biological PRB using ORC Environmental Simulations International In situ flushing Addition of solvent or surfactant to subsurface to enhance solubility of NAPL for recovery by pumping Much talked about, little used for remediation Some common questions – – – – Getting the additives to the right place Getting the additives back Effects of additives on soil structure Economics Environmental Simulations International Monitored natural attenuation (MNA) Natural attenuation – The effect of combined naturally occurring physical, chemical and biological processes to reduce the risk posed by polluting substances in groundwater to the identified receptors. Monitored natural attenuation – Monitoring of groundwater to confirm that NA processes are acting at a sufficient rate to protect receptors and that remedial objectives will be achieved within a reasonable timescale Environmental Simulations International MNA Widely used in US and elsewhere UK guidance (R&D P95) Some common questions – Duration appropriate? – Long-term cost-benefit? – Monitoring requirements – Ensuring continuity – Contingency requirements Environmental Simulations International UK MNA case summary UK oil distribution terminal – Gasoline additive release early-1970’s – NA monitored since April 1994 – Risk-based approach Sandy aquifer – Potential minor aquifer – Dissolved plume 9-14 m b.g.s. – Velocity 15-50 m/year Environmental Simulations International Hydrocarbon MNA site Environmental Simulations International UK MNA case summary Primary line of evidence: mass removal by biodegradation – Plume: front stationary and area reducing – Benzene concentrations decreasing Rates vary within plume Inversely proportional to concentration? Seasonal effects Rate at plume front = 0.2%/day Environmental Simulations International NA data for benzene Environmental Simulations International UK MNA case summary Secondary evidence: geochemical – O2, NO3- and SO42- depletion with increasing BTEX – Stoichiometrically, available SO42- could account for 43 mg benzene/litre: sufficient Tertiary evidence: microbiological – High microbial numbers, including large sulphate-reducing population Environmental Simulations International Technologies for NAPL remediation? Limited “source” excavation – Access permitting! NAPL pumping SVE/HVE/bioventing Depending Sparging/biosparging/slurping on Ex situ bioremediation components …… or deal with the pathway(s) – Pump & treat, trench, etc. Environmental Simulations International Pumping NAPL Works best for light products/recent releases, significant thicknesses and coarse formations NAPL becomes trapped below the water table if pumping stops NAPL will not flow after it reaches residual saturation Many case studies have shown that most of the NAPL remains in place due to trapping Oil/water separation is difficult if product becomes emulsified during pumping Environmental Simulations International Technologies for MTBE remediation Unsaturated soil Excavation and disposal SVE and variants Groundwater Pump & treat – Difficult to treat water – Limited efficiency due to partitioning behaviour Bioremediation – Not straightforward Sparging & variants – Limited efficiency due to partitioning behaviour Bioremediation – Not straightforward Environmental Simulations International Monitoring & verification Objectives may include: 1. Confirmation of risk assessment findings 2. Confirmation of remediation performance 3. Determination of when remediation can cease 4. Indication of the need for corrective action Environmental Simulations International Soil sampling Basic guidance in CLR7 – Mean and maximum value tests to determine compliance with target concentrations – Useful for relatively straightforward sites but does not consider spatial distribution of contamination Geostatistics – Specialist advice… Environmental Simulations International Groundwater monitoring Where? – Appropriate to site layout and remediation process – Upgradient/downgradient – Compliance points/sentinel wells What? – Contaminants posing significant risk – Process indicators/geochemical parameters? When? – Depends on the site and the process Establish performance baseline Establish seasonality – Can always reduce frequency once the situation is understood Environmental Simulations International Monitoring NAPL thickness 1.6 Why is the thickness changing? 1.4 • Groundwater fluctuations (smearing)? • Product trapping? • Weathering? • Remediation? • A combination of the above? FPH thickness (m) 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Oct-95 May-96 Dec-96 Jun-97 Jan-98 Jul-98 Feb-99 Date Figure 4. Changes in FPH thickness in MW 42 at the NIA site Environmental Simulations International Aug-99 Mar-00 Conclusions There are diverse remediation options for petroleum hydrocarbons Important drivers – – – – Risk management Fitness-for-purpose Cost-benefit Duration Ask the right questions! (And beware the sales pitch). Appropriate verification/monitoring – Duration? Environmental Simulations International Conclusions A combination of techniques is often the appropriate option Environmental Simulations International