Update on EURO-CORDEX and MED-CORDEX Filippo Giorgi Abdus Salam ICTP CORDEX-SAT1, Trieste, 16-17 May, 2014 EURO-CORDEX Basics (Courtesy of A. Prein) Community and Models • EURO-CORDEX Basics Specifications • Spatial resolution: - EUR-11: 0.11 degree (12.5 km) - EUR-44: 0.44 degree (50 km) • Driving GCMs: CMIP5 • GHG scenarios: - rcp4.5, rcp8.5 (focus) - rcp2.6 (few simulations) • Periods: - Hindcast (ERA Interim): 1989 – 2008 - Control: 1951 – 2005 - Scenario: 2006 – 2100 Region (center of boundaries): ~ 27° N – 72° N, ~338° W – 45° E (details: http://wcrp.ipsl.jussieu.fr/SF_RCD_CORDEX.html) EURO-CORDEX Basics Status EURO-CORDEX Simulations 0.11° Simulations 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 40 30 20 10 0 0.11° Hindcast hindcast: 16 40 30 20 10 0 0.11° Control control: 22 0.11° Scenarios rcp26: 5 rcp45: 16 rcp85: 21 0.44° Simulations Σ42 40 30 20 10 0 0.44° Hindcasts hindcast: 22 0.44° Control control: 32 0.44° Scenarios rcp26: 8 rcp45: 26 rcp85: 26 Σ60 EURO-CORDEX Evaluation “Standard” Evaluation [Kotlarski et al., 2014] EOBS CORDEX EUR-11 CORDEX EUR-44 ENSEMBLES max ENSEMBLES p75 ENSEMBLES median ENSEMBLES p25 ENSEMBLES min • Basic features of European climate captured • Shortcomings for selected metrics, seasons and regions., • Comparison with ENSEMBLES: Comparable, partly smaller error ranges. EURO-CORDEX Evaluation Heat Waves Evaluation [Vautard et al. 2013] Bias of 90th centile • Heat waves well captured, but modulations in strengths • Strong dependence on land-atmosphere processes and convection • No improvement at higher resolution EURO-CORDEX GCM Evaluation 1. GCM Performance [UNICAN, ETHZ, UNIGRAZ, …] CMIP5 GCMs feature a range of performances No distinct outlier No imperative reason to disqualify specific GCMs as drivers for the EURO-CORDEX RCMs. EURO-CORDEX GCM Selection 2. Sampling • 7 GCMs (MPI-ESM, CNRM-CM5, and ECEARTH in 4 realizations each) • Temperature change range fully sampled • Extremely wet GCMs missing Precipitiation change [%] EUR-11: Temprataure change [K] EURO-CORDEX Climate Projections First Analysis of EUR-11 Climate Change Signals [Jacob et al., 2013] •Analysis based on 9 (RCP45) and 10 (RCP85) 0.11 simulations •Mean climate change •Change in various indices relevant for Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (IAV) studies •Results tested for robustness and significance • EUR-11 confirms earlier findings (ENSEMBLES) • More spatial detail • RCMs provide higher daily precipitation intensities than GCMs Precipitation Change EURO-CORDEX User Interface User Interface Activities •Definition and analysis of impact relevant indices and ensemblebased derived products (ongoing, results partly already available) •Provision of a bias corrected EURO-CORDEX dataset (ongoing) •Inter-comparison of BC Methods •User guideline document (under development) EURO-CORDEX Basics Status Availability for Users • Data-Access (similar to CMIP5): •Connect to and register at one of the ESGF nodes •Select project “CORDEX” •Select domain “EUR-44”, “EUR-44i”, “EUR-11”, or “EUR-11i” EURO-CORDEX Status Status of the EURO-CORDEX simulations and their analysis •71 EUR-11 and EUR-44 scenario simulations finished, ~100 planned in total •EUR-44 40 simulations published on ESGF •EUR-11 24 simulations published on ESGF MedCORDEX (courtesy of P. Ruti) Scientific goals Further understanding of the feedbacks between earth system components at regional scale (chemistry, land-surface, ocean etc) Further understanding of the processes acting at the air-sea interface Characterization and analysis of all components of the regional hydrological cycle Provisions of new sets of scenarios for the Mediterranean basin (AR5) Regional coupled models - AORCM (CIRCE) ARCM – ORCM - Rivers High resolution ARCM → non-hydrostasy RESM REGIONAL EARTH SYSTEM MedCORDEX – Portal www.medcordex.eu MedCORDEX – Portal www.medcordex.eu Med-Questions • Geophysical sphere: Are we able to characterize extremes at local scale? Are coupled processes so relevant? • Impact sphere: Are we able to define ecosystems tipping points? Rainfall extremes SON 1989-2008 Do the resolution matter? RCM 50 km RCM 12 km 99 percentile Rainfall extremes SON 1989-2008 Obs Safran RCM 50 km RCM 12 km Extreme dynamics Total cyclone center density in SON and DJF. …and the ocean … SST Ecosystem impacts Ponti et al, 2014, PNAS Med-challenges to develop a regional climate system considering and improving all the components from climate dynamics to human behavior; to gather and organize observational data into tailored data set for climate process validation and for impact studies; to increase the link with the groups working on the impact side and to integrate impact modeling into the Med-CORDEX initiative; to build-up tailored data-sets able to directly provide detailed and actionable climate information. THANK YOU