PATHWAYS TO TOMORROW Law, Land and Justice


Koowarta v Bjelke Petersen – Stephen J

– RDA preamble

• CERD in force on 2 January 1969

• Desirable pursuant to power to make laws re external affairs re people of a race, immigration – give effect to


– International obligation to suppress racial discrimination – respect for human dignity, fundamental rights – part of customary international law = external affairs

• Constitution s 51(xxix)

• ‘Property’:

– a legal relationship with a thing: Dalziel

– A legally endorsed concentration of power over things and resources: Yanner v Eaton

Right to own property alone as well as in association with others: UDHR Art. 17; CERD Art. 5(d)(v);

Koowarta; Mabo (No 1)

Care and Management: Bropho and RDA S 10(3)

Arbitrary deprivation: UDHR Art. 17 Mabo (No 1);


Bropho & UNDRIP +++

Right to participate in public affairs

• – management decisions –

– CERD, Art 5(b)

– ICCPR, Art 1(1)

– ICESCR, Art 9(1)

– UNDRIP, Art 1-5, 8(1), (2)(a), (b), (c) and (d), (9),

18, 19, 20(1), 21(1),23,26,32(2))4,35

Bropho & UNDRIP ++

Right to equal treatment in tribunals

• Private clause and denial of natural justice clauses in Reserves Act

– CERD, Art 5(a)

– UDHR, Art 8

– UNDRIP, Art 27 and 40

Bropho & UNDRIP ++


• Right to lands, territories and resources traditionally owned, occupied, used or acquired: UNDRIP, Art 26

• Right to property: CERD, Art 5(d) (v)

• Right not to be arbitrarily deprived of property: UDHR, Art


• Right not to be forcibly removed from lands or territories, UNDRIP, Art 10

• Right to protect and develop sites manifesting culture:

UNDRIP, Art 11

• Right to redress for taking land, without free, prior and informed consent:UNDRIP, Art 28

Bropho & UNDRIP

• Right to be actively involved in determining health, housing and economic and social programmes: UNDRIP, Art 23

• Right to maintain spiritual relationship with land and cultural sites: UNDRIP, Art 12, 25

Bropho & UNDRIP +

Right to own property

• CERD, Art 5(d)(v)

• UNDRIP, Art 26

Bropho beyond UNDRIP

• Right to freedom of movement and residence:

CERD, Art 5(d)(i): Cp Gerhardy v Brown

• Right to freedom from arbitrary interference with one’s home: ICCPR, Art 17

Maya Indigenous Communities v Belize


Belize and Maya Peoples

• Belize – Monarch QEII – until 1973 British

Honduras – self governing from 1964

• Mayan civilization between 1500 BCE-300BCE

• Belize pop abt 300,000 – 49% = mixed

Mayan/European (Mestizo) – 10 ethnic groups

• Indigenous Mayans = 10% of population

Maya Indigenous Communities v Belize

Inter-American Commission on H R 2004

• Petition: breach of American Declaration of Rights and

Duties of Man 1948

– Right to life, Art I

– Right to equality before law, Art II

– Freedom of religion, Art III

– Family protection, Art VI

– Health, Art XI

– Fair trial, Art XVIII

– Participate in government, Art XX

– Property, Art XXIII

• Failure to protect rights in granting oil and logging concessions

Maya Peoples Sup Ct claim

• Supreme Court of Belize 2007

• Maya Communities in Southern Belize

• Alleged violations of Belize Constitution, s 3 – fundamental rights whatever race s 16 – no discrimination on gronds of race ss 3(d) and 17 – right to property, ss 3(a) and 4 – rights to life, liberty, security of person and protection of law

• Failure to recognise, protect and respect customary land rights i.e., property protected by Constitution

• Property rights recognised by Inter-American Commission on

Human Rights

• Government issue or threat to issue leases, grants and concessions without respecting traditional land tenure

Supreme Court findings

• Maya customary land tenure exists in

Southern Belize

• Individual and communal rights are usufructuary – occupy, farm, hunt, fish and take for their own use fruits and resources in accordance with Maya customary law and usage

• Communal title

Treaty obligation findings

• Right to property:



Charter of Organisation of American States,

DRIP, Art 26

– Injunction to abstain from acts affecting Maya collective traditional title unless pursuant to informed consent and compliance with safeguards of Belize Constitution

Republic of Suriname

Suriname & Saramaka

• Republic of Suriname -formerly known as Dutch Guiana

• Suriname independent from the Netherlands since 1975

• Saramaka (or Saramacca) - since 2010 “Saamaka” People =

1/6 Maroon People

• Maroon People = 12% of Suriname population = 1/8 ethnic groups

• Saamaka population 55,000 (1/3 live in French Guinana since 1990)

• Saamaka people escaped from slavery 17/18 Century in treaty with the Dutch to live along upper Suriname River and tributaries

• Now live in colonial/Alcoa housing in lower Suriname River

– hydro scheme for aluminium smelting flooded ½ land


Saramaka People v Suriname

Inter-American Court of Human Rights

American Convention on Human Rights (ratified by Suriname 1987)

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights application against State of Suriname

Petition of Association of Saramaka Authorities and and 12 Saramaka captains

Commission conclusions

• Violation of right to property: ACHR, Art 21

– No effective measures to recognise communal property rights

• Violation of the right to judicial protection:

ACHR, Art 25

• No effective access to justice

• Failure to recognise or give effect to collective rights to land and territories of Saramaka

People: ACHR, Art 1 and 2

State objections

• Lack of standing of petitioners

• Lack of standing of representatives

• Irregular procedures before the Commission

• Non-compliance with time limits under


• Non-exhaustion of domestic remedies

• Duplication of international proceedings

• Lack of jurisdiction for acts re Dam prior to current sovereignty (facts not in application)

Evidence of Saramaka People &


• Affidavits and testimony of clan members and representatives and Association office holders re

– destruction of farms by foreign logging company

– Efforts to obtain redress

– Efforts to protect land and resources

– Attempts to settle case with the State

– Documentation of traditional use

– Customary law governing ownership

– Saramaka treaty rights

– Contemporary use of land and resources

– Impact of mining and displaced villages

– Flooded villages and forced displacement

• Opinions of Anthropological experts

Findings of IACHR

Saramaka People are tribal community subject to special measures ensuring full exercise of rights: AHRC Art

1(1), 2

Rights to use and enjoyment of communal property protected: AHRC Art 21; ICCPR Art 27

State has not recognised right to property (mere privilege)

Saramaka people right to use and enjoy natural resources to prevent their extinction as a people – necessary for survival, development and continuation of way of life

IACHR Findings re resource extraction

Concessions for exploration and extraction of resources issued by

State: Failure to comply with International law safeguards:

AHRC, Art 21

Restrictions on right of property a) previously established law b) necessary c) proportional d) aim of achieving legitimate objective of democratic society

Safeguards against denial of survival: AHRC, Art 1

• Effective Saramakas participation re development or investment plan

• Reasonable Saramakas benefit

• Environmental and social impact statements

IAHRC Findings re lack of recognition and remedies

– Lack of recognition as juridical personality does not effect rights under domestic law to judicial protection and property: right to recognition is a special measure: AHRC Art 3, 21 and 25

– Inadequate effective remedies providing judicial protection against violation of rights: AHRC Art 3,

21 and 25

IAHRC reliance on UNDRIP

• Right of Indigenous Peoples to determine and develop priorities and strategies for development or use of lands, territories and resources: UNDRIP, Art 32(1)

• State obligation to consult in good faith to obtain free and informed consent to projects affecting land, territories or resources, UNDRIP, Art 32(2); ILO Conv 169, Art 15(2)

• Effective State mechanisms for just and fair redress and measures to mitigate adverse environmental, social, cultural or spiritual impact, UNDRIP, Art 32.3; ILO Conv 169,

Art 15(2) = right to just compensation: AHRC, Art 21(2) = right to share in benefits resulting from deprovation of use of traditional lands and resources
