SAME_28_Apr 2011 - The Society of American Military

Society of American Military Engineers
28 April 2011
Lance K. Toyofuku
Director of Public Works
U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Irwin, CA
Our mission is to provide standardized, effective & efficient
services, facilities and infrastructure to Soldiers, Families and
Civilians for an Army and Nation engaged in persistent conflict.
We are the Army’s Home
Lance Toyofuku(760) 380-3433,
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
• Fort Irwin Universe
• Fort Irwin Energy Campaign
– Challenges
– Achievements
• Environmental Campaign Plan
• Pubic Works Resources
– Sustainment, Restoration & Modernization
– Military Construction (MCA)
• Contracting
• Way Ahead
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Fort Irwin Universe
Land Acreage: 636,398 Acres (994 sq mi)
Buildings: 1600 = 4,523,929.7 SF
Cantonment – 5,474 Acres
Land Expansion: 127,290 Acres
Permanent – 1318 Bldgs
Semi-Permanent – 107 Bldgs
Temporary – 175 Bldgs
Barstow Outreach Center – 1 Bldg
Daggett Heliport – 2 Bldgs
Roads (Paved & Unpaved): 525.3 Miles
Paved – 257.6 Miles MSR Trails – 171 Miles
Unpaved – 47 Miles
Serving & Supporting
Tank Trails – 49.7 Miles
Paved Area (Excluding Roads)
Parking = 1,073,358 yd2
Sidewalks = 362,000 yd2
Utilities: 140 Miles
Water (Domestic) – 66 Miles
Water (RO) – 42 Miles
Water (Sewer) – 32 Miles
Environmental Clean-up
Restoration (IRP) – 4 Active
Munitions (MMRP) – 8 Active
Compliance Clean-up (CC) – 5 Active
47 Tenant Units
4,910 Rotational Soldiers
4,709 Assigned Military
(living on installation – 3,380)
7,461 Family Members
(living on installation – 5,147)
5,646 Civilian Workforce
-------------------------------------Daily Population – 22,726*
School System (SVUSD)
Pre-School - 235, Lewis Elementary (K-2) 609
Tiefort View Intermediate (3-5)
Fort Irwin Middle School (6-9)
Off Post SVHS (10-12)
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
Family Housing Units, 2,383
Built since 2004 - 556
Under Construction - 54
Barracks Inventory (spaces): 1,430
Barracks – 1,203
BOQ – 121 (100 series and Old Tiefort)
Town Center Terrace – 106
Bicycle Lake
Southern CA Logistics Airbase
(SCLA) (Leased)
Daggett Heliport (Leased)
MCLB – YERMO Railhead
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* Based on May 2008 ASIP
28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Fort Irwin
Energy Campaign Plan
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Irwin Energy Profile
Fort Irwin is not meeting
mandated energy reduction goals
Fort Irwin currently has 106 highenergy use trailer buildings for
admin space (400,000+ sq ft)
Fort Irwin lacks metering
capability to audit energy
consumption (currently 95% of the
facilities & buildings are NOT
metered) for effective energy
Fort Irwin’s on-site landfill
operations costs $1.48 million; in
FY12 will require $4.5 million to
Audit and EMCS
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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2003 Baseline: 100 WH/yr
2007 Usage: 115 MWH/yr
Peak demand: 25 MW
Avg demand: 15 M
2010 : 140 MWH/yr
Peak demand: 28 MW
Avg demand: 18 MW
28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
What we have done…
Net Zero Energy Ammunition Building ($720 K)
Replacing Solar Exterior Lighting – installing 132 exterior solar lights for
streets, ASP perimeter lights, jogging path lights and parking areas
CID, OPS GRP HQ, DFAC BLDGS: 39kW solar roof panels installed
SCE participating load pilot study for $325,500 credit
Participated in SCE Demand Bidding Program which in 2009 led to a billing
credit of $52,000 & avoided electricity cost of $1.7 million
Current intra-post use of electric vehicles (GEM) w/PV powered charging
stations in FY12
Lutron lighting in 7 buildings w/30% energy savings in each
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL, COE):
•100 kW solid oxide fuel cell at DOL
Wastewater Treatment Plant: New
tertiary plant will recycle wastewater
(9 million gallons+ in Aug 2010) for
irrigation throughout the cantonment
area; Phase I of III operational FY10 3rd
qtr, project complete FY13
Grass Reduction: 5,000 sq ft in 2010
Since the inception of the FI Recycling
Program in FY05, we have saved over
$5.4 M in landfill costs and provided
$1.9 M back to the community in MWR
Current recycling rate is 25%
•Gas (LPG) engine driven air conditioning (GEDAC)
Combined geothermal, wind & solar energy in dome COB, net-zero facility in
remote site ($300/month savings by being off the grid)
Replaced 668 street lights w/LED lights ($15,000/yr savings)
916th Support Brigade
Converted shading areas & tents into foam-coated structures in RUBA area
for cost avoidance of $8,470,868 annually. By reducing generators for AC,
there was positive impact on air quality
Foam-coated tents DOWN RANGE for a cost-avoidance of $12,236,225
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Iluminates dark corner near youth facilities
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Keeps joggers safe during night runs
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Environmental Campaign Plan
Pollution Prevention Plan
Reduce solid waste from 2500 tons/yr to
200 tons/yr
Increase recycling to 10,000 tons/yr
by expanding baling facility
Use best available technology to
convert trash/waste to energy
• Background:
– Regulated toxic and non toxic wastes: 2.0M lbs
– Turn-in volume accepted:
1.8M lbs
(80% P2 rate)
• Long Term Goals: Increase P2 Rate to 90% by Dec 09
Air Quality
Reduce water use
― Remove or replace non-mission
essential green space
– Extend T2 water irrigation pipes to all
major green areas (200M gal/yr)
– Construct construction fill stands using
T2 water
– Investigate engineering solutions, i.e.
cisterns, and alternate sources of water,
i.e. springs, gray water, etc. (included in
Landscape Master Plan.
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
Background: FY07
Nitric oxide (NOx) emissions limited to 25 tons/yr, currently
22 tons/yr
– PM10 (dust), 146 tons/yr
– Carbon Dioxide: 5.2M lbs/rotation
Compliance Goals to Improve air quality
– Replace 70% generators with solar power systems in the
box reducing NOx by 70%
– Install emission controls on boilers
– Increase dust suppressants on tank trails; reduce PM10 by
– FOB Standardization program will reduce CO2 emissions
by 3.5M lbs/ rotation (60% reduction)
– Eliminate NOx emissions
– Eliminate CO2 emissions
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Repair of Building 264
Augmentee Barracks at Fort Irwin
Public Works Program
Repair Infant Playground Area
Building 98
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
SRM Program
One-Stop In & Out Processing Center
USAG Headquarters Renovation
Construction Aerobic Center
G3 Aviation Operations Facility
Construct Community Pavilion
Construct Playground Areas
NTC Head Quarters HVAC Renovation
NEC Headquarters HVAC Building 985
Renovate Building 254
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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In Design
In Design
In Design
In Design
In Design
In Design
In Design
28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Military Construction Army (MCA) Program
2010 MOUT, Phase IV
2011 No Projects
2012 Qualification Training Range
Infantry Squad Battle Course
Under Construction
2013 Fitness Facility/Pool Addition
Replacement Hospital
Water Treatment Plant
Under Design
Design Charette
2014 No Projects
2015 Urban Assault Course
2016 Hand Grenade Familiarization Range
Soldier & Family Support Center Campus PH-I
Concept Phase
Concept Phase
Concept Phase
2017 NTC Headquarters
Company Operations Facility
Soldier & Family Support Center Campus PH-II
Concept Phase
Concept Phase
Concept Phase
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
Under Design
Under Design
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
• Contracting Vehicles: DPW does not award contracts rather
use following agencies to award and execute project
Army Contracting Agency, Fort Irwin Contracting Office
US Army Corps of Engineers
South West Navy
General Services Administration; Require Offloading approval from Fort
Irwin Contracting Office.
• DPW Function:
– Prepare project scope, design , Estimate and Contract Award Package
– Service Contracts require Service Contract Approval from HQ (IMCOM)
– Monitor QA/QC, Schedule, Liaison with Fort Irwin Customer
• Words of Wisdom for A-E Firms and Contractors:
– Register with the above agencies to get business at Fort Irwin
– If you are 8-A or small business, work with these agencies and SBA
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
Way Ahead
• Hire/obtain additional personnel:
– Designers (contractors)
– Quality Assurance (contractors/DA civilians)
– Environmentalists (DA civilians)
– Engineer Technicians (DA civilians)
– Project Engineers (DA civilians)
• Increase funding
• Finalize master planning update
• Seek private venture support to finance projects through various
means: Energy Savings Performance Contracts, Utilities
Energy Service Contract, Enhanced Use Lease, Power
Purchase Agreements, etc.
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11
US Army Garrison Fort Irwin, CA
“Sustain, Support and Defend”
Lance Toyofuku (760) 380- 3543
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28 Apr 11