Presentation - The 21st Century Indian City

Isha Ray
Energy & Resources Group, UC Berkeley
Waste not, want not
Wastewater re-use for urban /
peri-urban irrigation
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
“The sewer is the conscience of the city”
(Victor Hugo, Les Miserables)
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
The sewer is the conscience of the city
2 million tons of human waste dumped untreated in water
bodies *every day* (UNESCO 2003)
Lancet, v 368, 2006: Investments in sewer systems in 20th
century led directly to massive reductions in mortality
British Medical Journal 2007 poll: sanitation voted ‘greatest
medical advance’ in 166 years
Sanitation & collection / treatment of human waste is as critical
to public & environmental health as is water supply (recognized by
HPEC Report 2011 chaired by Isher Judge Ahluwalia)
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Indian cities treat very little of the
wastewater they generate
Access to improved sanitation in urban India, 2008: 54%
Urban India generates >26 million liters of ww/day
Official capacity to treat is 27% of that volume. In reality, (e.g.)
Delhi treats less than 20% of its wastewater (HDR 2006)
Cost of treatment types vary hugely; construction $15 - $75
/person and O&M $1 - $10 / person/year. Variation depends on
technology, population density, climate, end-use (Nelson & Murray
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
This is true for most cities in most of the
Accra, Ghana. Photo: Ashley Murray
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
But partially treated wastewater is a
valuable resource
Biogas recovery
Irrigation (food & non-food crops, with differences in quality of
treated water; landscaping)
Groundwater recharge; Streamflow recharge
Industrial uses
Therefore financial costs of treatment can be partially recouped
(Murray, Ray & Nelson 2009)
(also HPEC 2011 p53, tho’ irrigation not discussed)
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Urban & peri-urban agriculture needs
water and nutrients
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March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Sewage-fed aquaculture is well-known in
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March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Seasonal / vegetable crops are especially
suited to peri-urban agriculture
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Photo: CGIAR
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Why aren’t more cities designing their
ww tx for re-use?
Planning: Usually compartmentalized (also HPEC
2011 p 62) ‘Waste’water systems -- when they exist
-- designed for disposal, not for re-use.
Economic / environmental: does wastewater
irrigation make sense for the city? For the farmer?
[Also: cost recovery? health risks? Consumer acceptance?]
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
A model of wastewater irrigation:
assess, simulate, select
Coupled performance assessment and optimization model for
wastewater systems for re-use in agriculture (Murray & Ray WR
Three steps:
Assess: performance of current agriculture in catchment area
of city (with current level of irrigation)
Simulate: multiple feasible re-use scenarios
Select: optimal wastewater re-use design & scenario -- based
on what is “optimal”. Make trade-offs *transparent*
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Pixian and its farm economy
Peri-urban district in Sichuan province, south west China
25,000 m3/d wastewater, usually discharged untreated
127,000 farmers; average landholding < 0.5 acres
4 irrigation canals: Xuyan, Zouma, Baitiao, Jiangan
Main crops: rice, winter wheat, rapeseed, fall vegetables, spring
vegetables, cabbage, green onion, garlic, chuanxiong
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Model results: freshwater can be saved
by irrigating with urban wastewater
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March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Model results: agricultural incomes benefit
from wastewater irrigation
Zouma irrigation system with conventional irrigation
supplemented by wastewater: farm profits change
between 0% and +13%
Zouma irrigation system with conventional irrigation
replaced by wastewater: farm profits change between
-3% and +16%
Head-tail asymmetry on canal system also declines
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Financing could partially be covered by
back-end users of sanitation
For Pixian, regional farm profits could rise by $20
million / year with ww supplement
(or treated water could be conserved for other purposes)
This approach needs demand analysis of re-use as
part of planning process, not afterthought
Needs coordinated sanitation and irrigation planning - traditionally these are completely separated (Murray
and Ray, JPER 2010)
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Wastewater re-use simultaneously
addresses sanitation and irrigation
Mainly a planning strategy for high-density urban areas where
it’s feasible to collect and treat large volumes of wastewater
Urban sanitation usually treated as disposal problem, not re-use
Irrigation in urban periphery usually faces water shortage;
“competes” with domestic needs
Wastewater re-use is potential solution to *both*
Hence: waste not, want not
HPEC 2011: “…build synergies between urban & rural parts of
the economy…” (p5)
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Wastewater re-use: barriers
Monitoring and regulation are critical -- handling waste is
Sewers (even if low cost sewers) have to be built to transport
waste away towards treatment sites.
It’s expensive to build sewers & treat waste
Water & sanitation agencies have to be “decompartmentalized”. Possibly expensive. Definitely political.
-- None of this is trivial -March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Wastewater re-use: advantages
On the other hand:
Significant public health benefits
Significant urban environment benefits
Can be achieved through low-energy treatment systems such
as stabilization ponds
Potential to reduce peri-urban water constraints
Potential for partial cost recovery
Potential to “generate urban-rural synergy”
(HPEC 2011, p22)
-- And don’t forget Victor Hugo -March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Wastewater re-use: conclusions
Design for re-use, not for disposal
(Murray/Nelson/Ray 2009)
Consider the lack of wastewater infrastructure as an
opportunity to design for re-use
Assess, simulate, select: Conduct market analysis.
Calculate the costs & benefits of alternative forms of
wastewater treatment at the design stage
(What is the user demand? How / how much to treat depending on end use?
What do different sewer + treatment systems cost? Can water agencies adapt to
unconventional strategies? )
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi
Thank you
(and to my colleagues Dr. Ashley Murray, Dr. Kara Nelson)
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Photo: Kibera by breathedreamgo
WW fed fish pond, Ghana. Photo: Ashley Murray
March 25 2011
Cities Conference | New Delhi