The Chemical Water Quality of Lake Nipissing 2003-2004 Andrew Paterson Dorset Environmental Science Centre Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch Ontario Ministry of the Environment Ontario’s Inland Lakes • ~260,000 lakes • majority on Canadian Shield • water quality is generally good • ↑ water quality = ↑ value Canadian Shield “A lake is the landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of [his] own nature.” - Henry David Thoreau (Walden) The economic value of good water quality in Ontario • ~2 million adult anglers per year • $1.7 billion on goods related to fishing • residents own ~1.2 million recreational boats • 5.6 million visitors engaged in resource-based tourism (50% participating in water sports, 39% hunting/fishing) • $1.1 billion in spending from resource-based tourism • commercial fisheries (~$42.5 million) (Multiple sources, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003: Min. Natural Resources, Provincial Auditor of Ontario, Min. Tourism and Recreation) Background • In 2002, MOE Northern Region staff submitted a request to the Environmental Monitoring and Reporting Branch (EMRB) to undertake a water quality survey of Lake Nipissing • Surveys had been completed in 1971, 1974 and 1975 (no summary report), and 1988, 1989 and 1990 (Neary & Clark 1992) Background • EMRB staff at Dorset coordinated a volunteer-based sampling program for 2003 and 2004 • Results of this survey were compiled and compared with the 1988-90 survey in a report co-authored by Clark, Paterson, DeSellas & Ingram (2010) Clark, Paterson, DeSellas & Ingram (2010) 57 pp. Neary & Clark (1992) 66 pp. Lake Nipissing and its watershed 49% 45% 5% Lake Nipissing ~82,200 ha 80,000 60,000 9847 842 56 8 100 999 1000 9999 10000 99999 >100000 81,426 10 - 99 20,000 88,836 40,000 1 - 9.9 Number of lakes 100,000 0 Lake Area (ha) Watershed area : Lake area = ~16 : 1 5 Methods • In 2003-04 water samples were collected from a series of 26 stations that were originally sampled in the early 1970s and again in 1988-90 • In all 3 surveys, samples were collected during the ice-free season: – in 1988-90 by a Dorset field technician monthly – in 2003-04 by volunteers on a roughly monthly schedule (3 stations were not sampled and the other stations were sampled 5-12 times) Lake Nipissing showing the 26 stations that were sampled in 1988-90 and resampled in 2003-04 (stations 2, 3 and 18 were not re-sampled). Also note that Cache Bay (#7), Callander Bay (#9) and West Bay (#19) are somewhat isolated from the main body of the lake. Methods 30.0 Private Lab TP (µg/L mean of duplicates) • Water chemistry from the 1970s and 1988-90 surveys was analyzed by a commercial lab • Results from the 2003-04 survey were completed by the MOE water chemistry lab at Dorset Boshkung chain (1990-91) 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Dorset Lab TP (µg/L mean of duplicats) We know that the commercial lab values for total phosphorus were generally lower than the MOE Dorset lab results. Methods • A number of water chemistry parameters were measured in the 2003-04 survey including: – pH, alkalinity, aluminum, calcium (Ca), chloride (Cl), colour, conductivity, dissolved inorganic carbon, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, ammonium (NH4), nitrate/nitrite (NO3), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), phosphorus (TP), silica, and sulphate (SO4) SO2 Emissions (kilotonnes) Acid Rain: pH, alkalinity, sulphate 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 Year 1985 1990 1995 2000 pH Concentration Average for 2003-04 9 r2 = 0.861 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.865) intercept = 0 (P=0.611) 8 7 pH Cache Callander 6 6 7 8 Average for 1988-90 9 Sulphate Concentration (mg/L) Average for 2003-04 15 r2 = 0.701 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.274) intercept = 0 (P=0.127) 10 5 SO4 Cache Callander 0 0 5 10 Average for 1988-90 15 Nutrients: Nitrogen & Phosphorus Results from a whole-lake experiment conducted at the Experimental Lakes Area, near Kenora, ON in 1973 Carbon & Nitrogen only Barrier Carbon, Nitrogen & PHOSPHORUS Phosphorus is a nutrient that is the limiting factor “controlling” algal growth in aquatic ecosystems Phosphorus Concentration (ug/L) 40 Average for 2003-04 TP Cache Callander 30 20 r2 = 0.635 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.002) intercept = 0 (P<0.001) 10 0 0 10 20 30 Average for 1988-90 40 Phosphorus Concentration (ug/L) Average for 1988-90 60 r2 = 0.458 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P<0.001) intercept = 0 (P=0.008) 40 20 TP Cache Callander 0 0 20 40 Average for 1971-75 60 Phosphorus Concentration (ug/L) Average for 2003-04 60 r2 = 0.296 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P<0.001) intercept = 0 (P<0.001) 40 20 TP Cache Callander 0 0 20 40 Average for 1971-75 60 Long-term declines in phosphorus – Dorset A lakes Regional trend Relative trends 3 2 [TP] z-score [TP] - z-score 2 1 0 -1 -2 Blue Chalk Chub Crosson Dickie Harp Heney Plastic Red Chalk (Main) 1 0 -1 -2 Regional trend (6 lakes) -3 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Ice-free year Ice-free year Average decline in TP = 28% TKN Concentration (ug/L) 600 Average for 2003-04 TKN Cache Callander 400 200 r2 = 0.520 (Pt =0.144) slope = 1 (P=0.058) intercept = 0 (P=0.118) 0 0 200 400 Average for 1988-90 600 NH4 Concentration (ug/L) Average for 2003-04 90 NH4 Cache Callander 60 30 r2 = 0.211 (P t <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.014) intercept = 0 (P<0.001) 0 0 30 60 Average for 1988-90 90 Nitrate/Nitrite Concentration (ug/L) Average for 2003-04 120 80 NO3 Cache Callander 40 r2 = 0.213 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.541) intercept = 0 (P=0.148) 0 0 40 80 Average for 1988-90 120 Large increases in nitrate between 1988-90 and 2003-04 Seasonal nitrate in Callander Bay 200 800 1988 150 2003 600 200 0 200 0 200 1989 150 2004 150 100 100 50 50 0 200 100 100 50 0 100 150 200 250 Day of year 300 200 250 Day of year 1990 150 150 350 300 0 350 -1 Nitrate/nitrite concentration (g·L-1) 50 Nitrate/nitrite concentration (g·L ) 100 Other interesting results • Is road salt affecting the lake? • Is dissolved organic carbon (DOC) changing? • Are calcium concentrations changing? Chloride Concentration (mg/L) 7 Cl Average for 2003-04 6 Cache Callander 5 4 3 r2 = 0.810 (Pt <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.525) intercept = 0 (P=0.006) 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average for 1988-90 6 7 DOC Concentration (mg/L) Average for 2003-04 10 r2 = 0.621 (P t =0.800) slope = 1 (P=0.008) intercept = 0 (P=0.010) 8 6 4 2 DOC Cache Callander 0 0 2 4 6 Average for 1988-90 8 10 Calcium Concentration (mg/L) Average for 2003-04 20 r2 = 0.953 (P t <0.001) slope = 1 (P=0.002) intercept = 0 (P=0.105) 15 10 5 Ca Cache Callander 0 0 5 10 Average for 1988-90 15 20 Are the Lake Nipissing biota healthy? Mercury in 35-45cm Walleye from Lake Nipissing Mean Mercury (ug/g) ± standard deviation 0.8 N Ontario lakes mean = 0.5 ug/g 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1976 1977 1985 1989 1990 1998 2002 2003 2009 Summary • Acid rain: both pH and sulphate (SO4) concentration have decreased • Nutrients: – Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) has not changed, but nitrate/nitrite (NO3) and ammonium (NH4) have increased – Total phosphorus (TP) has increased, but this may be a lab artefact (levels are lower than the 1970s) Summary • Other parameters: – Chloride (Cl) has increased – Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) has not changed – Calcium (Ca) has decreased Thank You Are there any questions? MOE – North Bay Office • District staff proactively inspect municipal STPs to ensure compliance with MOE issued Certificates of Approval. The district also inspects large subsurface sewage systems that have a flow rate of >10,000 LPD (usually associated with resorts). • District staff conduct comprehensive inspections of hazardous waste generators, waste sites and industrial air dischargers, water users taking >50,000 LPD – all to ensure compliance with MOE issued approvals and permits. MOE – North Bay Office • District Environmental Officers respond to spills and other environmental incidents to ensure proper clean-up and compliance with Ontario’s environmental legislation such as the Environmental Protection Act, Ontario Water Resources Act, Pesticides Act. • District staff also conduct initial sampling for suspected Blue Green Algae complaints and forward results to the local Health unit for follow up action (if positive) MOE – North Bay Office • District staff conduct spring phosphorus sampling and in some cases dissolved oxygen surveys. • MOE also operates a 24 hour spill reporting center – 1-800-268-6060 Nitrogen Components TN = TKN + NO3 = TIN + TON TKN = TON + NH4 TON = TN – (NO3 + NH4) = TKN – NH4 TIN = NO3 + NH4 Observed Changes over Time Parameter (units) Meana 1988-90 Meanb 2003-04 Difference (b-a)/a x 100 pH SO4 (mg/L) TKN (ug/L) NO3 (ug/L) 7.43 10.30 352.40 20.93 7.21 6.86 334.72 47.45 -3.08* -33.41* -5.03 126.68* NH4 (ug/L) TP (ug/L) Cl (mg/L) 24.76 15.12 3.38 38.49 18.23 4.22 55.46* 20.54* 24.81* DOC (mg/L) Ca (mg/L) 5.71 7.74 5.68 7.13 -0.61 -7.87* * - significant difference at P<0.05