Sheboygan Marsh Eutrophication

Sheboygan Marsh Eutrophication
By: Parker Ziehmk
History of the Sheboygan Marsh
A glacier comes over the area and creates a little kettle about 12,000 to 14,000
years ago. Over a short or big timespan the kettle filled up and transformed
into a lake. In 1831 John Bertschy bought tiny part of the lake and tried to
drain it for a farm but failed. He later went bankrupt. Over a period from 19121921 they drained a second time. They were more successful than John. The
main reasons for draining the lake was for farm land considering that the land
was so cheap and was bought up in instant. 1927 was restoration efforts were
started, and the first thing was to rebuild the dam the John Bertschy broke.
After that was completed they tried refilling the lake to try and top it from
becoming a marsh. Sheboygan than bought the marsh and turned it into a
recreational park.
Eutrophication Effects
● One big one is that the Marsh will dry up in time. This
will happen by the sediment increasing and having the
Marsh overflow.
● All of the living species plants and fish included there
will die off, or move.
● Water will not be clear, or Turbidity will decrease
● Decrease in water activities such as Boating, Swimming,
and Fishing.
Steps taken to Stop/Slow Eutrophication
♦ Remove nutrient from waste water. ⇒(Pretty Costly
♦ Drain the water out, and then kill the algae with
chemicals. (copper sulphate & chlorine)
♦ Remove excessive weeds, sediment, etc.
Future Outlook of the Marsh
✌ Can’t stop Eutrophication currently, but can slow it down with the ideas
and more.
Conclusion: Won’t be able to stop Eutrophication for awhile, but when the
technology advances the marsh may not be completely gone and we can top
and neutralize Eutrophication. After we neutralize it we can refill the marsh.