RECOMMENDATIONS TO SAARC TO ADDRESS URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN THE REGION Bangladesh NGOs play a key role in development within South Asia, SAARC should create a department within itself that deals solely with the management of NGOs, expediting and streamlining the availability of resources for them. This department would take the role as middle man between the state and the organization, allowing for more communication between the two. As climate change is having a huge impact on the lives of residents throughout South Asia, SAARC should come up with joint climate change mitigation measures and form a committee to work in close coordination with NGOs in each individual SAARC state. The committee will dedicate an increased amount of time, effort, and resources to increase the impacts and effectiveness of efforts by the current Intergovernmental expert group on climate change. River water pollution is a serious problem throughout South Asia. The polluted river water from Nepal and India is causing environmental hazard in Bangladesh. SAARC summit should come up with a policy to address this problem. We suggest funding an awareness campaign that should be organized throughout South Asia to make the river water clean. SAARC should facilitate for formulation of the necessary policy to save the rivers in its each member state. India Establish a charter within SAARC with a goal of pollution limits and land usage regulations for 2040. After this charter is established, a governing board will be implemented to monitor the progress of these goals and offer suggestions for meeting the goals by the year 2040. Training facilities for environmental health professionals specifically for the slums and informal sector. These training facilities will focus on environmentally induced health conditions that can be managed by more education and a focus directly on the health of urban poor. Vocational schools for the informal recycling and trash management sector to be trained in other alternative recycling methods to trash disposal, and sewage management. Goal is to provide formal employment for informal sector, and manage issues of lacking infrastructure for trash and sewage. Nepal Agricultural Education: We propose that SAARC, in cooperation with the governments of individual member nations, create programs that inform famers of the dangers of their current methods and teach them sustainable alternatives. Pollution Regulation: There needs to be designated landfills and dumping sites, preferably outside city limits, with infrastructure so that the amount of spill over is minimized and that any spillover that does occur will not affect city residents, especially already vulnerable populations. Hopes are to reduce or eliminate illegal dumping and designate when, where, and how much residents and firms could pollute. Specifically, the pollution that does occur needs to be kept away from densely populated, poor communities. Rural Migration: A rural movement plan should be arranged to assist with these countries’ transitions to more modern and urban populations. A report packet will be created to inform SAARC members of pertainate information will be a collaborative effort with each country assigning delegates (scientists, department heads, experts, etc.) that will collaborate and examine effective strategies implemented by other governments, issues that other countries faced when transitioning, and other relevant information. Pakistan We suggest a horizontal as well as vertical integration of environmental governing bodies into the governments of SAARC countries. Environmental Divisions would be established in each of the departments of development in accordance with the reestablishment of all centralized national Ministries of Environment, which all of the Divisions report to. The Ministry would approve, monitor, and enforce Division level environmental bylaws as well as communicate with other national level Ministries regarding the environment’s status. Under the funds for expanding education in the region, a standard curriculum should be established for the teaching of environmental issues at the primary and secondary schooling levels as well as providing environmental studies graduate options for higher education students. Implement a third-party NGO that polices the poverty alleviation and environmental protection government sectors to curtail corruption. Administrators have the right to report their findings to higher power governmental bodies and release their results to the general public as well. In doing so no new programs or spending has to be allocated to poverty/environment relief efforts, but rather an optimization of existing ones. Sri Lanka SAARC-Led Seminars Providing Information on Global Environmental Issues across South Asia to disseminate accurate information about future weather patterns and climate issues. SAARC Established Advisory Groups that Assist in Cross-Regional Urban Environmental Planning and Advising. SAARC should manage an annual meeting of all SAARC member nation's Ministry of Urban Development, in which urban planning and solid waste management are give priority. Set-Up a SAARC Development Bank (perhaps with the Asian Development Bank) which focuses on providing Poverty Alleviation Funds to SAARC members.