WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN TURKEY 1 Scope Current Situation Analysis of Water Quality Management Current potential of water resources Quality of water resources, WWTP situation in Turkey and the technologies used, Financial size of water sector, Administrative structure Progress in Water Quality Management EU legislation National legislation Studies carried out Bottlenecks and challenges faced in Water Quality Management Strategies and policies for future 2 Available Water Resources Potential in Turkey Total Water Use of 2010: 43 billions m3/year Total Amount of Water Targeted for Serving to Use in 2023: 112 billions m3/year 3 Amount of Water Used on the Basis of Resource When looking at the distribution with drinking network in municipalities and villages and when looking at the distribution of water used by industry and mining enterprises on the basis of water resources, it is seen that sea water is used mostly. Water Drawn in 2010 on the Basis of Resource (TÜİK) Sectoral Distribution of Water Used It is seen that water drawn from water resources are largely used by the municipalities when a sectoral analysis is done Water Drawn in 2010 on the Basis of Sectors (TÜİK) Factors Affecting Quality of Water Resources in Turkey • The current quality of the waters of Turkey • Causes of deterioration in the quality of water resources • • • Industrialization, mining activities Unplanned urbanization Agricultural activities For «Olive black water» from Industrial facilities producing olive oil, transition to two-phase continuous system, which produce less olive black water, instead of 3-phase continuous system is encouraged - Waste dams where mine enrichment facilities wastes are stored, affects adversely the quality of water resources. - As a result of livestock activities organic load and nutrient input increasesin water resources. This cause water quality negatively.. - • Pollution Status of Water Resources Water quality thematic map of 11 river basin (COD, TP, TN, River Basin Action Plans) Ergene Basin Action Plan Water quality of drinking water reservoirs of metropolitan municipalities, Datas of 2011 of Integrated Pollution Monitoring Project in (water, sediment and biota monitoring works) 6 Factors affecting the quality of water resources in Turkey Use of Agricultural Fertilizers Plant Protection Products Sourca: Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock Web Site - Using of pesticides and fertilizers is the most important polluter factor affecting water quality. - Approximately 500 pesticides are allowed and some of them are prohibited by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock between 2001 and 2011 Ergene Basin Domestic Wastewater Wastewater Amount 240.000 m3/day m3/day Industrial Sastwater 460.000 m3/day [3] http://ergene.ormansu.gov.tr Water quality is IV. class Works of Establishing Domestic WWTPE and Improved Industrial Estate Joint WWTP are ongoing Number of municipalities which have solid waste disposal facility : 6 Water Quality of Yeşilırmak Basin– Organic Pollution -Pollution from livestock activities in Suluova -Industrial pollution in Suluova Çekerek Streamlet bad medium good very good Water Quality of Büyük Manderes Basin Organic Pollution -Industrial and domestic wastewater, olive activities, geothermal waters Water Quality of SabanBasin-Organic Pollution Intensive agricultural beyond Adana activities bad medium good very good Quality Classes of Drinking Water Resources of Metropolitan Municipalities in Turkey 12 Quality of Water Resources in Turkey Coastal and Transitional Waters •İzmit Bay, Gemlik Bay (Centrum of Gemlik ), • Silivri, Küçükçekmece, Bandırma (Centrum) •River mouths and deltas, Edremit, İzmir, Gökova, 13 Marmaris, Dikili and Çandarlı Bay Quality of Water Resources in Turkey Coastal and Transitional Waters Coasts of İskenderun, Adana, Tarsus, Erdemli and Fethiye are more polluted comperatively 14 WWTP Status and Technologies Used in Turkey Domestic Wastewater Treatment Technologies Mechanical Screens (coarse / fine) Sand & grease trap Primary Sedimentation Method Pyhsical Pyhsical Pyhsical Currency Very common Very common Common Mechanical filter Activated Sludge Systems (carbon removal) - Extended aeration systems - Classical activated sludge systems - MBR (membrane bioreactor) Activated Sludge Systems (carbon removal) - Pre denitrification - UCT/VIP - Bardenpho Oksidasyon hendekleri Biofilm systems (trickling filter, RBC, etc) Pyhsical Not common Biological Biological Biological Very common Very common Not common Biological Biological Biological Biological Biological Very common Not common Common Not common Not common IFAS Systems (suspended + fixed culture) (MBBR, activated sludge+ fixed film etc.) Wetlands (village and so on smaller settlements) Biological Not common Biological Common Sand filter (for recycling) Activated carbon (for recycling) Disinfection systems - Chlorine - Ozone - UV Physical Physico-chemical Not common Not common Chemical Chemical Physical Very common Not common Not common 15 WWTP Status and Technologies Used in Turkey Industrial Wastewater Treatment Technologies Mechanical Screens (coarse / fine) Sand & grease trap Mechanical Filters UF + NF + RO membran systems (recycle) Method Physical Physical Physical Physical Currency Common Common Not common Common Sand filter, activated carbon etc. (water softener) Physical/chemical Common Sand filter, activated carbon etc (recycle) Physical/chmeical Common Biological Biological Biological Very common Very common Not common Biological Biological Biological Very common Not common Not common Biological Biological Biological Chemical Chemical Common Not common Not common Very common Not common Physical Very common Activated Sludge Systems (carbon removal) - Extended aeration systems - Classical activated sludge systems - MBR (membrane bioreactor) Activated Sludge Systems (carbon removal) - Pre denitrification - UCT/VIP - Bardenpho Anaerobic Systems - UASB - EGSB - IC Chemical sedimentation Advanced oxidation systems Sludge Management Systems Condensation Methods - Gravity 16 WWTP Status and Technologies Used in Turkey Number of Municipal Serving With Wastewater Treatment Plant Ratio of Population of Municipal Related to Wastewater Treatment Plant to Total Municipal Population 17 WWTP Status and Technologies Used in Turkey WWTP project phase (20 provinces) There are WWTPs (47 provinces) WWTPs in construction phase(5 provinces) No WWTP (9 provinces) 18 Current Status of WWTPs of Industrial Estates (IE) CURRENT STATUS OF 127 IEs THAT HAVE WWTP WORK 6 29 8 54 30 TREATMENT STATUS OF IEs HAVE CENTRAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 54 IN THE PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION 6 IN THE PHASE OF PROJECT 30 CONTRACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL 29 SOLUTION BY PRE-TREATMENT 8 TOTAL 127 The Situation of Treated Domestic Wastewater Source: Prepared by Using TSI 2010 Data The Situation of Treated Industrial Wastewater Source: Prepared by Using TSI 2010 Data Financial Size of Water Sector Financial Size in Turkey SUKAP Project (2011) Support for Village Infrastructures Project (KÖYDES) and Support for Municipal Infrastructures Project (BELDES) Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Program National Environmental Action Strategy (UÇES, 2006) Investment Program of Ministry of Development (2007-2012) Investment Program of Ministry of Development UÇES (planned) Year Credit (Thousand TL) Total (Thousand TL) Total (Thousand TL) 2007 768.700 3.257.555 2.475.000 2008 1.914.150 4.377.967 2.633.000 2009 1.188.055 6.190.156 2.836.000 2010 1.861.274 9.185.079 2.977.000 2011 1.698.978 9.612.413 3.083.000 2012 2.146.588 6.846.954 3.165.000 Comparison of provision for Investments in Environmental Sector with the UÇES 22 Administrative Structure for Water Quality Management Administrative Structure in Turkey 23 Reasons of that Our Internal Waters Are Relatively More Polluted than Our Coastal waters Although wastewater from point source treatment of greater than 80%, reasons for the continuation of contamination of water resources are given below; Wastewater treatment plants are not designed according to the appropriate norms and standards and not well-operated. Environmental quality standards are not developed and implemented for implementation of discharge standards based the receiving environment by setting environmental objectives. Physico-chemical parameters of water resources are taken into consideration in the assessment of quality class, but micro pollutants and biological quality parameters are not taken into account. Causes of diffuse pollution; Sensitive water areas caused by nutrient pollution and agricultural districts that affects these sensitive areas are not determined. Good agricultural practices are not implemented in these districts. The use of pesticides in our country is increasing every year. There has not been any study on the impact of pesticides on water resources. Environmental quality standards, which are referred to receiving environment criterias, are not determined in the view of pesticides and pollution prevention works are not made based on receiving environment criterias. Related EU Directives 1970 1976 1991 1992 2000 • Dangerous Substances (repealed in 2013) • Bathing water • Groundwater • Water for Human Consumption • Urban Waste Water Treatment • Nitrate • Habitat and Bird • Crustaceans Directive • Clean water quality in order to support fish life • Environmental Quality Standards (published in 2008, replaced the dangerous substances directive) • IPPC • Chemical Accidents(Seveso) • Environmental Impact Assessment • Sewage sludge • Plant Protection Products •Flood risk and evaluation; •Marine Strategy (Plans must be consistent with RBMP) SÇD Water Framework Directive To protect and expand in order to prevent further deterioration of current status of the water ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems and marsh areas directly dependent on the aquatic ecosystems, To promote the sustainable use of water in order to ensure long-term protection of all underground and surface waters, To ensure the gradual reduction of discharges, emissions and gones of priority substances in water resources and to ensure improvement by taking specific measures in order to stop or gradually eliminate the discharges, emissions and gones of priority substances, To prevent further contamination of groundwater by reducing the pollution by the time, Mitigate the adverse effects of floods and droughts, To stop or gradually eliminate the discharges, emissions and gones of priority substances by ensuring the protection of marine waters and the surrounding area. The purpose is to achieve good chemical and ecological status of all water sources 26 Environmental Quality Standards Directive(EQSD)(2008/105/EC) To stipulate the identification of environmental quality standards, which are called as receiving environment criterias, for all substances and substance groups. It makes environmental quality standards essential in order to prevent pollution In discharge permits, the end point of the mixing zone must be based on, Directive states that environmental quality standards should be identified, not only for water column, also for sediment and biota. Harmonisation is almostly done with the publication of the By-Law about Quality Management of Surface Water, date 30.11.2012 and gazette no 28483. 27 National Water Quality Management Legislation Public Health Law in Turkey No. 1593 (1930) DSI Law No. 6200 (1953) Law on Ground Water No. 167 (1960) Law on the Establishment and Duties onGeneral Directorate of Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration No. 2560 (1981) Environmental Law No. 2872 (1983) Coastal Act No. 3621 (1990) Metropolitan Municipality Law No. 5216 (2004) Municipality Law No. 5393 (2005) Geothermal Resources and Natural Mineral Waters Law No. 5686 (2007) No. 6107 Bank of Provinces Law (2011) 28 National Water Quality Management Legislation Regulation on the Control of Pollution Caused by Dangerous Substances in Water and Its Environment (Official Gazette dated 11.26.2005 – No. 26005) Regulation on Water Pollution Control (Official Gazette dated 09.04.1988 – No. 19 999) By-Law on Fishery Products (Official Gazette dated 03.10.1995 – No. 22223) By-Law on Bathing Water Quality (OG dated 03/10/1995 – No. 22223) By-Law on Quality of Surface Water from Where Drinking Water Obtained or Planned to Be Obtained (Official Gazette dated 01.09.2006 26 048 points) By-Law on Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration (Official Gazette dated 04.07.2012 – No. 28257) By-Law Basins Conservation and Preparing Management Plans (Official Gazette dated 10.17.2012 – No. 28444) Surface Water Quality Management (Official Gazette dated 11.30.2012 – No. 28483) 29 Works for Water Quality Management River Basins Protection Action Plans Project about to Control of Dangerous Substances Pollution in Inland Waters Determination of Dangerous Substances in Coastal and Transitional Waters of our country and Ecological Coastal Dynamics (Kıyıtema) Project Determination of Sensitive Areas in the Scale of River Basins in and Water Quality Objectives in Turkey Project Determination of Environmental Quality Standards and Appropriate Methodology In Order To Detect and Prevent Water Pollution Caused by Using of Plant Protection Products in the Coastal Waters, Transitional Waters and Inland Surface Waters 30 Works for Water Quality Management Basin Monitoring and Determination of Reference Points Project Identification and Classification of Marine and Coastal Water Quality Status (DEKOS) Project (In the coordination of MoUE) Project submitted to TÜBİTAK-KAMAG 1007 and announced after acceptance; Determination of Environmental Quality Standards and Objectives for Surface, Coastal and Transition Waters: Büyük Menderes Pilot Basin Assessment of Chemical and Quantity Status of Groundwater and Determination of Objectives to Achieve Good Groundwater Status: Büyük Menderes Pilot Basin 31 Works for Water Quality ManagementInternational Works Enhancing Quality 2013) the Capacity of Water Monitoring Project (2011- Development of Appropriate Methods for the Treatment of Drinking Water IPA Technical Assistance Project Capacity Building Project on Groundwater Management Project in Turkey - ESEI-2012 32 Works for Water Quality ManagementLegislations Draft Law on Water By-Law on Monitoring the Surface Water and Groundwater Draft Bylaw on Freshwater Quality That Requires Protection or Improvement for Sustainability of Fish Life Communique Works for Implementation for By-Law about Surface Water Quality Management and By-Law on Protection of Groundwater against Pollution and Deterioration 33 Strategy and Policies for the Future Related to determination, remediation and improvement of water quality across the country, for the purposes of; SU KALİTE YÖNETİMİ STRATEJİ BELGESİ VE EYLEM PLANI (2013-2023) To do legal and institutional arrangements, To develop the technical and economic instruments, To protect and improve the quality of water bodies, to determine the measures to be taken for this purpose and to follow up applications to perform water quality management with the participation of interested parties and institutions 34 Strategy and Policies for the Future The purpose is to provide guidance to the long-term decisions and investment program about; protecting, develloping and sustainable using of the natural resources of our country's basins, Another purpose is to demonstrate a common way for future studies to meet adequately and sustainably the needs and expectations of our public related to benefits of basins about ecology, economy, social usefulness and social services 35 Bottlenecks / Challenges Authority for water management are numerous institutions, the conflict of competence Lack of coordination Duplication in Monitoring studies, lack of standardization Lack of monitoring network Lack of qualified personnel and equipment working in the field monitoring 36 Recommendations For the protection of water resources; Identification and meeting the deficit of national water quality management, administrative, legal and technical gaps (Water law and sub-regulations), Strengthening the institutional infrastructure and capacity, Ensuring the coordination among agencies dealing with water quality, Completion of the environmental sub-structures, while sub-structures comply with norms and environmental criteria, tendering the design and construction together, edition of legislation on the subject, Good operation of the completed environmental infrastructures, the elimination of overlaps in monitoring works, ensuring standardization Establishment of national monitoring network in our country, To put forward the objectives of environmental quality including general chemical, physico-chemical, biological and hydromorphological quality elements, 37 Recommendations For the protection of water resources; Determination of Environmental Quality standards for implementation of environmental discharge standards based on the receiving environment by puting forth environment objectives, Determination of substances or groups of substances that are harmful to aquatic organisms and therefore to human health ve receiving water environments and taking the necessary measures for the reduction of these substances in receiving environment, Determination of sensitive water bodies in view of nutrient pollution and determination areas of agricultural, industrial and urban areas that affecting the sensitive areas Identification environmental quality standards, which are called as receiving environment criterias, in view of pesticides and doing pollution prevention activities for these pesticides based on the receiving environment criteria, Promotion of good and organic agricultural practices by technical and financial supports, Promoting the pollution prevention programs and cleaner production practices in industry, Identification and follow-up measures to achieve good water quality, 38 THANKS FOR YOUR PATIENCE 39