ENABLING GROWTH: PERSPECTIVES AND CHALLENGES A Presentation of the African Development Bank, on the occasion of the Borderless Alliance Conference 2014 Sheraton Hotel and Towers, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria 26 – 28 February 2014 Africa’s success story Economic outlook for West Africa Growth and Inclusiveness Outline Pathway to economic transformation Enablers and drivers of growth? Optimism on the horizon Regional Bank Group Portfolio Performance West Africa Africa’s success story… Amid sustained global economic crisis, African economies remain resilient Six of world’s 10 fastest growing economies in Africa Growth outperformed both Latin America and developed economies over the last 5 years, Latest forecast: GDP growth over the period 2013–2015 is 5 percent, outperforming many developed countries. Steady improvements in economic policy and the business environment Inflation lower, exchange rates more aligned than 20 years ago. FDI inflows averaged 3 percent of GDP annually between 2001 and 2011, compared to around 1.2 percent of GDP in previous decade Economic outlook for West Africa …similar trends Fastest growing region of the continent, growth around 6.7% in 2013 and estimated to reach 7.4% in 2014. growth led by strong performance of oil and mining sectors, accounting for the bulk of the USD 15.1 billion FDI inflows registered in 2012, the largest volume of FDI of any other regions in the continent. Nigeria, Guinea, Ghana, Niger’s resource sectors attracted an estimated 88% of total FDI to the region. Economic recovery from political stabilization and the Sahelian drought, key determinants of double digit growth in Ivory Coast and economic recovery of Mali, Senegal and the Gambia respectively Monetary policy of the WAEMU continued its prudent stance with priority given to controlling inflation Growth and Inclusive ness Amidst these successes, important challenges however remain… First, growth not successfully translated into poverty reduction; not inclusive; jobs not created; income inequality has increased. Second, domestic policies seemingly preoccupied with crisis management/ managing domestic politics, rather than on strategic measures to ensure economic transformation. The continent has experienced deindustrialization, declining agricultural productivity, rising food and nutrition insecurity Third, growth largely commodity driven. Africa remains vulnerable to continuing economic frailty in advanced economies and fear of slowdown in emerging markets, particularly China Pathways to Econ Development: No single pathway to economic transformat ion, but common trends observable First, structure of the economy changes depicting increase in share of manufacturing coupled with sustained decline in agriculture Second, as share of agriculture employment falls, that of the total labour force in other sectors of the economy increases Third, economic activity shifts from rural areas to the cities leading to an increase in the degree of urbanization The middle class become larger, changes happen in the way politics works, with emphasis on marketfriendly policies and government become more effective Enablers/ Drivers of Growth … So what then are the enablers and drivers of growth? Enablers… Creating capable developmental states In all cases where structural transformation has succeeded, the state has played a crucial role in the process. Unfortunately, West Africa is arguably one of the most fragile from a political and security stand point. Nearly half of the countries classified as fragile states, the region exemplifies the problems of state building Trade and Industrialization Enablers of Growth (2) Trade, a key engine of growth; Its catalytic role has been clearly evident in many regions of the world, especially China In West Africa: poor cross-border and trade facilitation infrastructure; weaknesses of human, national and regional institutions capacities, property rights and legal enforcement remain highly relevant challenges to trade and regional integration. Market fragmentation also remains a critical barrier. Infrastructure Development Africa faces an acute shortage of quality infrastructure infrastructurefinancing gap at US$390 billion, the bulk of which is for power and energy. Beyond these, and in a longer perspective, the gap can be estimated to run in trillions of dollars. Pursuing climate resilient development Enablers of Growth (3) Growing climate change concerns imply that Africa may need to take a different development path from that followed by other regions of the world leaders must engage other global partners to ensure that the continent has resources and sufficient capacity to pursue a green path to industrial development Harnessing Regional Integration Regional integration critical in promoting peace and security. regional cooperation in the development of infrastructure will lower transaction costs, enhance the development of regional markets, and make manufacturing production and exports more competitive. Regional integration can also contribute to reducing the regulatory burden facing African firms and boost intraAfrican trade. Good leadership Drivers of growth (1) In spite of economic model operated, experience indicate that success comes from a political leadership that has vision and capacity to implement it Political stability is critical for national planning, sustaining macroeconomic policies and for creating a good investment climate. Climate change a key factor in Africa’s growth trajectory impact of climate change on agricultural productivity, food and water security, disease control, biodiversity and land degradation among others, very critical The recent drought in the Sahel region of West Africa has shown the vulnerability of the region to climate change. Urbanization Drivers of growth implies important spatial interactions at the national level that can provide transformative growth opportunities for Africa, but also serious challenges Strategies will be needed to ensure that benefits of urbanization are maximized while the negative effects are mitigated Science, technology and innovation Africa’s sustained growth, competitiveness and economic transformation will require investments in new technologies and innovations Socio-Economic equality, investing in human and physical development By 2040, Africa’s labour force is projected to reach 1.1 billion, overtaking China’s or India’s. Africa has more than 500 million people of working age (15 to 64 years). Drivers of growth In West Africa about 40% of the population is under 15, and nearly 70% under 30. Converting this population bulge into a “demographic dividend” will require aggressive job creation, with corresponding innovative investments in health and education (particularly education in science, technology and skills development). Science, technology and innovation Africa’s sustained growth, competitiveness and economic transformation will require investments in new technologies and innovations, especially in the areas of education, health and bio-sciences, agriculture, and clean energy Managing natural resource in a sustainable manner Drivers of growth (2) Africa richly endowed in natural resource sector is expected to generate, in net present terms, about US$ 600 billion (US$30 billion per annum) in government revenue over the next 20 years. Proper management, including value addition, will translate into substantially improved fiscal positions for governments, the private sector and households; can further create other forms of wealth and accelerate poverty reduction Effective private and public sector development In Africa, the sector is dominated by the informal sector Except South Africa, formal private sector accounts for only 10 per cent of total employment, Private sector initiatives as well as those undertaken in collaboration with the public sector will be important in creating employment and in adding value to Africa’s natural resources Innovative financing mechanisms Africa needs to bridge an infrastructure gap, estimated at USD$40 billion a year in lost growth Drivers of growth (3) Africa’s heavy reliance on Aid and on revenues from volatile commodities prices, not ideal to support economic development Global factors and the Changing Rules of the Game Africa needs to pay heed to global forces and the changing rules of the game China’s influence in Africa will increase considerably in the coming decades, Enhanced domestic resource mobilization has emerged as a more sustainable model to shore up financing gaps and for self–reliance. as China rebalances its model towards a domestic consumption rather than an export led economy there will be implications for Africa’s long-term growth prospects Some potential sources: mobilizing public finance; managing natural resource revenues; tackling illicit capital flows; sovereign wealth funds, Africa should continue to see the older markets of Europe and America and South-South Cooperation as part of a broader diversification strategy Concluding views… There is Optimism on the horizon The African Development Bank shares that perspective. The Bank is acutely aware of the need to sustain the tempo the Bank together with the AU and the UNECA actively involved in a number of initiatives, among them, the Agenda 2063 The Bank is promoting new, innovative and sustainable ways of financing Africa’s development, key among them the “Africa 50 Fund” The Bank launched the “Ten Year Strategy (2013 – 2022”, anchored on transformation, inclusive growth and transition to green economy In support of Agenda 2063, the Bank is dedicating this year’s annual meetings scheduled for Kigali, Rwanda, to the topic “The Next 50 Years: The Africa We Want” Regional Bank Group Portfolio Performance West Africa (1) Bank Operations guided, among others, by the RIS/ West Africa Regional Integration Strategy Paper (WA-RISP) key pillars are: (i) linking regional markets and (ii) building capacity for effective implementation of the regional integration agenda Key areas of intervention: construction and rehabilitation of transnational roads, hydroelectric dam and plants, high tension transmission and interconnection lines, integrated financial system in the West Africa Monetary Zones (WAMZ); soft sides of infrastructure dealing with trade facilitation as at December 1st, 2013, the Bank's regional operations portfolio in West Africa included 43 multinational operations covering a global amount of $1,023.31 billion Regional Bank Group Portfolio Performance West Africa (2) portfolio predominantly focused on the infrastructure sector, especially energy and transport, which accounts for 26 interventions costing total of $787.04 million or 76.91% of commitments. The finance and social sectors account for 14.95% and 4.79% respectively. under a renewed commitment to the challenges of fragility, a new Initiative currently being developed for the Mano River Union subset of the ECOWAS, to accelerate development, connect people and build capacity 4 key sectors targeted: Energy, Transportation, ICT and Trade Facilitation, with projected cost implications of about $4.5billion