Town of Farmington Economic Development Commission Business Survey Presented to: July 20, 2010 Background Information 3 Study Objectives To determine and quantify satisfaction with EDC solutions to business challenges To understand current business perspectives in ways that are: • Timely • Scientific/Generalizable • Actionable To gather open and honest feedback using an independent third-party on topics such as: • Business satisfaction with Town’s business related policies • Participation in Town sponsored/endorsed offerings and events To guide strategic planning and other decision-making To fulfill a request of the Town Council from the 2009 joint meeting 4 Survey Methodology Mode: Telephone Survey Population: Businesses located in the Town of Farmington (2,022) Completes: 155 (margin of error 7.57%) Length: Approximately 10 minutes Dates: May 5 – May 14, 2010 Executive Summary 6 Executive Summary: Key Findings The 3-5 year businesses outlook is very good, with one-third (34%) planning to increase their employment and half (56%) staying the same Most businesses (86%) are planning on staying in Town for at least the next 3-5 years Most businesses in town are small (revenue below $1M) Overall, businesses have a very high rating of the Town, as more than three-quarters (76%) rate the Town image as “Excellent” or “Good” Businesses are not aware of Town-offered Business Services 7 Executive Summary: Recommendations Communication to Businesses • Town Service Offerings • Traffic Updates • Market Town Consolidate Information • Coordinate with Library • Provide Business Resources Survey Population Overview 9 Business Types There is not an overabundance of any particular business type in Farmington More than one quarter (26%) of Town businesses conduct Professional Services 26% Professional Service 10% Other Service Restaurant Construction 6% 6% Automotive 4% Manufacturing 4% Commercial 3% Industrial 3% Financial Service 5% Non-Profit Insurance 5% Distribution Real Estate 5% Office 1% Retail 5% Wholesale 1% High Tech 5% Bio-Tech Medical 5% Something Else Q4. What type of business do you conduct? 3% 2% 1% 3% 10 Tenure in Farmington The average number of years that businesses have been in Farmington is: 21.5 years From Where Did Your Company Move? 65% Always been in Farmington 7% West Hartford Hartford 5% Out of State 3% Bristol 3% New Britain 3% Avon 3% Glastonbury 2% Other CT Town Q1. How long have you been in business in Farmington? Q2. From where did your company move? 8% 11 Business Revenue Size Most of the businesses had revenue under $1Million in 2009 2009 Gross Revenue 60% 16% <$1Million $1Million $5Million Q8. In which of the following categories were your gross revenues in 2009? 3% 3% $5Million $10Million $10Million + 12 Reasons Companies Choose to Locate in Farmington Companies value the high “Quality of Life” they find in Farmington With the Town’s many home-based businesses as a contributing factor, a sizable group is located in Farmington because they “Live in Town” Quality of life 18% Customer Base 5% Live in Town 17% Close to Similar/Service Business 5% Availability of Commercial Buildings/Land 10% 8% Location (general) Thriving Business Culture Home-Based Business Q3. Why did your company choose to locate in Farmington? 8% 6% 4% Always Been Here Access to Highways Workforce Other 3% 2% 13% 13 3-5 Year Outlook of Staying in Town Most businesses report that they are planning on staying in Farmington • Those who are staying are not planning on changing facilities • Half of the companies not staying in Farmington are moving away or retiring Staying in Farmington 86% Yes No Purchase, Lease or Construct New Facilities 81% 14% 8% Yes No Reasons Not Staying in Farmington 50% Moving Away/Retiring Availability of Land/Buildings 17% Cost of Land/Buildings 17% Other (SPECIFY) 17% Q9. In the next 3 to 5 years, is your business planning on staying in Farmington? Q10a. Is your company planning to purchase, lease or construct new facilities in Town?; Q10b. Why not? 14 Facility Own vs. Lease Business are evenly split between owning and leasing their facility Lease 48% Q5. Do you own or lease your facility? Own 50% 15 Employees & Future Employment Needs The average number of people employed by a town business is: Full-Time: 15.4 Part-Time: 6.5 One-third of Farmington businesses project their employment needs to increase in the next few years • Another half expect stable employment 34% Increase 56% Stay the Same Decrease 8% Q6. How many people are employed with your company at this location (in Farmington)? ** Outlier of 5,000FT and 2,000PT removed for this calculation Q7. In the next few years, do you project your employment needs at this location to increase, decrease or stay the same? Town Evaluation 17 Town Rating Most businesses have a very high image of the Town, as three-quarters rate the Town as “Excellent” or “Good” from a business perspective No business rates the Town as “Poor” 43% 33% 19% 5% 0% Excellent Good Fair Q11. From a business perspective, how would you rate the Town of Farmington’s overall image? Excellent, good, fair or poor? Poor Don't Know 18 Best Things About Being Located in Town Businesses think that the high “Quality of Life” available is the best thing about having their business in Town • Continual focus on this high quality of life will keep businesses satisfied with the Town and will help to attract more businesses to Town “Location” and “Highway Access” are also highly rated 23% - Quality of Life 18% - Location (general) 9% - Highway Access Q17. What are the BEST things about having your business located in the Town of Farmington? 19 Worst Things About Being Located in Town Half of all businesses report that there is “Nothing” negative about being located in Town For those who mention anything negative, “Traffic” is reported to be the worst thing about having their business located in Town • Communication campaigns to update businesses on road construction and any traffic improvements would be well received 55% - NOTHING 14% - Traffic 4% - Town/Govt. Lack of Support Q18. Are there any negative aspects about having your business located in the Town of Farmington? 20 Contributions of Town Elements – “A” or “B” Rating “Accessibility of Town Staff” as a contribution of Town businesses is very highly graded “Overall Location” and the “Responsiveness of Town Government” are also given highly positive ratings 67% Accessibility of town staff Overall location giving my company a competitive advantage 57% 52% Responsiveness of town government 38% Skilled workforce Accessibility of regulatory process items 29% Availability of commercial real estate 24% Impact of land use regulations on my business 24% Q12. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business… Contributions of Town Elements – Rated “Don’t Know” Town Elements which do not contribute to Town businesses include the “Availability of Commercial Real Estate” and the “Impact of Land Use Regulations”, as respondents were not familiar with these elements to give them any grade Availability of commercial real estate 48% Impact of land use regulations on my business 48% 43% Accessibility of regulatory process items 33% Skilled workforce 29% Responsiveness of town government Overall location giving my company a competitive advantage Accessibility of town staff Q12. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business… 24% 14% 21 22 Community Services – “A” or “B” Rating “Public Schools” and “Health Care Facilities” are the most highly rated community services in Town, followed closely by “Financial Institutions” and “Higher Education” Public Schools 68% Health Care Facilities 68% Financial Institutions 65% Higher Education 64% 46% Business Support Services at Library Business Support Services through EDC Q13. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business… 37% 23 Community Services – Rated “Don’t Know” One-third of businesses do not know about “Business Services” offered by either the EDC or at the Library 34% Business Support Services through EDC 34% Business Support Services at Library 23% Public Schools 22% Higher Education 16% Health Care Facilities Financial Institutions 14% Q13. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business… 24 Town Services Which Make Company More Competitive Three quarters of businesses report that they are unaware of any services offered by the Town which would help make their company more competitive 75% Unaware of Programs/Services Over one-third report that they do not need any programs or services to help their company be more competitive • Another 22% “Don’t Know” of any services that would help 35% No Needed Services Q14. What programs or services does the Town of Farmington offer to help make your company more competitive? Q15. What additional programs or services should the Town of Farmington offer to help make your company more competitive? Services Which Help Company Be More Competitive – Top Mentions Work with local groups (eg. Chamber, Rotary, Unionville Village Improvement Association, etc.) to support and promote local business (4%) Advise Town Council on economic development policy and issues (3%) Liaison between Town government and local business community (3%) Economic Development Commission (3%) Communicate with local businesses (Quarterly E-News, websites, etc.) (2%) Provide networking opportunities with local businesses (2%) Q14. What programs or services does the Town of Farmington offer to help make your company more competitive? 25 Additional Programs or Services the Town Should Offer – Top Mentions Offer Tax Breaks/Incentives (8%) Market Town (5%) Provide networking opportunities with local businesses (3%) Change Signage Regulation (3%) Help locate available commercial land and buildings/facilitate between real estate broker and prospective business (3%) Q15. What additional programs or services should the Town of Farmington offer to help make your company more competitive? 26 27 Other Types of Businesses/Services Needed “Suppliers” are the most requested type of business Most businesses (63%) either do not know or do not think any other types of businesses or business services are needed in Town 21% Suppliers Other like companies (eg insurance or manufacturing) 3% Printing 3% Restaurant Something else 1% 11% None Don't know Q16. What other types of business or business services does your business need but are not located in town? 30% 33% 28 Additional Feedback Businesses with feedback think the Town is doing a good job and should keep doing what they are doing Most do not have any additional feedback 68% No 8% Doing a Good Job/Keep doing what they are doing Transportation Issues 4% Tax Issues 2% Don't know 1% Signage/Regulatory Issues 1% Something Else 15% Q19. Is there any other feedback or comments you wish to give to the Town's Economic Development Commission? Appendix 30 Location Gives Company Competitive Advantage More than half (57% A-B) of businesses feel that the “Overall Location Gives My Company a Competitive Advantage” One quarter feel the overall location does not impact their “Competitive Advantage” at all 33% 24% 24% 10% 10% 0% A B C D F Q12a. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Overall location giving my company a competitive advantage Don't know 31 Skilled Workforce The “Skilled Workforce” available in Farmington is rated with a “B” or a “C” by most businesses This finding is consistent with State-wide Skilled Workforce concerns One-third say that the “Skilled Workforce” does not impact their business 33% 29% 19% 10% A B C 5% 5% D F Q12b. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Skilled workforce Don't know 32 Availability of Commercial Real Estate Almost half of businesses do not see the “Availability of Commercial Real Estate” as having any impact on their business • This is likely a reflection of the large number of home-based businesses as well as the general locational stability of Town businesses 48% 14% 14% 10% 10% 5% A B C D F Q12c. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Availability of commercial real estate Don't know 33 Impact of Land Use Regulations “Land Use Regulations” do not impact about half of all businesses Those who are impacted grade these Regulations as a “B” (19%) Another 14% grade “Land Use Regulations” as an “F” 48% 19% 14% 10% 5% A 5% B C D F Q12d. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Impact of land use regulations on my business Don't know 34 Accessibility of Regulatory Process Items As with Land Use Regulations, the “Accessibility of the Regulatory Process” does not contribute to four-in-ten businesses 43% 14% 14% 14% 14% 0% A B C D F Q12e. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Accessibility of regulatory process items Don't know 35 Accessibility of Town Staff “Town Staff” are seen as very Accessible, with about half grading “Accessibility” as an “A” 48% 19% 14% 14% F Don't know 5% 0% A B C D Q12f. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Accessibility of town staff 36 Responsiveness of Town Government “Town Government” is seen as very “Responsive”, with more than half awarding an “A” or “B” grade One-in-three does not feel that the “Responsiveness of Town Government” impacts their business 29% 29% 24% 14% 5% 0% A B C D F Q12g. Please grade the Town on each of the following elements as they contribute to your business…Responsiveness of town government Don't know 37 Public Schools The “Public Schools” in Farmington are very highly rated by Town businesses, with more than two-thirds rating them as “A” or “B” 51% 23% 17% 5% 1% A B C D 3% F Q13a. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Public Schools Don't know 38 Higher Education As with Public Schools, “Higher Education” is also appreciated by Town businesses 41% 23% 22% 11% A B C 1% 2% D F Q13b. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Higher Education Don't know 39 Financial Institutions Two-thirds of Town businesses rate “Financial Institutions” highly 40% 25% 14% 14% 6% 2% A B C D F Q13c. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Financial Institutions Don't know 40 Business Support Services at the Library About one-third of businesses do not know about the “Business Support Services at the Library” Those who do know rate these Services highly, with over one-quarter awarding an “A” grade 34% 28% 18% 13% A B C 3% 4% D F Q13d. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Business Support Services at the Library Don't know 41 Business Support Services through the EDC “Business Support Services Provided by the EDC” are unknown by one-third of businesses Another 40% rate these Services as an “A” or “B” 34% 19% 19% 14% 8% 6% A B C D F Q13e. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Business Support Services through Economic Development Commission Don't know 42 Health Care Facilities “Health Care Facilities” are highly graded by about half of Town businesses 46% 21% 16% 10% 2% A B C D 4% F Q13f. Based on the following community services, please grade Farmington as a place for your company to do business…Health Care Facilities Don't know 43 Survey Population Overview Based on the sample list provided by the EDC, the following types of businesses participated in the survey: Business Type % Uncategorized * 56.1 Home BIZ 22.6 UCHC 9.0 West Farms 4.5 Insurance 3.2 Manufacturing 1.9 Unionville 1.3 Commercial Real Estate 0.6 Major Employers 0.6 * Uncategorized businesses include all businesses that have registered with the Town Clerk since 2008 and any business that has registered for an Economic Development event and/or newsletter since 2009