Identity Management | Data Protection | Authentication Strategies Desired State Configuration for FIM Craig Martin – FIM MVP © 2014 Edgile, Inc. – All Rights Reserved [Video] A Practical Overview of Desired State Configuration [eBook] DSC Hub [TechNet] Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration Overview Development Test Production Configuration Intent DSC Engine Dependency Resolution Logging & Error Handling Reboot Resiliency Repeatable Automation Technology Specific Traditional Scripts Resources Technology Specific Intent WHAT : Structural Configuration Stays same irrespective of the environment WHERE : Environmental Configuration Changes as system goes from Dev Test Prod Make It So HOW : DSC Resources Do the heavy lifting in an idempotent way ### ### Define the configuration ### configuration Foo { node (hostname) { WindowsFeature XPSViewerFoo { Ensure = “Present" Name = "XPS-Viewer" } } } ### ### Generate the MOF file from the Configuration ### foo ### ### View the generated MOF ### psedit .\foo\CraigFimDev626.mof ### ### Process the configuration in the LCM ### Start-DscConfiguration -Wait -Verbose -Path .\Foo Provider Description DSC Archive Resource Unpacks archive (.zip) files at specific paths on target nodes. DSC Environment Resource Manages system environment variables on target nodes. DSC File Resource Manages files and directories on target nodes. DSC Group Resource Manages local groups on target nodes. DSC Log Resource Logs configuration messages. DSC Package Resource Installs and manages packages, such as Windows Installer and setup.exe packages, on target nodes. DSC WindowsProcess Resource Configures Windows processes on target nodes. DSC Registry Resource Manages registry keys and values on target nodes. DSC WindowsFeature Resource Adds or removes Windows features and roles on target nodes. DSC Script Resource Runs Windows PowerShell script blocks on target nodes. DSC Service Resource Manages services on target nodes. DSC User Resource Manages local user accounts on target nodes. Resource Description xComputer Name a computer and add it to a domain/workgroup xVHD Create and managed VHDs xVMHyperV Create and manage a Hyper-V Virtual Machine xVMSwitch Create and manage a Hyper-V Virtual Switch xDNSServerAddress Bind a DNS Server address to one or more NIC xIPAddress Configure IPAddress (v4 and v6) xDSCWebService Configure DSC Service (aka Pull Server) xWebsite Deploy and configure a website on IIS Resource Description Module Name Link xADDomain Create and manage an Active Directory Domain xActiveDirectory click here xADDomainController Create and manage an AD Domain Controller xActiveDirectory click here xADUser Create and manage an AD User xActiveDirectory click here xWaitForADDomain Pause configuration implementation until the AD Domain is available. xActiveDirectory click here xSqlServerInstall Create and manage a SQL Server Installation. xSqlps click here xSqlHAService Create and manage a SQL High Availability Service. xSqlps click here xSqlHAEndpoint Create and manage the endpoint used to access a SQL High Availability Group. xSqlps click here xSqlHAGroup Create and manage a SQL High Availability Group. xSqlps click here xWaitForSqlHAGroup Pause configuration implementation until a SQL HA Group is available. xSqlps click here xCluster Create and manage a cluster. xFailOverCluster click here xWaitForCluster Pause configuration until a cluster is available. Used for cross machine synchronization. xFailOverCluster click here xSmbShare Create and manage a SMB Share. xSmbShare click here xFirewall Create and manage Firewall rules xNetworking click here xVhdFile Manage files to be copied into a Vhd. xHyper-V click here xWebsite Added functionality to xWebsite to support configuration of https websites. xWebAdministration click here xVhd Bug fixes xHyper-V click here Module Resource Description xWebAdministration xWebAppPool Create, remove, start, stop an IIS Application Pool xWebVirtualDirectory Create or remove a virtual directory xWebApplication Create or remove a web application xWebConfigKeyValue Configure AppSettings section of Web.Config xDatabase Create, drop & deploy databases xDBPackage Backup & restore databases xUAC Enable or disable User Account Control prompt xIEEsc Enable or disable IE Enhanced Security Configuration xRDSessionDeployment Creates and configures a deployment in RDSH. xRDSessionCollection Creates a RDSH collection. xRDSessionCollectionConfiguration Configures a RDSH collection. xRDRemoteApp Publish applications for your RDSH collection xWindowsProcess Adds ability to run as a specific user to the existing WindowsProcess resource xService Update to existing Service resource to include create/configure service xRemoteFile Download files from a URI xPackage Adds ability to run as a specific user to the existing resource, includes VS Setup xArchive Create, update, extract a Zip file xEndpoint Creates a remoting endpoint xDscResourceDesigner, xComputer, xVMHyperV, xDNSServerAddress Feature additions and bug fixes xDatabase xSystemSecurity xRemoteDesktopSessionHost xPSDesiredStateConfiguration Updates Module Resource(s) Description xAzure xAzureAffinityGroup Defines the relationship between compute and storage xAzureQuickVM Simple resource for creating VMs with limited options xAzureService Creates a cloud service for the VMs xAzureStorageAccount creates the online storage account where the blobs for the test environment will reside xAzureSubscription sets the current Azure subscription context xAzureVM creates a virtual machine in Azure including access to VM Guest extensions xJeaEndPoint Allows creation of PowerShell JEA Endpoints that leverage one or more JEA Toolkits and properties of the endpoints including access control xJeaToolKit Allows creation of a JEA Toolkit that defines which applications, scripts, and commands should be available within a PowerShell constrained endpoint configuration xDnsServerSecondaryZone This resource allows setting a Secondary zone on a given DNS server. Secondary zones allow client machine in primary DNS zone to do DNS resolution of machines in the secondary DNS zone. xDnsServerZoneTransfer This resource allows a DNS Server zone data to be replicated to another DNS server. xDhcpServerScope Sets a scope for consecutive range of possible IP addresses that the DHCP server can lease to clients on a subnet. xDhcpServerReservation Sets lease assignments used to ensure that a specified client on a subnet can always use the same IP address xDhcpServerOption Supports setting DNS domain and DNS Server IP Address options at a DHCP server scope level. xWinEventLog xWinEventLog Adds support for configuring Windows Event Logs. xActiveDirectory (updated) xADDomainTrust Used to establish a cross-domain trust Updates xPSDesiredStateConfiguration, xDscResourceDesigner, xDscDiagnostics Feature additions and bug fixes xJEA xDnsServer xDhcpServer Module Resource(s) Description xWordPress xIisWordPressSite This DSC Composite Configuration allows you to configure an IIS site to run WordPress and set the contents of the WordPress configuration file. xWordPressSite This DSC Resource allows you to configure a WordPress Site xPhp xPhp This DSC Resource allows you to Setup PHP in IIS. This is used in the xWordPress examples. xMySql xMySqlServer DSC Resource allows you to configure a MySQL server xMySqlDatabase This DSC Resource allows you to configure a MySql Database. xMySqlUser This DSC Resource allows you to configure a MySql User. xMySqlGrant This DSC Resource allows you to configure a MySql Grant (permissions). xMySqlProvison This DSC Resource allows you to configure a MySql Server, with a database, and a user, and grant to that database for that user. xPsDesiredStateConfiguration xWindowsOptionalFeature This resource allows configuring Windows Optional Features for Windows client SKUs xWebAdministration xIisModule This enables registration of modules (such as FastCgiModules) with IIS xWindowsUpdate xHotfix Handles installation of a Windows update (or a hotfix) from a given path (file path or a URI) Updates xSqlPs xDscResourceDesigner xDhcpServer xAzure Minor updates & bug fixes have been made for these. Module Resource(s) Description xSafeHarbor (none) This is a sample configuration demonstrating how to set up a secure environment to run a particular application or service. Note - some updates & bug fixes have been made since the original release. xAzure xAzureSqlDatabaseServerFirewallRule Configures Azure SQL Database Server Firewall Rules. xRemoteDesktopAdmin xRemoteDesktopAdmin This resource configures Remote Desktop settings and configures the Windows firewall to support Remote Desktop xPsDesiredStateConfiguration xGroup Extends the in-box Group resource with support for cross-domain account lookup and UPN-formatted names used for identifying users, computers, and group domain-based accounts. xChrome xChrome Deploys the Chrome browser xFirefox xFirefox Deploys the Firefox browser Updates xAzureSqlDatabase xPsDesiredStateConfiguration xWaitForAdDomain xSqlServerInstall xFirewall Bug fixes have been made to improve each of these items. Please see the individual topics for details. Module Resource(s) Description xAdcsDeployment xAdcsCertificationAuthority, xAdcsWebEnrollment The purpose of these resources is to install and configure the Certificate Authority role and the Certificate Services Web Enrollment on a Windows Server following installation of the component using the WindowsFeature resource. xCredSSP xCredSSP The xCredSSP module enables or disables Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) authentication, and supports configuring the server and client roles, plus which server or servers the client credentials can be delegated to. xPendingReboot xPendingReboot xPendingReboot examines three specific registry locations where a Windows Server might indicate that a reboot is pending and allows DSC to predictably handle the condition. Updates xRemoteDesktopAdmin Bug fixes have been made to improve each of these items. Please see the individual topics for details. File Group Registry Service User Package WindowsFeature WindowsProcess Environment Archive Log Script xWebsite xComputer xIPAddress xDNSServerAddress xDSCWebService xVHD xVMHyperV xVMSwitch xVhdFile xADDomain xADUser xADDomainController xWaitForADDomain xSqlServerInstall xSqlHAService xSqlHAEndpoint xSqlHAGroup xWaitForSqlHAGroup xCluster xWaitForCluster xSmbShare xFirewall xDatabase xDBPackage xWebAppPool xWebVirtualDirectory xWebApplication xWebConfigKeyValue xUAC xIEEsc xWindowsProcess xService xRemoteFile xPackage xCompress xEndpoint xRDRemoteApp xRDSessionDeployment xRDSessionCollection xRDSessionCollection Configuration xAzureQuickVM xAzureVM xAzureStorageAccount xAzureSubscription xAzureService xAzureAffinityGroup xJeaEndPoint xJeaToolKit xDnsServerSecondaryZone xDnsServerZoneTransfer xDhcpServerScope xDhcpServerReservation xDhcpServerOption xWinEventLog xADDomainTrust xFileUpload xIISWordPress xWordPressSite xPhp xMySqlServer xMySqlDatabase xMySqlUser xMySqlGrant xMySqlProvision xWindowsOptionalFeature xHotfix xIISModule Function Get-TargetResource { # TODO: Add parameters here # Make sure to use the same parameters for # Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, and Test-TargetResource param( ) } Function Set-TargetResource { # TODO: Add parameters here # Make sure to use the same parameters for # Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, and Test-TargetResource param( ) } Function Test-TargetResource { # TODO: Add parameters here # Make sure to use the same parameters for # Get-TargetResource, Set-TargetResource, and Test-TargetResource param( ) } ### Export the FIM confiugration from both servers $policy1 = Export-FIMConfig -policyConfig -portalConfig -schemaConfig -Uri http://server1:5725 $policy2 = Export-FIMConfig -policyConfig -portalConfig -schemaConfig -Uri http://server2:5725 ### Set some Join Rules $joinrules = @{ Person = "MailNickname DisplayName"; Group = "DisplayName"; ObjectTypeDescription = "Name"; AttributeTypeDescription = "Name"; BindingDescription = "BoundObjectType BoundAttributeType"; ConstantSpecifier = "BoundObjectType BoundAttributeType ConstantValueKey"; SearchScopeConfiguration = "DisplayName SearchScopeResultObjectType Order"; ObjectVisualizationConfiguration = "DisplayName AppliesToCreate AppliesToEdit AppliesToView" } ### Do the joining $matches = Join-FIMConfig -source $policy1 -target $policy2 -join $joinrules -defaultJoin DisplayName ### Produce the diff $diff = $matches | Compare-FIMConfig ### Import the diff to FIM $undoneImports = $diff | Import-FimConfig -Uri http://server2:5725 ### Didn't work? Yeah, do it again $undoneImports | Import-FimConfig -Uri http://server2:5725 ### Check starting state - Halt script if trouble found with the preliminaries Write-Verbose "Checking for FIM." try { Get-Service fimservice -ErrorAction stop | Out-Null } catch { Write-Warning "FIM not found. Please run this script from the FIM server, duh." exit } Write-Verbose "Checking target environment." if(!$(Test-Path("$scriptPath\\Config$environment.xml"))) { Write-Warning "Config values not found for environment '$environment'. Please try again, harder next time." exit } ### Create the Set: ‘FIM UG: Presenters' New-FimSet -DisplayName “FIM UG: Presenters" -Filter "/Person[Slacker = False]" ### Create the Set: ‘FIM UG: Organizers' New-FimSet -DisplayName “FIM UG: Organizers" -Filter "/Person[CommunityHero = True]" ### Create the Set: ‘FIM UG: Participants' New-FimSet -DisplayName “FIM UG: Participants" -Filter "/Person[ScarTisue = True]" Configuration FimServiceConfiguration { Import-DscResource -ModuleName FimPowerShellModule Node MyFimServer { cFimPerson GreatPerson { AccountName = ‘GreatPerson' DisplayName = ‘Great Person' Domain = 'Redmond' FirstName = 'Craig' Manager = ‘GreatManager' ObjectSID = (Get-ObjectSid GreatPerson) Ensure = 'Present' } cFimManagementPolicyRule GreatMpr { ActionParameter ActionType Description Disabled DisplayName GrantRight PrincipalSet ResourceCurrentSet ResourceFinalSet ManagementPolicyRuleType AuthenticationWorkflowDefinition AuthorizationWorkflowDefinition ActionWorkflowDefinition Ensure } } } = = = = = = = = = = = = = = '*' 'Modify' 'initial description' $false 'Great Mpr' $true ‘All People' ‘All People' ‘All Great People' 'Request' ‘Call Me Maybe? AuthN Workflow' ‘Manager Approval AuthZ Workflow' ‘Some Great Reward Action Workflow' "Present“ Module Resource(s) Description FimPowerShellModule cFimActivityInformationConfiguration cFimAttributeTypeDescription cFimBindingDescription cFimEmailTemplate cFimFilterScope cFimGroup cFimHomePageConfiguration cFimManagementPolicyRule cFimmsidmSystemConfiguration cFimNavigationBarConfiguration cFimObjectTypeDescription cFimObjectVisualizationConfiguration cFimPerson cFimPortalUIConfiguration cFimResource cFimSearchScopeConfiguration cFimSet cFimSynchronizationFilter cFimSystemResourceRetentionConfiguration cFimWorkflowDefinition The purpose of these resources is to configure the FIM Service. Module Resource(s) Description FimSyncPowerShellModule cFimSyncFilterRule cFimSyncImportAttributeFlowRule cFimSyncJoinRule cFimSyncMADeprovisioningOptions cFimSyncMAExtension cFimSyncManagementAgent cFimSyncMAPartitionData cFimSyncMAPrivateConfiguration cFimSyncMVAttributeType cFimSyncMVDeletionRule cFimSyncMVExtension cFimSyncMVObjectType cFimSyncMVProvisioningRule cFimSyncProjectionRule cFimSyncRunProfile The purpose of these resources is to configure the FIM Synchronization Service. configuration DemoFimServiceConfiguration { Import-DscResource -ModuleName FimPowerShellModule node (hostname) { cFimManagementPolicyRule GreatManagementPolicyRule {…} cFimSet AllGreatPeople {…} cFimWorkflowDefinition SomeGreatRewardActionWorkflow {…} } } GreatManagementPolicyRule { ActionParameter ActionType ActionWorkflowDefinition Description Disabled DisplayName GrantRight ResourceFinalSet ManagementPolicyRuleType Ensure Credential DependsOn } = '*' = 'TransitionIn' = 'Some Great Reward Action Workflow' = 'initial description' = $false = 'Great Management Policy Rule' = $false = 'All Great People' = 'SetTransition' = 'Present' = $fimAdminCredential ='[cFimWorkflowDefinition]SomeGreatRewardActionWorkflow', '[cFimSet]AllGreatPeople' cFimSet AllGreatPeople { DisplayName = 'All Great People' Filter = @' <Filter xmlns ="" xmlns:xsi ="" xmlns:xsd ="" Dialect ="" > /Person[LastName='Great'] </Filter> '@ Ensure = 'Present' Credential = $fimAdminCredential } cFimWorkflowDefinition SomeGreatRewardActionWorkflow { DisplayName = 'Some Great Reward Action Workflow' RequestPhase = 'Action' XOML = @' <ns0:SequentialWorkflow ActorId ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" RequestId ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" x:Name ="SequentialWorkflow" TargetId ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" WorkflowDefinitionId ="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" xmlns ="" xmlns:x ="" xmlns:ns0 =“…" > <ns0:EmailNotificationActivity x:Name ="authenticationGateActivity1" To ="[//Target];" CC ="{x:Null}" EmailTemplate ="{ObjectType:"EmailTemplate",AttributeName:"DisplayName",AttributeValue:"Some Great Rewarding Email Template"}" SuppressException ="False" Bcc ="{x:Null}" /> </ns0:SequentialWorkflow> '@ Ensure = 'Present' Credential = $fimAdminCredential DependsOn = '[cFimEmailTemplate]SomeGreatRewardingEmailTemplate' } cFimEmailTemplate SomeGreatRewardingEmailTemplate { DisplayName = 'Some Great Rewarding Email Template' EmailBody = 'Some Great Reward will be coming my way' EmailSubject = 'Some Great Reward' EmailTemplateType = 'Notification' Ensure = 'Present' Credential = $fimAdminCredential } Driving Alignment Between Business and Security