“In the last several years, an obscure United Nations accord called Agenda 21 has emerged as something of a unified field theory for the antigovernment movement. On its face, Agenda 21 does nothing but provide countries and communities with a set of principles to grow smartly --- a plan, in short, to fight overpopulation, pollution, poverty and resource depletion.” Southern Poverty law Center, Intelligencer Report, Spring 2012, Issue # 145 “How such an arcane UN document that defines the concept of ‘smart growth’ and environmental sustainability became so controversial, even though it gives the UN no enforcement powers, has a lot to do with the work of a tight cadre of antigovernment “Patriot” activists whose fears are rooted in right-wing lore about a New World Order, a kind of authoritarian one-world government.” Southern Poverty law Center, Intelligencer Report, Spring 2012, Issue # 145 “Agenda 21 is a pretty innocuous 20 year old document… pretty mild stuff, yet across America, it, and the very word sustainability, are under attack.” Lloyd Alter, Exposing the Influence Behind the Anti-Agenda 21 Antisustainability Agenda. treehugger.com 5/8/13 “Robin Rather of Collective Strength… says ‘I genuinely believe the Agenda 21 phenomenon is highly manufactured. It’s not out there in the mainstream… this isn’t organic and local, the same talking points come up everywhere. They are being played and used. The whole campaign serves no interest to anyone who isn’t trying to ensure that we keep burning as much fossil fuel as we can for as long as possible.” Lloyd Alter, Exposing the Influence Behind the Anti-Agenda 21 Anti-sustainability Agenda. treehugger.com 5/8/13 “One of the reasons that California’s Proposition 23 which would have suspended air pollution controls, was defeated was that it became clear that the whole thing was being funded by oil companies and Koch Industries… Opponents of the measure successfully painted Prop 23 as the handiwork of out-of-state- oil companies bent on messing with California’s laws… Bike lanes, transit and higher density are evil because they give people alternatives to cars, and that can never happen in American.” Lloyd Alter, Exposing the Influence Behind the Anti-Agenda 21 Anti-sustainability Agenda. treehugger.com 5/8/13 “Fundamentally, that is what is happening here. Big Oil is paying… either directly or indirectly the fight against Agenda 21:the Kochs are promoting it like mad, right across the country. Same big companies, same reason: to keep America in its happy motoring ways, to make any alternative just about impossible. And that is how we have to paint them: not concerned citizens worried about the United Nations, but representatives of big oil out to preserve their turf.” Lloyd Alter, Exposing the Influence Behind the Anti-Agenda 21 Anti-sustainability Agenda. treehugger.com 5/8/13 • New York Times (Sunday front page) “Activist fight Green Projects, Seeing UN Plot.” • Mother Jones Magazine “We Don’t Need None of That Smart-Growth Communism.” • Washington Post: “Virginia residents oppose preparations for climate-related sea level rise.” • The Atlantic Magazine: “Is the UN Using Bike Paths to Achieve World Domination” • Several more from the Southern Poverty law Center • Carroll County, Maryland became the first in the nation to end membership in ICLEI and stop Sustainable Programs. • Since then more than 150 cities have ended their membership causing ICLEI to whine that they can’t get more American cities to join. • APA has organized Boot Camps to train their people to counter our offensive. “ Glossary for the Public March 19th American Planning Association: “The Actions of Discontent” (A study to find a way to deal with us) “Less studied is the fierce opposition mounted by Tea Party and property rights activists against city and regional planning efforts. “ April 22, Natural Resources Defense Council, “Agenda 21 Conspiracy Theorists Threaten Cities’ Sustainability Efforts” “Agenda 21 is not a treaty. It has no force of law, no enforcement mechanisms, no penalties, and no significant funding. Zit is not even a top-down recommendation, seeking instead to encourage communities around the world to come up with their own solutions to overpopulation, poverty and resource depletion. It is a feel good guide that cannot fore anyone, anywhere, to do anything art all.” April 23, Treehugger.com “Public Domain Urban Planners at Work” “All of this might be laughed off as the insane fantasies of black helicopter conspiracy theorists. However, the theory is the basis of state legislation now getting serous consideration in the South and Midwest aimed at sopping local governments from promoting environmental sustainability, usually paraded as a bill to protect property rights.” May Issue Newsweek magazine “So it goes with the endless loop of conspiracy theories. They can’t be corrected, they can’t be killed. Anyone who attempts to disprove some feverish thought must be involved in the plot. Indeed, most of the experts interviewed for this article agreed on one fact: Once it was published, Newsweek would be accused of being part of the conspiracy.” • “Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through the United Nations itself.” UN Commission on Global Governance • Three E’s: • Earth Summit Exhibit one: 1995 HUD document: “THE INTERGRATIVE COMPONENT OF ACTION or... Community Design (planning) whereby design means the active intention to integrate these…three: The social, economic, and environmental. Design involves all three. It takes design, or intent, to weave these complexities into a viable, sustainable whole.” Exhibit two: 1997 USA report to UN: • “The US Government remains committed to promoting sustainable development consistent with UNCED’s outcomes. U.S. efforts since UNCED have included the following: UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The U.S. strongly supported the establishment of the CSD, as called for in Agenda 21. The U.S. believes that the CSD should continue to serve as a focal point for monitoring the implementation of Agenda 21 for local, regional and international levels.” In its “Agenda 21 Myths and Facts” section of its website, the American Planning Association says: “None of APA’s programs, products or services… are linked to Agenda 21” • American Planning Association Definition: “Community planning is a process that seeks to engage all members of a community to create more prosperous, convenient, equitable, healthy and attractive places for present and future generations. • UN Definition of sustainable development: “Sustainable communities encourage people to work together to create healthy communities where natural resources and historic resources are preserved, jobs are available, sprawl is contained, neighborhoods are secure, education is lifelong, transportation and health care is accessible, and all citizens have opportunities to improve the quality of their lives.” • Exhibit Four: 1994 Newsletter: “Vice President Gore’s book, Earth in the Balance addressed many of the general issues of sustainability. Within the past year, the President’s Council on Sustainable Development has been organized to develop recommendations for incorporating sustainability into the federal government. Also, various groups have been formed to implement Agenda 21, a comprehensive blueprint for sustainable development that was adopted at the recent UNCED conference in Rio de Janeiro (the “Earth Summit.”) A visit to the website of PlannersNetwork.org, of which the APA is a member, will find in its Statement of Principles this quote: • “We believe planning should be a tool for allocating resources…and eliminating the great inequalities of wealth and power in our society … because the free market has proven incapable of doing this.” Exhibit Six: APA Policy Guide 2000: “Planners of human development – physical, social, and economic – affect sustainability at the local and the global level. City and regional planning is integrally related to defining how, where, and w3hen human development occurs, which affects resource use. Planners can therefore play a crucial role in improving the sustainability of communities and the resources that support them. American Planning Association, “Policy Guide on Planning for Sustainability” Ratified by APA Board of Directors, April 17, 2000 • Source materials: “United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, AGENDA21: Program of Action for Sustainable Development, Rio de Janeiro, 1992” American Planning Association, “Policy Guide on Planning for Sustainability” Ratified by APA Board of Directors, April 17, 2000 Exhibit Seven: EPA Challenge Grant Program: “The Sustainable Development Challenge Grant program is also a step in implementing ‘Agenda 21, the Global Plan for Action on Sustainable Development…” 1998 Federal Register report on the EPA’s “Sustainable Development Challenge Grant Program.” Future webinars • In three sessions I’m going to take apart the “Three Es:” Equity, Economics and Environment. • These will cover social justice, Public/Private partnerships and the lack of scientific consensus on Global Warming. And I will have some great expert guests to join me. • The Planners, who they are and how they are funded • Regional Government • Conservation Easements (The Voluntary Land Grab) • Sustainability Marxism • Common Core • Healthcare (Sustainable Medicine) • The threat of Biometrics in the creation of a Sustainable Surveillance Society • How to fight back and stop Agenda 21 – In your local communities – In the legislatures • Legislative ideas on reigning in county governments-how to make them personally responsible for their tyrannical overreach • Next month’s program “Attack of the NGOs!” • • • • • • The UN Organization Structure ICLEI Federal Agencies Involved Charter for Global Democracy Millennium Summit The Roots of Agenda 21