H ROADMAP HEAT EAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 EUROPE 2050 STUDY FOR THE EU27 by Aalborg University David Connolly Brian Vad Mathiesen Poul Alberg Østergaard Bernd Möller Steffen Nielsen Henrik Lund Halmstad University Urban Persson Daniel Nilsson Sven Werner PlanEnergi Daniel Trier for HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Heat Roadmap Europe 2050 Presented by: HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Why this study? the heating and cooling sector has largely been overlooked in all scenarios exploring the energy future towards 2050. The first study focuses on the future European heat and cooling market and its importance in terms of cost-savings, job creation, investments, a smarter energy system HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Existing Studies Existing scenario reports: Fail to provide proper analysis of heating and cooling Have a too low time and geographical resolution to model the realities of the energy market, especially DHC Acknowledge the importance of DHC until 2030/2030, but Assume high shares of electric heating, low heat consumption and low shares of DHC by 2050 HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Many Energy Sources Urban areas (Heating Demands) Power and Heat Generation Waste Management Industrial waste heat potential Geothermal heat Solar Thermal the study indicates that the market shares for district heating for buildings can be increased to 30% in 2030 and 50% in 2050. Energi System Analyse Model HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Hydro water Hydro storage Hydro power plant Electricity storage system Import/ Export fixed and variable Electricity demand www.EnergyPLAN.eu RES electricity Cooling device PP Fuel Heat pump and electric boiler CHP Boiler Heat demand Heat storage RES heat H2 storage Cooling demand Electrolyser Transport demand Cars Industry Process heat demand HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Europe IEA 2010 and EU CPI scenario 2050 CPI = Current Policy Initiatives IEA Statistics 2009 Reference (12% DH) (IEA 2010 and EU CPI 2050) Versus Reference plus 30% and 50% DH (and CHP etc.) EU Energy Roadmap 2050 HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 District Heating benefits in 2 steps Step 1: (Energy Efficiency) - Increasing DH to 30% then 50% - Increasing CHP - Using Oil/Natural gas in CC-CHP Step 2: (Utilise waste and RE sources) - Industrial waste heat - Waste incineration - Geothermal heat - Large-scale Solar Thermal HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Year 2010 Step 1: Energy Efficiency IEA Statistics HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Year 2010 Step 2 IEA Statistics HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Total European Energy Supply 7% reduction in Primary Energy Supply 13% reduction in fossil fuels 17% reduction in CO2-emissions IEA Statistics CPI reference HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Primary Energy Supply & CO2 for House Heating 2010-2050 EU CPI vs HRE RE 700 600 10000 Existing CHP & DH 500 8000 400 6000 300 200 4000 100 2000 0 IEA 2010 2010 EU CPI HRE RE 2030 EU CPI HRE RE 2050 CO2 Emissions [Mt] EU Energy Roadmap 2050 Primary Energy Supply (PJ) 12000 Additional CHP & DH Other renewable Biomass Natural gas Oil Coal 0 Nuclear -100 CO2 Emissions HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Total European Energy Supply EU Energy Roadmap 2050 HRE 2050 compared to EU CPI 2050: 5% reduction in Primary Energy Supply 10% reduction in fossil fuels 13% reduction in CO2-emissions HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Saved fuel costs of annual approx. 30 Billion EUR in 2050 In total cost are reduced by 14 Billion EUR in 2050 Additional investments of a total of 500 billion EUR Additional jobs from to 2013 to 2050: 8-9 million man-year in total Approx. 220,000 jobs. Cost and Jobs HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Conclusion: 50% DH and CHP Decrease primary energy supply and especially fossil fuels and CO2 emissions Decrease annual costs of energy in Europe by approx. 10 Billion in 2050 Create additional 220,000 jobs in the period 2013-2050 Further integration of RES HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 To be continued In continuation of this study to make a tighter connection between the energy modelling part and the mapping part Advocate full energy balance matrixes in future projections concerning the future European energy system such as Energy Roadmap 2050 Further optimise the DH-scenarios (replace electric heating, expand CHP and HP, further the integration of wind and PV etc.) HEAT ROADMAP EUROPE 2050 Thank you Need further information www.heatroadmapeurope.eu