Smart Grids Enel Group Smart Grid solutions for energy efficiency 28 de junho 2013 Index Overview Enel Group Smart Grid experience and technologies Ongoing projects in Europe Ongoing projects in Latam 2 Enel: a world dimension RUSSIA • First vertically integrated foreign operator (upstream, generation, sales) Focus on major areas of presence NORTH-CENTRAL AMERICA • North Am erica, Costa Rica, Panam a, El Salvador, Mexico and Guatem ala: renewable presence FRANCE • Notable presence in wind generation BRAZIL • Presence in generation and distribution • 5.9 m ln custom ers COLOMBIA • First private operator in generation (21%) • Second operator in distribution (25%) • 2.6 m ln custom ers PERU • First operator in generation (28%) • Second operator in ARGENTINA distribution (21%) • First private operator • 1.1 m ln custom ers in generation (13%) • Second operator in distribution (17%) • 2.4 m ln custom ers CHILE • First operator in generation (33%) • First operator in distribution (22%) • 1.6 m ln custom ers SLOVAKIA • First operator in generation (78%) ROMANIA • Notable presence in wind generation • Second operator in distribution (31%) • 2.6 m ln custom ers SPAIN • First operator in (1) generation (27%) • First operator in distribution (43%) • 13 m ln customers (power and gas) ITALY • First operator in generation (28%) • First operator in distribution (85%) • 32 m ln customers (power and gas) Italy’s largest power company and one of Europe’s main utilities Present throughout the entire electricity and natural gas value chain Data as of 31.12.2011. Enel estimates. Generation market share based on energy produced in the country, distribution market share on energy distributed in the country (1) SEIE included 3 Distribution Business Focus on major areas of presence • 1.8 mln km lines • 435 TWh Energy Distributed • over 60 mln connection points 2.5 million customers 3.2 million customers 1.1 million customers ROMANIA • Second operator in distribution (30%) • 2.6 mln conn. points 2.6 million customers 1,6 million customers 2.4 million customers SPAIN • First operator in distribution (43%) • 13 mln conn. points ITALY • First operator in distribution (84%) • 32 mln conn. points A global energy player with a leading position in strategic markets Index Overview Enel Group Smart Grid experience and technologies Ongoing projects in Europe Ongoing project in Latam 5 International Benchmark Enel positioning in the market Enel is one of the best positioned for operational excellence and quality of service Achieved results a 10 year leadership in Italy Automatic Meter Management Network automation Opex (€/customer) 80 Work Force Management Asset Management 2001 (128 min; 80 €/Customer) 2002 2003 2004 60 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 40 2011 (42 min; 48 €/Customers) 130 80 30 Quality of service(minutes interruption/year) Enel Operational Excellence in network management Scenario and strategies Results Tariff evolution Revenues from tariffs Average price (c€/kWh) 16.49 4.57 11.15 Taxes and system costs 13% Incentives for efficiency and Quality of Service 29% Return on invested capital (RAB x WACC) 24% Depreciation 34% OPEX 2.40 Generation 4.09 Transmission and distribution 4.66 1° bim 96 1996 9.45 - 47% 2.47 2011 4° trim 06 2011 Value creation in the regulated market Smart Grid technologies as enabling factor for energy efficiency Smart Metering Smart Metering Gas Power to broadband Broadband –over-power Backhauling Electric mobility Vehicle-to-Grid Load Shaping Fast-Charge Public Lighting LED Technology Remote Control Integration of Renewables Dispatching Network Automation Forecast Storage Active Demand Market Services Smart-Info Energy-Box Load Balancing Data hub DSO contribution to CO2 reduction over 30% in urban areas 9 Enel Network the largest Smart Grid in the world Cluster 1: Integration of smart customers Level 4: Smart Energy Management Cluster 2: Integration of smart metering Level 3: Smart Integration Distribution ESCO RETAILERS AGGREGATORS Level 5: Smart Customers Cluster 4: Smart Distribution Network DISTRIBUTION NETWORK Level 2: Smart Distribution network and processes Electricity Generation Level 1: Smart Pan-European Transmission network Level 0: New generation technologies Coordination activities between Transmission and Distribution Network Operators Transmission Transmission Network Cluster 3: Integration of DER and new uses Cluster 1: Pan-European Grid architecture Cluster 2: Power technologies Cluster 3: Network management and control Cluster 4: Market rules 1 0 Enel’s Group Smart metering experience The most extensive implementation worldwide 0.8 M meters (Spain) 3,5 M meters (Spain) 38,7 M meters (Italy) Smart info Pilot (Italy) Pilot Test (Romania) Amplachip (Brazil) Pilot Test Smartcity Santiago (Chile) Pilot Test (Brazil) Pilot Test Cidade Inteligente Búzios (Brazil) 11 Telegestore® remote meter operation results Average 2011 yearly data, Mln operations/ year Installations of Low Voltage connections READINGS Electronic Meters Concentrators installed in MV/LV substations Monthly based 33.7M 372 K 403 M Successful remote readings 96.1%* Peak up to 10M/day Load profile 46 M Successful remote readings 99%* Switching 2.9 M Contract management 3.6 M OPERATIONS Peak up to of 300,000 /day Bad payers management 2.8 M Successful remote operations 95,1%* Total *Yearly Data 9.3 M Final ‘11 Enel’s solution for a more efficient energy usage Towards more active customers Electronic Meter The meter is an access point to all the metrological data Provides information about the consumption history and habits Bi-directionally communication with the DSO Smart Info Plugged into one of the house electricity sockets Makes consumption or generation data available to the customer by several means (e.g. displays, personal computers, smart phone, etc.) Smart Customers and Smart Appliances Enhanced customer awareness for efficient energy consumptions behaviors In-home energy management and active demand enabled Home automation and smart services Promotion of Electricity in new applications and services 13 Energy@home An eco-system of interoperating devices DSO legacy systems WAN Technologies and value-added services for energy efficiency in a Smart Home 14 The PV installed capacity in Italy in 2011 Italy: greatest increase of installed PV in the world in 2011 (9,000 MW, 32% overall) Increasing the network hosting capacity for DG is imperative Distributed Generation Requests Forecasted Connections (GW, Yearly) NORTH-WEST 17,600 Requests 45 Hydro Bio&Waste PV 3,400 MW 1 6 NORTH-EAST 0,2 0,4 26,500 Requests 2,1 5,300 MW 0,5 Forecasted Connections (GW, Cumulated) 25 CENTER 28,300 Requests 13,100 MW Wind 13 SOUTH Producers 2012 2016 Number 420,000 900,000 32,200 Requests 23,200 MW Requests to April 2012 (GW) Total (Italy) 104,600 requests 45,000 MW Increase of requests BT: 33,000 in April (new historical maximum) Capacity reduction of MV single requests : 0.5 MW each in april (historical minimum) Requested Capacity Q1 2012 vs 2011: 4,000 vs 6,800 (HV – MV Capacity reduction , Increased LV capacity) ≈23 GW PV National Objective Smart Cities Enel World Wide projects Barcelona | Endesa Spain L’Aquila | Enel Italy Turin | Enel Italy Genoa | Enel Italy Málaga | Endesa Spain Santiago | Chilectra Chile Bari and Cosenza| Enel Italy Búzios | Ampla Brasil Index Overview Enel Group Smart Grid experience and technologies Ongoing projects in Europe Ongoing projects in Latam 18 Smart Metering Project in Spain The largest ongoing smart metering roll-out in Europe Current situation of meters installation in Endesa Mais de 3,5 milhões de medidores inteligentes instalados Over 3,5 million smart meters installed Instalados más de 3,5 millones contadores inteligentes 13 million of smart meters are currently being installed 3.5 million of smart meters already installed 2,000 new jobs (direct and indirect) created 19 Electric mobility projects e-mobility Italy, Poste ,Interoperability in Italy Roma Movele, Zem2All, Green eMotion in Spain Milán Pisa EV charging infrastructure Innovative and economic solution Solutions ready to support Smart Grids functionalities (charging and storage management) Innovative technologies, compliant to regulations 1,000 Charging Points Infrastructure Development for large scale electric mobility 20 Enel’s projects testing storage systems … and services provided to the electricity system Forlì Voltage Control Isernia Seconds Frequency Control Capacity Grid Support Minutes Losses Management Security Congestion Management Hours Months Time of provision Ventotene POI Pilot Projects 21 Index Overview Enel Group Smart Grid experience and technologies Ongoing projects in Europe Ongoing project in Latam 22 Enel Group Smart Grid projects in Latam Brazil Chile Colombia Smart Metering Niteroi and Fortaleza Pilot: 200 smart meters Búzios – 217 smart meters (with Landis+Gyr) Santiago: Pilot: 100 smart meters Public Lighting Búzios – Lighting of the Lagoa : 60 Archilede Santiago Pilot : 3 Archilede Bogotà –Lightinhg of Calle 93 Project for Smartcity Santiago Project under definition Network automation Project for Ciudade Inteligente Búzios Electric mobility Búzios - 2 charging stations Santiago: EMMS in operation, 5 charging stations Electric Taxi pilot A successful story Cidade Inteligente Búzios Case history of Smart Grid from the implementation of a smart city aiming to learn the operation, infrastructure, costs, evaluation of the economic, environmental , social and quality of service impacts Location Búzios – Rio De Janeiro State Smart Public Lighting Electric Mobility Telecommunications, Control and Internet Broadbands Energy Storage System Duration Conscientious and Well-informed Customer 3 years (Nov 2011 - Nov 2014) Budget MM$ USD 18,6 Funding ANEEL - Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica Smart Energy Management Smart Energy Generation Smart Buildings Partners Companies: Ampla, Enel, Endesa Brasil Municipalities: Búzios Others: Universities and Research Centers Social Project Consciência EcoAmpla The first smart city in Latin America 24 Smart City Santiago PUBLIC LIGHTING ELECTRIC VEHICLE Street-lighting projects with LED technology, with remote dimming and administration. Contribute to the development of electric mobility by the installation of charging poles and incorporation of electric buses and/or taxis. SMART METERS Installation of smart meters based on proven technology. Remote metering services and capability of net-metering. GRID AUTOMATION Monitoring of high and medium voltage grids and distribution transformers. Management of distributed generation and distribution automation. ECOENERGIES AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY Solar thermal systems for water heating and photovoltaic systems. Domotic applications in residential customers and other distributed generation. 25 Smartcity Santiago “Primera piedra” January 7, 2013 The Minister of Environment of Chile, María Ignacia Benítez, the Energy Minister, Jorge Bunster, Jorge Labra, General Director of Ciudad Empresarial,, and Christian Fierro, General Manager of Chilectra together to support the flagship project of the Enel Group in Chile The first smart city of Chile comes from an entrepreneurial idea, in line with the sustainability strategies of the country and through the efforts of the Enel Group 26 Smart Meters for Net-Metering in Chile Application at Photovoltaic System PV System in UTEM Photovoltaic system of Chilectra at Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana-UTEM, 4 kWp Commisioned: 26 February 2010 On-grid configuration: 100 % injection to Chilectra's low voltage grid at initial stage New configuration to test Net-Metering since October 2012 Permanent monitoring of generation, irradiance, quality of service. Has promoted investigation: four students of UTEM have used information for their Thesis. Has provided useful information for regulatory discussions. 3. Smart Meters Pilot Project Smart Meters are being used for Net-Metering Photovoltaic Pilot System of Chilectra at University UTEM PV system 4 kWp Distribution grid D.C. Customer´s consumption Inverters Smart Meter for Billing A.C. Smart Meter for Net - Metering The individual consumption data of each customer is confidential. Extra redundancy of the smart meters is used for testing purposes Smart Meter for PV generation 28