
Improved Livestock Productivity = Financial Security
The Problem: Flies!
ZeroFly® Livestock is one of the most suitable option for penned animals, including dairy
cows and pigs, to prevent attack from flies, mosquitoes, and midges
Flies create large-scale havoc while often undetected as the cause
Biting and House flies
Biting Fly
Tsetse fly – trypanosomiasis (sleeping
Stable fly – mastitis
Agitation results in reduced milk
Cow defensive motions cause weight loss,
poor feed efficiency
House Fly
Implicated in transmission of 65 diseases
Spreads mastitis
Transmits Pink Eye
Porcine Reproductive & Respiratory Syndrome
Implicated with diarrheal diseases caused by
Studies show flies travel at low levels and will land on the fabric when approaching
the animal shelters
SCREEN Pour-on
Sprays Coils/
Controls flies before they
reach animals
Single application, year
long effect, easy to apply
No dose calculation
based on animal weight
No spills or drift
No smell
No pesticide residues
in/on animals
Cost effective, less than
USD 0.01/day/animal
(Aedes aegypti)
Mosquitoes held for 24 hr
• The proven insecticide, deltamethrin, kills flies and mosquitoes that land on the
• A 10-20 second exposure to the treated surface is sufficient to kill most flies.
Although time to death varies between fly species, they die within 24 hrs.
Cattle Defense against Biting Flies
80% fewer defensive movements in shelters lined with treated netting
Flies on Cattle
77% fewer flies on animals at the 10-week point
Measure perimeter of shed/pen/sty; then cut the
required length of ZeroFly® Livestock from roll.
Nail to bottom boards of pen; stretch and nail to
highest board of pen.
Keep bottom of fence 10 cm above ground.
Pull the fence tight to avoid sagging. Do not over
Wear gloves and protective clothing to avoid
potential irritation to eyes or skin. Wash skin with
soap and rinse after contact.
For livestock in concrete and
brick shelters:
Attach Fence on top of the
wall, using multiple fixation
Proper maintenance is the key to long-lasting
fly control with Livestock.
Vegetation: Keep a five meter perimeter
around the shelter clear of vegetation.
Cleaning: Dirt interferes with exposure of flies
to insecticide, so the surface of the fence must
be kept clean. Use a cloth or soft broom to
wipe the fence when dirt layer becomes
visible. Fence can also be washed with water.
• Increases milk quality by less contamination from flies
• Increases milk yield by having calmer cows
• In case of Tsetse control, allows use of high yield exotic breeds
• Improves sanitation conditions, especially when installed around manure piles
• Eliminates concern for insecticide residues in meat or milk
• Prevent diseases spread by flies, reduce veterinary expenses
• Reduces nuisance flies around the family at home and neighbors of the community
• Provides peace of mind for an extended amount of time
What does ZeroFly® Livestock control?
• The insecticide control all major livestock flies, mosquitoes, and midges when they land on the screen.
How quickly does it kill flies?
• A 10-20 second exposure to the treated surface is sufficient to kill most flies. However, time to death
varies between fly species and may take up to 24 hrs.
How safe is the insecticide?
• It is approved by FAO for agricultural use and WHO for use in public health. It is considered safe.
What is SCREEN made of?
• SCREEN is a polyethylene polymer with insecticide incorporated into the yarns. The plastic was chosen
to provide a measured dose continuously at the surface. The textile is rugged enough for outdoor use.
What is the lifespan of the fabric?
• SCREEN will remain effective for one year or more after installation depending upon environmental
What effect does the sun have on SCREEN?
• UV stabilizers are added to the formulation to insure longevity of the product.
How is it installed?
• Install fence according to the VF installation guide. SCREEN can be cut to custom lengths and installed
by farm labor using a hammer and nails.
How large can the pen be?
• A height of one meter is sufficient to prevent most flies from getting into the shelter. The maximum
perimeter distance has not been established but SCREEN will work in most situations where animals are
kept permanently penned
How is it maintained?
• Install SCREEN 10 cm above the soil to reduce dirt buildup. Keep vegetation trimmed near the shelter
to eliminate fly resting areas. Keep material clean using a soft broom or washing occasionally with water
to prevent buildup of dust. Keeping dirt and dust off the material prevents interference between insecticide
on surface and the resting insects
Can it be safely discarded?
• At the end of useful life SCREEN may have, at most, a trace of insecticide and can be disposed per local
guidelines for plastic materials. Alternatively the material can be used for other farm purposes such as
fencing around gardens or mulch to prevent erosion.