Project Cycle and Accessing the GEF

Accessing the GEF
and the
GEF Project Cycle
GEF Expanded Constituency Workshop
Windhoek, Namibia
February 17-18, 2015
GEF Financing
Financing Objective:
• to provide resources to recipient countries to meet the agreed
incremental cost of activities that generate global environmental
benefits (GEBs).
• GEF Trust Fund, Least Developing Countries Fund (LDCF), Special
Climate Change Fund (SCCF) & Nagoya Protocol Implementation
Fund (NPIF).
Who can apply?
• A GEF country member government, any eligible individual or group
may propose a project through the OFP.
• GEF Operational Focal Point (OFP) plays a key role in assuring
that GEF projects are aligned to meet the needs and priorities of the
respective country.
Eligibility of Project Proposal
A project proposal has to fulfill the following criteria for consideration
for GEF financing, :
• It is undertaken in an eligible country and is consistent with
country’s national priorities and programs.
• It addresses one or more of the GEF Focal Area objectives in
improving the global environment or advancing the prospect of
reducing risks to it.
• It is consistent with the GEF operational strategy.
• It seeks GEF financing only for the agreed incremental costs on
measures to achieve global environmental benefits
• It involves the stakeholders in project design and implementation.
• It is endorsed by the government(s) of the country/ies in which it
will be implemented.
Accessing the GEF Trust Fund
• Project proponents work closely with national GEF Operational Focal
Points (who formally endorse project concepts) and the GEF Partner
Agency, to develop concepts and move through the project cycle and are
approved either by the GEF Council or the GEF CEO, depending on the type
of project.
• In response to country request to improve country ownership, country
drivenness and capacity building
• Project proponents work directly with the GEF Secretariat without going
through a GEF Agency; projects follow the same project eligibility criteria
and focal area strategic objectives.
Types of GEF Projects
GEF project types by Grant Size:
• Full-Sized Projects (FSPs): GEF grant > $2 million
• Medium-Sized Projects (MSPs): GEF grant < $2 million
• Enabling Activities (EAs): GEF grant is capped by respective focal area
 Biodiversity and Climate Change = up to $500,000;
 Land Degradation = up to $150,000
 Chemical and Waste (MIA = $200,000; Persistent Organic Pollutants
and ASGM NAP=$500,000)
• Programmatic Approach (PA)
• Small Grants Program (max $50,000)
MIA=Minamata Convention Initial Assessment
ASGM NAP = “Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining” National Action Plan
Project Cycle Steps
Two major approval steps for Full-Sized Projects:
Council and the GEF Secretariat:
1. Council approval of work program
2. CEO endorsement of the project document
GEF Agency:
1. Approval of the project by the GEF Agency and
implementation start;
2. Completion of implementation, terminal evaluation and
financial closure.
Full-Sized Project Cycle
approval of
and continues to
endorsement of
approval of
* Work Program consists of PIFs cleared by the CEO
** GEF Agency approval of project signifies start of project implementation
*** Project completion follows terminal evaluation and financial closure
Medium-Sized Project Cycle
 One-step approach, preferred:
• Final MSP request and project document submit to the
Secretariat for CEO approval, on a rolling basis.
• As needed, a PPG of up to $50,000 can be requested with MSP
 Two-step approach, only if required:
• Submission of a PIF with PPG request, if needed
• Submission of a final MSP document plus a MSP Approval
Request for CEO approval
Enabling Activities Project Cycle
Enabling Activities follow two paths:
Direct Access (follow direct access policy – applies the World Bank
Operations Policies and Procedures):
 Country applies directly to the Secretariat for funding
Regular procedures :
 Country works with a GEF Partner Agency to access funding.
Programmatic Approach Cycle
The new programmatic approach: approved by
Council approval in the October 2014 Council
Steps include:
 Council approval of a Program Framework Document
(PFD) included in a work program;
 CEO endorsement of fully prepared child projects
under the program
Features of a Program
 Key document: Program Framework Document (PFD).
 All child projects under the Program have to be submitted for CEO
endorsement by a deadline (or Program Commitment Deadline)
agreed by relevant stakeholders during the preparation of the program
concept or PFD.
 Child projects can apply for project preparation funding through
submission of a PPG Request.
Project Review Criteria
Country eligibility and ownership
Global Environment Benefits
GEF Focal area strategy
Agency’s Comparative advantage
Resource availability
Project consistency
Project design
Project financing and co-financing
Monitoring and evaluation; and
Agency’s responses to comments and reviews.
Country Endorsement
Endorsement by a national Operational Focal Point (OFP) is
a requirement for the following:
 all PIFs to enter the work program, and for application of
Project Preparation Grants (PPGs);
 PFDs submitted for work program inclusion;
 Request for CEO approval of MSP final projects;
 All EAs requesting CEO approval.
Projects in biodiversity, climate change, and land
degradation focal areas also follow STAR rules.
Acronyms Used in this Presentation
FSP = Full-Sized Project
MSP = Medium-Sized Project
EA = Enabling Activities
PA = Programmatic Approach
MIA=Minamata Convention Initial Assessment
ASGM NAP = “Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining”
National Action Plan
PIFs = Project Identification Form/concept of a project
PFD = Program Framework Document
PPG = Project Preparation Grant
Recent Council Papers on Project Cycle
Please consult the GEF website: for all relevant
project cycle papers for more detailed policies and procedures.
To name a few:
GEF/C.31/7/Corr.1 GEF Project Cycle (Corrigendum)
GEF/C.38/05/Rev.1 Streamlining the Project Cycle and
Refining the Programmatic Approach
GEF/C.39/Inf.03 GEF Project and Programmatic Approach Cycles
GEF/C.43/06 Streamlining of Project Cycle
GEF/C.47/07 Improving the GEF Project Cycle
Thank you for your attention!
Lily Uy Hale (
Sr. Operations Officer
Operations and Business Strategy
GEF Secretariat