Industrial Emissions Licensing (IEL) Registration Web-form Horse & Jockey 14th August 2013 Stuart Huskisson Inspector Environmental Licensing Programme Industrial Emissions Licensing Registration Web-form IEL Registration Web-form 1. Background - New Regulations & Changes 2. Registration Web-form 3. Next Steps 1. Background - New Regulations & Changes IED Implementing Regulations • European Union (Industrial Emissions) Regs. 2013, S.I. No. 138 of 2013 • EPA (Industrial Emissions) (Licensing) Regs. 2013, S.I. No. 137 of 2013 Additional IED Chapter Implementation • European Union (Large Combustion Plants) Regulations 2012 S.I. No. 566 of 2012 • European Union (Waste Incineration Plants & Waste Coincineration Plants) Regs. 2013 S.I. No. 148 of 2013 • European Union (Installations and Activities Using Organic Solvents) Regs. 2012 S.I. No. 565 of 2012 1. Changes – Licensing Pre-IED/Post IED Pre-IED IPPC Waste -------------------------Post-IED IPC IEL Waste 1. Background – Key Dates under the IED 7 January 2013 - IED applies to all new installations from this date onwards. Implemented in Ireland 23rd April 2013. From 30th September 2013 – IED applications on-hand will be progressed under IE Licensing Regulations. 7 January 2014 - IED applies to existing installations 7 July 2015 - IED applies to existing installations operating newly prescribed activities (for example, some feed production activities & waste metal shredding activities). 1 January 2016 - LCPs must meet the specific requirements set out in Chapter III and Annex V of the IED. 2. Registration Web-form – Steps Industrial Emissions Licensing Registration Web-form – Available via ALDER/EDEN for all IPPC & Waste Licensees – End June 2013 Steps to the Web-form: 1. Guidance and Declaration 2. Organisation and Site information 3. General Information 4. Class(es) of Activity under EPA Act 2013 5. Final Declaration and Submission Submit response to the EPA by 30th August 2013 2. Registration Web-form – Notes 1. Review the revised EPA Acts in advance and review the new First Schedule in detail. 2. Internet browser required is Internet Explorer 8 or above. 3. You must click on “Confirm” and then ”Save”, prior to clicking “Next”, to progress to the next step of the web-form. 4. Where you have a 5 digit location coordinate prior to the dot, you should include a “0” in advance of the coordinate. 5. There is a 30-minute time-out on the form - if you have multiple groundwater monitoring points to enter, click on “Save” at the bottom of the page after entering each point. 2. Registration Web-form – Notes 6. Waste Activities under the EPA Acts 1992 to 2013 IED waste classes of activity subject to relevant capacity thresholds are classes 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 and 11.7 Class 11.1 only applies to a waste activity carried out at an installation that also carries out another activity under the new First Schedule of the EPA Acts, and the waste activity is: i. currently provided for in your existing licence; and ii. not an activity which falls under Class 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6 or 11.7 2. Registration Web-form - Links Industrial Emissions Licensing Registration Web-form Questions PDF: pdf Web-form link to log in to access the Industrial Emissions Licensing Registration Web-form : ALDER / EDEN 2. Registration Web-form – Resources EPA Website: PDF of Web-form layout: Web-form Video Guidance: New First Schedule EPA Acts 1992-2013 (Colour Coded): 201992-2013%20-V2%20.pdf Envision GIS: Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU Regulation (EC) No. 1005/2009 on substances that deplete the ozone layer Regulation (EC) No. 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases,18532, en.pdf & 3. Next Steps - EPA Validate Web-form responses Liaise with licensees, where required Prepare and issue Licence Amendments by 7th January 2014, where required Thank You Step 1- Guidance and Declaration Step 2 - Organisation and Site information Step 3 - General Information Step 4 – Industry Sector and Activity Details Step 5 – Final Declaration