Discover the world at Leiden University

Master Programme
Economic & Consumer Psychology
28 August 2014
Discover the world at Leiden University
Who is he?
• Wilco van Dijk
Coordinator ECP
Discover the world at Leiden University
Who are you?
• Introduction during first meeting Emotions
and (ir)rationality
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Start Date:
MSc in Psychology
1 year
September and February
Discover the world at Leiden University
Core teachers ECP
Prof. dr. Eric van Dijk
Dr. Wilco van Dijk
Dr. Lotte van Dillen
Dr. Lasana Harris
Dr. Peter de Heus
Dr. Hanneke Hendriks
Dr. Marret Noordewier
Dr. Marijke van Putten
Dr. Erik Dekwaadsteniet
Dr. Gert-Jan Lelieveld
All are members of the Department of Social and
Organizational Psychology (look at the website)
Discover the world at Leiden University
Programme ECP
Four obligatory courses
Elective courses
Two semesters
(20 EC)
(10 EC)
(20 EC)
(10 EC)
60 EC
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Four obligatory courses
Discover the world at Leiden University
Obligatory courses (20 EC)
Learn to understand and work with a range of
theories, issues and research domains in
economic and consumer psychology (courses
are taught twice annually)
Discover the world at Leiden University
Obligatory courses (20 EC)
Learn to understand and work with a range of
theories, issues and research domains in
economic and consumer psychology (courses
are taught twice annually)
Emotions and (Ir)rationality
Psychology of Media and Communication
Psychology of Selling and Advertising
Applied Data Analysis
(NB. Psychology of Economic Behaviour)
Discover the world at Leiden University
Emotions and (Ir)rationality
Emotions are important
aspects of our lives, but how
do they function in economic
and consumer behaviour?
Starting Tue. 02-09-2014
7 seminars (13-17)
Florien Cramwinckel, MSc
Dr. Wilco van Dijk
Dr. Gert-Jan Lelieveld
Discover the world at Leiden University
Psychology of Media and Communication
Psychological perspective
on communication in an
ECP setting
Starting Mon. 08-09-14
• 10 meetings (Lec’s + Sem’s)
• Dr. Fieke Harinck
• Dr. Hanneke Hendriks
• Dr. Marret Noordewier
• Dr. Marijke van Putten
Discover the world at Leiden University
Psychology of Selling and Advertising
Focus on contextual
influences on preferences
from a marketer’s point of
Starting Mon. 10-11-14
9 meetings (Lec’s + Sem’s)
Dr. Erik DeKwaadsteniet
Dr. Marret Noordewier
Dr. Marijke van Putten
Discover the world at Leiden University
Applied Data Analysis
Acquire skills necessary to
analyse data to prepare for
your master’s thesis.
(Focus on applications)
• Starting Wed. 03-09-14
• Lectures and workgroups
• Dr. Peter de Heus
Discover the world at Leiden University
Psychology of Economic Behaviour
How do the assumptions of
economic theory compare
to the most recent insights
in social psychology?
Starting Sem. 2 Block III
7 lectures
Prof. dr. Eric van Dijk
Discover the world at Leiden University
Colloquia (3) and ECP-Day (1)
• Presentations of research by distinguished
• Approx.10 coll. each academic year, announced
several weeks in advance
• Presentations of ECP-alumni
• Twice a year
Registered via “blue card”
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Elective courses
Discover the world at Leiden University
Elective courses (10 EC)
Choose elective courses from the elective courses
offered in FSW-psychology master’s programmes.
Relevant examples
Motivation, Power and Leadership
Environmental Psychology
Psychology of Economic Behavior
Decision Making
(Sem. 1, Bl. 1)
(Sem. 1, Bl. 2)
(Sem. 2, Bl. 3)!
(Sem. 2, Bl. 4)
Discover the world at Leiden University
Elective courses (10 EC)
Enrollment for electives for fall semester today (check
compatibility schedules!)
Questions about procedures? Check with
‘Onderwijsbalie’ (in person, not by phone)
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
MSc Thesis
Discover the world at Leiden University
Thesis (20 EC)
Develop a research question for your thesis research
(in close interaction with your supervisor)
Learn to integrate and apply the knowledge and skills
acquired during their coursework
(on a topic in economic and consumer psychology)
Data will be collected, analysed, and reported in the
thesis (data collection in the laboratory or in a field setting)
Projects will be done in (small) teams
Discover the world at Leiden University
Thesis (20 EC)
• Questionnaires
• Internet surveys
• Field experiments
• Lab. experiments
Discover the world at Leiden University
Thesis (20 EC)
Master thesis: an empirical study
1. Thesis proposal
2. Full thesis
Choose your thesis topic from a list of topics
offered by staff members
You will receive an email in September
Discover the world at Leiden University
Thesis (20 EC)
• Enrollment procedure vitally important and
NOT via U-sis:
• New enrollment system
Discover the world at Leiden University
Thesis (20 EC)
Proposal thesis:
• Proposal of research (introduction + method)
• Investment: 10 hours a week
• Deadline:
end of January 2015
Actual thesis research:
• Data collection, analysis, writing
• Investment: > 20 hours a week
• Deadline:
Mid May 2015
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Discover the world at Leiden University
Internship (10 EC)
Apply your knowledge in ‘the real world’
Experience and practice the role of a professional
economic and consumer psychologist
Apply your knowledge and skills in a more ‘practical
Work in an organisation that fits your interests
Discover the world at Leiden University
Internship (10 EC)
• From mid May to end of July (report included)
• Finding internship own responsibility
• If you want to start internship earlier, this needs
approval of your supervisor
Discover the world at Leiden University
Internship (10 EC)
• Information meeting in November
(guidelines and tips)
• A list of recently found internships is available on
Discover the world at Leiden University
Monitoring of progress, be accessible to discuss
questions, problems
Your mentor will be the same person as your
thesis supervisor
Discover the world at Leiden University
Student represenation
Discover the world at Leiden University
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Frequently asked questions
Discover the world at Leiden University
• Can I take courses in a different order?
• When will I complete my degree?
• Can I combine my thesis and internship?
Discover the world at Leiden University
• Can I take courses in a different order?
always start with obligatory courses
• When will I complete my degree?
within 12 months (but limit competing activities)
• Can I combine my thesis and internship?
Only on approval
Discover the world at Leiden University
• How to find an internship?
• When to start searching for an internship?
• Can I do an extended internship?
Discover the world at Leiden University
• How to find an internship?
personal network (data base backup)
• When to start searching for an internship?
as soon as you can!
• Can I do an extended internship?
yes, but complete degree requirements first
Discover the world at Leiden University
Discover the world at Leiden University
Master Programme
Economic & Consumer Psychology
Discover the world at Leiden University