Publications – Martin Dribe Books 3. (2005). Living Standards in the

Publications – Martin Dribe
3. (2005). Living Standards in the Past. New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. /Editor with Robert C. Allen & Tommy Bengtsson.
2. (2003). Liv och rörelse. Familj och flyttningar i 1800-talets svenska bondesamhälle.
Hedemora: Gidlunds.
1. (2000). Leaving Home in a Peasant Society. Economic Fluctuations, Household Dynamics
and Youth Migration in Southern Sweden, 1829-1866. Södertälje: Almqvist &
Wiksell International. (Doctoral dissertation).
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
38. (2014). Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic
transition: An introduction. Demographic Research 31: 161-182. /With Michel Oris
and Lucia Pozzi.
37. (2014). The historical fertility transition at the micro level: southern Sweden 1815-1939.”
Demographic Research 30: 493-534. /With Tommy Bengtsson.
36. (2014). Social class and net fertility before, during and after the demographic transition: A
micro-level analysis of Sweden 1880-1970. Demographic Research 30: 429-464.
/With Francesco Scalone.
35. (2014). Socioeconomic status and net fertility during the fertility decline: A comparative
analysis of Canada, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and the United States. Population
Studies 68: 135-149. /With J. David Hacker and Francesco Scalone.
34. (2014). Is there an intermarriage premium for male immigrants? Exogamy and earnings in
Sweden 1990-2009. International Migration Review, published online. /With Paul
33. (2013). Educational homogamy and gender-specific earnings: Sweden 1990-2009.
Demography 50:1197–1216. /With Paul Nystedt.
32. (2012). “Manorialisme et gestion du risque dans la société préindustrielle La Suède aux
XVIIIe et XIXe siècles.” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 67:451-469. /With
Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson.
31. (2012). Was the manorial system an efficient insurance institution? Economic stress and
demographic response in Sweden, 1749-1859. European Review of Economic
History 16:292-310. /With Mats Olsson and Patrick Svensson.
30. (2012). Intermarriage, value context and union dissolution: Sweden 1990-2005. European
Journal of Population 28:139-158. /With Christer Lundh.
29. (2012). Marriage seasonality and the industrious revolution: Southern Sweden 1690-1895.
Economic History Review 65: 1123-1146. /With Bart Van de Putte.
28. (2012). If the landlord so wanted: Family, farm production and land transfers in the
manorial system. Economic History Review 65:746-769. /With Mats Olsson and
Patrick Svensson.
27. (2012). Social mobility and demographic behaviour: Long term perspectives.
Demographic Research 26:173-190. /With Cameron Campbell and Jan van Bavel.
26. (2011). The late emergence of socioeconomic mortality differentials: A micro-level study
of adult mortality in Southern Sweden 1815-1968. Explorations in Economic History
48: 389-400. /With Tommy Bengtsson.
25. (2011). Cultural dissimilarity and intermarriage. A longitudinal study of immigrants in
Sweden 1990-2005. International Migration Review 45: 297-324. /With Christer
24. (2010). Family life in power couples. Continued childbearing and union stability among
the educational elite in Sweden, 1991-2005. Demographic Research 23:847-878.
/With Maria Stanfors.
23. (2010). Marriage choices and social reproduction. The interrelationship between partner
selection and intergenerational socioeconomic mobility in 19th century Sweden.
Demographic Research 22:347-382. /With Christer Lundh.
22. (2010). Detecting deliberate fertility control in pre-transitional populations: Evidence
from six German villages, 1766–1863. European Journal of Population 26:411-434.
/With Francesco Scalone.
21. (2010). Quantifying the family frailty effect in infant and child mortality by using median
hazard ratio (MHR). The case of rural Sweden, 1766-1895. Historical Methods 43:
15-27. /With Tommy Bengtsson.
20. (2009). Status homogamy in the preindustrial marriage market partner selection according
to age, social origin, and place of birth in nineteenth century rural Sweden. Journal
of Family History 34: 387-406. / With Christer Lundh.
19. (2009). Partner choice and intergenerational occupational mobility: The case of nineteenth
century rural Sweden. Continuity and Change 24: 487-512. /With Christer Lundh.
18. (2009). Does parenthood strengthen a traditional household division of labor? Evidence
from Sweden. Journal of Marriage and Family 17: 33-45. /With Maria Stanfors.
17. (2009). Education, work and parenthood: The experience of young men and women in
post-war Sweden. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 30:32-42. /With Maria
16. (2009). Demand and supply factors in the fertility transition: A county level analysis of
age-specific marital fertility in Sweden 1880-1930. European Review of Economic
History 13:65-94.
15. (2008). Intermarriage and immigrant integration in Sweden: An exploratory analysis. Acta
Sociologica 51: 329-354 /With Christer Lundh.
14. (2008). Social mobility in nineteenth century rural Sweden – a micro level analysis.
Scandinavian Economic History Review 56:122-141. /With Patrick Svensson.
13. (2007). Widowhood, family size, and post-reproductive mortality: A comparative analysis
of three populations in nineteenth century Europe. Demography 44: 785-806 /With
George Alter and Frans van Poppel.
12. (2007). Widowhood strategies in preindustrial society. Journal of Interdisciplinary
History 38: 207-232. /With Christer Lundh and Paul Nystedt.
11. (2006). Deliberate control in a natural fertility population: southern Sweden 1766-1865.
Demography 43: 727-746 /With Tommy Bengtsson.
10. (2005). Finding the right partner. Rural homogamy in nineteenth century Sweden.
International Review of Social History 50: S149-177. /With Christer Lundh.
9. (2005). Gender aspects of inheritance strategies and land transmission in rural Scania,
Sweden, 1720-1840. The History of the Family. An International Quarterly 10: 293308. /With Christer Lundh.
8. (2005). Retirement as a strategy for land transmission: A micro study of pre-industrial rural
Sweden. Continuity and Change 20: 165-191. /With Christer Lundh.
7. (2005). Leaving home in post-war Sweden. A micro-level analysis of leaving the parental
home in three birth cohorts. Scandinavian Economic History Review 53: 30-49.
/With Maria Stanfors.
6. (2005). People on the move. Determinants of servant migration in nineteenth century
Sweden. Continuity and Change 20: 53-91. /With Christer Lundh.
5. (2004). Long-term effects of childbearing on mortality. Evidence from pre-industrial
Sweden. Population Studies 58: 297-310.
4. (2003). Dealing with economic stress through migration: Lessons from nineteenth century
rural Sweden. European Review of Economic History 7: 271-299.
3. (2003). Information, trust and diffusion of smallpox vaccination: The case of Scania,
Sweden 1802-1835. Scandinavian Economic History Review 51:9-28. /With Paul
2. (2003). Introduction: The complexity of migration in the European countryside. The
History of the Family. An International Quarterly 8: 183-185. Special issue on
European Migration. /With Michel Oris.
1. (2003). Migration of rural families in nineteenth century southern Sweden. A longitudinal
analysis of local migration patterns. The History of the Family. An International
Quarterly 8: 247-265.
Book chapters, etc
17. (2014). Social norms and human agency: Marriage in nineteenth century Sweden, in C.
Lundh, S. Kurosu, et al. Similarity in Difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia,
1700-1900. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. /With Christer Lundh.
16. (2014). The roads to reproduction: Comparing life course trajectories in preindustrial
Eurasia, in C. Lundh, S. Kurosu, et al. Similarity in Difference. Marriage in Europe
and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. /With Matteo Manfredini, Michel
15. (2012). Childbearing and longevity – the contribution of historical demography, in
Beekink, E. & E. Walhout (eds.) Frans van Poppel: A Sort of Farewell. Liber
Aimicorum. The Hague: Ando/NIDI.
14. (2012). Socioeconomic status and net fertility in the demographic transition: Sweden in
1900 – a preliminary analysis. Popolazione e storia 2/2010: 111-132 (Italian Society
for Historical Demography).
13. (2010). Economic stress and timing of childbirth in six Eurasian communities, in Tsuya,
N. O., Wang Feng, G. Alter, J. Z. Lee, et al. Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction
and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
/With Tommy Bengtsson.
12. (2010). Agency, social class, and fertility in southern Sweden 1766-1865, in Tsuya, N. O.,
Wang Feng, G. Alter, J. Z. Lee, et al. Prudence and Pressure. Reproduction and
Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. /With
Tommy Bengtsson.
11. (2008). Statarnas geografiska rörlighet, sociala ursprung och fruktsamhet i tre skånska
socknar 1830-1895, in Lundh, C. & M. Olsson (eds.) Statarliv i myt och verklighet.
Hedemora: Gidlunds. /With Patrick Svensson.
10. (2006). Spelade äganderätten någon roll? Om friköp av frälsejord i Skåne under 1800talet, in Olsson, M., S. Skansjö & K. Sundberg (eds.) Gods och bönder från
högmedeltid till nutid. Kontinuitet genom omvandling på Vittskövle och andra
skånska gods. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. /With Mats Olsson.
9. (2005). Malthus and the poor, in Rauhut, D., N. Hatti & C-A Olsson (eds.) Economists and
Poverty. From Adam Smith to Amartya Sen. New Delhi: Vedams.
8. (2005). Introduction, in Allen, R. C., T. Bengtsson & M. Dribe (eds.) Living Standards in
the Past. New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe, Oxford: Oxford
University Press. /With Robert Allen and Tommy Bengtsson.
7. (2005). New evidence on the standard of living in Sweden during the 18th and 19th
centuries: Long-term development of the demographic response to short-term
economic stress, in Allen, R. C., T. Bengtsson & M. Dribe (eds.) Living Standards in
the Past. New Perspectives on Well-being in Asia and Europe. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. /With Tommy Bengtsson.
6. (2003). Leaving home as a family strategy in times of economic and demographic stress. A
study of rural Scania, Sweden 1829-1866, in Van Poppel, F., J. Lee and M. Oris
(eds.) The Road to Independence. Leaving Home in European and Asian Societies.
Bern: Peter Lang.
5. (2002). Husmän och torpares demografi – skillnader och likheter i fyra skånska
församlingar 1815-1865, in Lundh, C. & K. Sundberg (eds.) Gatehus och gatehusfolk
i skånska godsmiljöer. Lund: Nordic Academic Press ./ With Christer Lundh.
4. (2002). Household and family aspects of children leaving home. Rural youth migration in
nineteenth century Scania, Sweden, in Barjot, D. & O. Faron (eds.) Migrations,
cycles de vie familial et marché du travail. Paris: Cahier No. 3 des Annales de
Démographie Historique.
3. (2000). Risk management in the family. Demographic responses to short-term economic
stress in southern Sweden during the agricultural transformation, 1829-1865, in
Neven, M. och C. Capron (eds.) Family Structures, Demography and Population. A
Comparison of Societies in Asia and Europe. Liege: Laboratory of Demography at
the University of Liège. / With Tommy Bengtsson.
2. (2000). Fertility and economic stress in southern Sweden 1829-1868, in Lee, J. Z., G.
Songyi och D. Yizhang (eds.) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population
Behavior in the Past: An East West Comparison. Beijing: Peking University Press.
1. (2000). Migration and economic stress in nineteenth century Scania, Sweden, in Lee, J. Z.,
G. Songyi och D. Yizhang (eds.) Marriage, Family Formation, and Population
Behavior in the Past: An East West Comparison. Beijing: Peking University Press.
Popular science
3. (2006). ”Att välja den rätta: giftermålsstrategier på 1800-talets landsbygd.” Tvärsnitt No. 2,
2006. / With Christer Lundh.
2. (2005). Demografins grunder. Stockholm SNS. /With Maria Stanfors. 2nd ed. 2010.
1. (2001). Familjer och hushåll i 1800-talets Skåne – exempel från Skånes demografiska
databas.” ALE 2001:3.