Workshops våren 2014

Workshops våren 2014
I vår har vi nöjet att erbjuda två spännande workshops.
I mars kommer Michael Clemmens tillbaka. Våren 2013 höll Clemmens en uppskattad och
välbesökt tvådagars workshop med närmare 40 deltagare från Sverige, Norge och England.
Många har frågat om Clemmens kommer tillbaka och det gör han 22-23 mars. Vi har också
lyssnat till den feedback vi fick förra gången och kommer begränsa antalet deltagare till Max
25 stycken.
I april har vi lyckats få hit Jean Marie Robine till en tredagars workshop. Kanske ni har läst
hans bok On the Occasion of an Other och precis som vi, blivit nyfikna på honom.
Varmt välkomna att tillsammans med oss utforska och nyfiket vidga ditt lärande som
Ann-Sofie Romlin Ia Mårtensson Astvik Helena Kallner
Body and Culture - Finding the balance between Internal space and Relational
Intimacy med Michael Clemmens
När 22-23 mars 2014
Var Götgatan 11, Stockholm
Pris 3200 kr + moms
The Id of the Situation med Jean Marie Robine
När 25-27 april 2014
Var Götgatan 11, Stockholm
Pris 3900 kr + moms
Anmälan är bindande.
Observera att det är begränsat antal platser.
Anmälan och information
Nedan finner du mer information.
Michael Clemmens
Michael Clemmens is a licensed psychotherapist with a private practice in Pittsburgh, PA
working with individuals and couples. He is a lead faculty member at the Gestalt Institute of
Cleveland and Esalen Institue in Big Sur, CA. He travels extensively nationally and
internationally teaching and offering experiential learning opportunities.
Michael is the author of Getting Beyond Sobriety: Clinical Approaches to Long Term
Recovery, other articles on Gestalt Therapy, and co-author with Arie Bursztyn of “The
Embodied Field: Culture and Body” published in The Bridge: Dialogues Across Culture. His
newest publication is “The Interactive Field: Gestalt Therapy as an embodied relational
dialogue” to be included in the upcoming textbook by Routledge. Gestalt Therapy: Advances
in Theory and Practice. Michael’s main interest is in the interaction between physical
processes, relational dynamics and the larger contextual field.
“Id of the situation” Working in a field perspective med Jean-­‐Marie Robine (Bordeaux-­‐France) Taking the “id of the situation” as a starting point for the work -­‐as Perls and Goodman suggested-­‐ is the emblem of the radical transformation they had introduced into psychotherapy. What does it means ? What are the presuppositions, implications and outcomes ? Carrying on the basis drawn up by our founders, I choosed and go on choosing to emphasis the field perspective -­‐among other fondamentals-­‐ since it offers the greatest paradigmatic shift on the ground of centuries of intrapsychic tradition. The clinic and therapeutic consequences of this change are endlessly revealed, so this posture needs to be worked out and requires more and more attention to the contact processes, the body sensations, the now. Beyond the therapeutic effectiveness of this epistemological choice, the social consequences of such a choice have to be emphasized. Jean-Marie Robine
Psych. Clin. Dipl. 1967, Psychologist and director of a public clinic for Children and Families
during 15 years. Training in Psychodrama, Expressive therapies, Client Centered Therapy,
Couples & Family Therapy, Psychoanalysis. Training in Gestalt Therapy with different
Institutes and trainers, and most importantly with Isadore From. Founder of Institut Français
de Gestalt-thérapie, 1980. International trainer. Past President of European Association for
Gestalt Therapy, Past President of Societé Française de Gestalt, Cofounder of Collège de
Gestalt-thérapie, Member of New York Institute for Gestalt Therapy, International trainer in
many countries, particularly in Europe, Eastern Europe and Latin America. Member of
editorial board of several international Gestalt Journals. Author or coauthor of 7 books of
Gestalt Therapy translated in several languages, including English-American (« On the
Occasion of an Other » Gestalt Journal Press). Live in the countryside near Bordeux, France.
Utbildningsdagarna anordnas i ett samarbete mellan Centret för Relationell Gestaltterapi och
Gestaltakademin i Skandinavien