Presentazione di PowerPoint - La cultura sottile

The Berlusconi Case in Italy.
Changes of the political discourse
in the late western democracies
Fausto Colombo
Catholic University of Milano
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Introducing (briefly) myself
Professor of Media Theory, Faculty of Political Sciences,
Catholic University of Milan
Director of OssCom, Research Center on Media and
Communication (Catholic University)
Main Topics:
Digitalisation of media
Generations and Media
Media and Politics
Social History of Italian Media (and Mass Culture)
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
My last publication
about Silvio Berlusconi
“The Strange Case of Silvio Berlusconi and the
Role of Lying in Political Discourse”, in
Carpentier at alii, Communicative Approaches
to Politics and Ethics in Europe, Tartu
University Press, 2009
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Silvio Berlusconi and the Political Power in
Italy: History of an Anomaly?
SB as a businessman (building, media, insurance,
banking, retail…)
SB as a politician:
1993: foundation of the new party Forza Italia;
political alliance with Lega Nord and Alleanza
Nazionale (post-fascist party)
1994: Victory at the political elections
1996: Political defeat against Romano Prodi at
new political elections (without Lega Nord)
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
History of an Anomaly? 2
2001: New Victory in Political Elections (with
Lega Nord, Alleanza Nazionale, UDC)
2006: Political Defeat, again against Romano
2007: Foundation of a new Political Party,
Popolo della Libertà
2008: Victory at the Political elections
(Popolo della Libertà and Lega Nord)
2008-today: Premiership
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Some Paradox about SB
A political/non political character
Conflict of Public Good and Self-Interest
Moral Conflict (no clearness about the
origins of his capital; doubts about his
personal morality; charges with any different
Public Conflict (laws made by his
governments about many economic or
institutional topics wich implicate his
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
SB and the (Political) Communication:
Points of Strenght
One way communication
Television discourses:
Organized events:
Ability in listening and understanding people
Technical ability on large scale (mkt)
Personal ability on micro-scale (interpersonal
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
SB and the (Political) Communication:
Weakness Points
Two-ways or interactive communication
On Tv:
In the public debates
Difficulty in adapting himself to institutional
National institutions
Diplomatic contexts:
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SB survival ability
SB survived until now:
To very strong mediatic campaigns
Scandals (Noemi, D’Addario, Civil Protection,
Conspirancies by allies
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Strong/weak points
A latin lover?
A Popular Superhero?
L’Aquila Earthquake:
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Traditional Explications
Central Role of Communication
Ownership of media (overall Television)
Communicative Ability
Economical Strenght
Absence of Political Scruples
… and what about the support of 30-35% of the
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Some More Explications
In general and global terms:
The Rise of Audience Democracy and its
Crisis of the democratic model grounded on
Personalitation of Politics and Leaderism
In specific and national terms
The tipical italian “provincialism”
Crisis of the èlites
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Conclusive Hypothesis
The political experience of Silvio Berlusconi in
Italy is not simply a freak political experience
caused by an absolute strangeness of italian
situation. On the contrary, it is a typical
national case of new populism, wich is one of
the possibilities of audience democracy as
described by Bernard Manin.
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
Conclusive Hypothesis 2
The most important abilities of Silvio Berlusconi are:
on one hand finding a successful alliance solution
in a given situation (electoral law);
on the other hand interpretating ideas and
feelings of the silent majority.
Silvio Berlusconi the (one) italian version of a typical
leader of new populistic democracies in western
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione
O s s c o m – Osservatorio sulla Comunicazione