Defining Domestic and
Family Violence
And Family Violence
is an abuse of power
perpetrated mainly (but
not only) by men against
women in a relationship or
after separation. It occurs
when one partner attempts to
physically and/or
psychologically dominate and
control the other.
What is Domestic Violence?
 Physical abuse:
Kicking, slapping, hitting, punching, pushing, pulling,
choking and property damage.
 Emotional abuse:
Jealously, anger, intimidation, controlling, neglect,
humiliation,threats, isolation and verbal abuse.
 Social Abuse:
Being stopped from meeting or seeing friends or family,
not allowed to leave the home. Being stalked.
 Sexual abuse:
Forcing and coercing sexual acts, rape and having sex
without wanting to.
 Economic Abuse:
Controlling access to money and other resources, forced
to live without money.
Myths & Facts
Domestic and Family violence only
occurs in working or poorer families
Domestic and family violence
happens in all communities, from all
social and cultural groupings.
Violent men cannot control
themselves, their behaviour is “out
of their control”
This is not true. If men cannot
control their violent behaviours then
they would try to dominate and
control everybody including their
bosses, their work friends and all
other people they come into contact
Women enjoy being abused,
otherwise they would leave the
There are many reasons why women
do not leave violent situations. They
fear social isolation, community
stigma and financial problems. Also
after long-term abuse, their self
esteem is very low and they do not
have the support systems to build
their confidence.
Myths & Facts
Loving caring partners do not use
Violence can happen even in the
most loving and caring relationships.
Only small numbers of women have
experienced domestic & family
International and Australian studies
undertaken in hospitals, by the police ,
by some churches and by community
services all suggest that one in three to
five women will experience domestic &
family violence.
Alcohol and stress are to blame for
domestic violence.
Alcohol and stress are not an excuse
for domestic violence, it only acts as a
excuse. It is up to the person who
commits domestic violence to accept
Myths & Facts
Domestic Violence is rarely spoken
about, it is a private family matter.
Domestic violence is a crime. It is not
part of any relationship.
Domestic violence if hidden can
escalate and do more damage if no one
knows about it.
Domestic violence only happens where
there is unemployment and poverty in
the family
Women from all backgrounds, all ages,
all cultures, employed and unemployed
are likely to be victims of domestic
Women know their rights and can leave
the situation if they want to.
A strong sense of silence and secrecy
often go with Domestic Violence.
Women fear speaking out. The violence
causes low self-esteem and no one
wants their family to break up. Most
women hope the violence will stop.
Some women provoke violence and
they are part of the problem
No family deserves violence, dealing
with problems in ways that don’t
involve violence is the key, not blaming
the victim.
Commonly named causes or
excuses for domestic violence
 Financial pressure on the family
causing stress
 Drug & alcohol abuse by one or more
family members
 Gambling by either partner
 Abuse within extended families, generational
 Typical and acceptable “male” behaviour
 Culturally acceptable behaviour
Indicators of domestic and family
violence, experienced by women
 Physical injuries, including broken bones, no
explanation for injuries
 Threats to safety, intimidation or harassment
 Current or previous police involvements
 Feelings of sadness or depression, low self
 Difficulty in concentration or focus
 Being denied access to funds or resources and/or
repeated requests for financial assistance
Indicators of domestic and family
violence, experienced by women
 Over protective of children and avoidance of
discussing children
 Current or previous separation in the relationship
 Extensive use of medications
 Lack of self esteem or self confidence
 Problems with sleep & sleeplessness
 Nervous or withdrawn behaviours
Indicators of domestic and family
violence, experienced by women
 Aggressive behaviours or language
 Isolation from friends, family & community
 Medical or psychosomatic illness, such as
headaches or stomach problems, frequent visits
to hospital or doctor
 Eating disorders
 Difficulty with friendships
Impacts of domestic and family
violence on children and young people
 Physical injuries
 Bed wetting or soiling
 Psychosomatic illness
 Behavioural problems
 Anxious or fearful behaviours
 Aggressive language or behaviours
 Developmental delays
 Nervous or withdrawn behaviours
Impacts of domestic and family
violence on children and young people
 Advanced maturity, sense of responsibility
 Disturbed sleep, nightmares, constant waking,
fear of the dark
 Use of drugs or alcohol
 Difficulty forming and maintaining relationships,
poor social skills.
 Lacking in confidence, poor self esteem and
self image
 Sadness or depression
 Eating disorders
 Self-harming behaviours
Some Additional Causal Factors
Experienced By Migrant Communities
 Financial pressure: in particular the financial pressure of supporting relatives in the
home country and the pressure of unemployment
 Gambling
 Changes in women’s attitudes, expectation and roles.
 Relationship difficulties, including issues relating to children, which were seen to
put pressure on relationships that may lead to domestic violence
 Male behaviours and attitudes in particular in response to the changed roles of
women in Australia
 Cultural differences, in the context of mixed marriages
 Provocation from women experiencing the freedom of women's rights
Issues which impact on the
incidence of domestic violence
in refugee communities
Pre arrival torture, trauma, rape and sexual violence
Post traumatic stress disorder
Problems experienced during resettlement
Loss of dreams
Loss of status