Sentinel Event Alert Number 40 - Texas Organization for Associate

Presented by
Christopher L. Pate, Ph.D, MPA, CQIA
64th Annual Convention of the Texas Community College Teachers
29 January 2011
San Antonio, Texas
• The Joint Commission
• Role
• Sentinel Events
• Sentinel Event Alert #40
• Definitions
• Prevalence
• Incivility in nursing education
• Mitigation through recommendations and steps
described by the Joint Commission
• Implications for higher education
Learning Outcomes
 At the conclusion of this presentation, attendees will be able
 Identify the critical features of Sentinel Event Alert Number 40
 Describe sentinel events in the context of civility
 Identify characteristics of the concept of civility in healthcare
Discuss findings of civility-related studies in US healthcare settings
List Joint Commission recommendations for improving the
environment of care and reducing workplace aggression
Discuss causes and consequences of nursing incivility
Understand how organizational activities taken in response to the
Joint Commission’s changes in civility-related accreditation
standards are compatible with collaborative decision making in
institutions of higher education
The Joint Commission
 The Joint Commission (TJC)
 Seeks to continuously improve health care for the public, in
collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care
organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and
effective care of the highest quality and value
 Evaluates and accredits more than 17,000 health care organizations
and programs in the United States
 Independent, not-for-profit organization
 Nation's oldest and largest standards-setting and accrediting body
in healthcare (The Joint Commission, 2009).
 Focused on all aspects of organizational performance
 Particular interest and focus on
 Quality
 Safety
 Processes
Sentinel Events
 Sentinel event defined
 An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious
physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof.
Serious injury specifically includes loss of limb or
function. The event is called ‘sentinel’ because it sends a
signal or sounds a warning that requires immediate
attention (The Joint Commission, 2007)
 TJC began issuing Sentinel Event alerts in 1998
(McLaughlin, 2008)
Sentinel Event Alert: Issue 40
• Sentinel Event Alert
• “Behaviors that undermine a culture of safety” (Joint
• Issued July 2008
• Effective 1 January 2009, as requirement for accreditation
• Specifically linked to domain of organizational leadership
• Elements of performance (EP)
– Hospitals/organizations must have code of conduct that
defines acceptable, disruptive and inappropriate behaviors
– Leaders must create and implement a process for managing
disruptive and inappropriate behaviors
Sentinel Events
 Four Key Goals of Sentinel Event Policies
 Positive impact on improving patient care, treatment
and services and preventing future occurrences
 Focus attention on understanding the causes and on
changing systems and processes to reduce likelihood of
future occurrences
 Increase knowledge about sentinel events, their causes
and strategies for prevention
 Maintain confidence of the public and accredited
organizations in the accreditation process (The Joint
Commission, 2007)
Undermining Culture of Safety:
Behaviors and Outcomes
 Relationship between intimidating and disruptive
behaviors and outcomes
 Medical errors
 Poor patient satisfaction
 Preventable adverse outcomes
 Increase in cost of care
 Retention; clinicians, administrators, managers engage
in search for jobs external to the organization
 Joint Commission, 2011 National Patient Safety Goals
 #2: Improve staff communication
Source: Joint Commission,
 Most research on topic conducted outside US (e.g.,
UK, Australia, Canada)
 US
 American College of Physician Executives (2009)
Survey of 13K physicians and nurses
98% of respondents reported observation of behavioral
problems between physicians and nurses within past year
30% indicated that bad behavior occurs several times year;
30% indicated weekly occurrence; approximately 25%
occurring monthly
Most common: degrading comments, insults
 US
 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, US
Department of Health and Human Services, 2011)
2008 survey (citing work of Rosenstein & O'Daniel); 100
77% of respondents reported observation of physicians
engaging in disruptive behavior
65% reported witnessing disruptive behavior by nurses
 US
 American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN),
VitalSmarts (2004 Survey)
Focus group of 1700 physicians, nurses, administrators
(VitalSmarts, 2005)
More than 75% “regularly work with doctors or nurses who are
condescending, insulting or rude” (Grenny, 2009, p. 30)
About 1/3 of the participants reported that behavior includes
name-calling, yelling, and swearing (p. 30)
 Disruptive behavior
 Behavior that interferes with effective communication among
healthcare providers and negatively impacts performance and
outcomes; behavior not supportive of a culture of safety
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2011; Center for
American Nurses, 2008)
 Culture of safety
 “characterized by open and respectful communication among
all members of the healthcare team in order to provide safe
patient care. It is a culture that supports an organizational
commitment to continually seeking to improve safety”
(Institute of Medicine, as cited in Center for American
Nurses, 2008)
 Incivility
 Lack of regard for others; violation of workplace norms that
promote respectful, interpersonal interaction
 3 key features
 Psychological
 Low intensity, inconsiderate
 Ambiguous intent to harm target (Felblinger, 2009, p. 14)
 Bullying
 Goes beyond incivility; aggressive, deliberate, psychological or
physical (Felblinger, 2009)
 Behavior that is generally persistent, systematic and ongoing (Task
Force on the Prevention of Workplace Bullying, as cited in Center
for American Nurses, 2008)
Disruptive Behaviors and Incivility
 Behaviors associated with incivility
 Rude comments
 Disrespectful verbal attacks
 Offensive, condescending language
 Lack of collaboration
 Disregard for interdisciplinary input about patient care
 Public criticism
 Subtle or overt verbal aggression
 Name calling
 Withholding critical information (Felblinger, 2009)
Disruptive Behaviors and Incivility
 Behaviors associated with incivility
 Ethnic slurs or jokes
 Sexual comments
 Yelling
 Screaming
 Attacking a person’s integrity
 Requesting input when decisions are already made
 Superficial listening
 Lacking empathy
 Blaming others in front of family members; blaming team members
when something goes wrong (Felblinger, 2009)
Lateral Violence
 Lateral or horizontal violence
 Nursing defined as nurse-to-nurse aggression
 “aggressive behavior between nurses on the same power level”
(Simons, 2008)
 Verbal or nonverbal
 Common forms
Lateral Violence: Behaviors
 Common forms
 Non-verbal innuendo
 Verbal affront
 Undermining activities
 Withholding information
 Sabotage
 Infighting
 Scapegoating
 Backstabbing
 Failure to respect privacy; broken confidences (Griffin, as cited in
Center for American Nurses, 2008)
Workplace Bullying
 Workplace bullying
 “repeated inappropriate behavior, direct or indirect,
whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one
or more persons against another or others, at the place
of work and/or in the course of employment, which
could reasonably be regarded as undermining the
individual’s right to dignity at work” (Task Force on the
Prevention of Workplace Bullying, as cited in Center for
American Nurses, 2008)
Specific Types of Bullying Behaviors
in Healthcare Settings
 Verbal abuse
 Written abuse
 Physical abuse
 Intimidation
 Displays of offensive material (Edwards, O’Connell,
2007, p. 28)
Verbal Abuse
 Verbal abuse
 “disruptive form of behavior involving verbal communication that is
associated with horizontal violence” (Center for American Nurses, 2008)
 “any communication a nurse perceives to be a harsh, condemnatory attack
upon herself or himself professionally or personally” (Cox, as cited in
Center for American Nurses, 2008)
 Examples
 Offensive language or innuendo
 Language that belittles a person’s abilities
 Spreading malicious rumors
 Sexist, racist, or patronizing remarks
 Inappropriate or intimate questioning (NHS, as cited in Edwards,
O’Connell, p. 28)
Bullying Behaviors in Healthcare
Settings: Written and Physical Abuse
 Written
 Letters, email, faxes
 Physical
 Unwanted physical contact
 Explicit physical threats or attacks
 Unnecessary touching or assault
 Stalking that is related to work, may occur at work or
outside of work(NHS, as cited in Edwards, O’Connell, p.
Bullying Behaviors in Healthcare
Settings: Intimidation and Offensive
 Intimidation
 Slander
 Belittling conduct (e.g., being yelled at)
 Intrusion by pestering, following
 Unnecessary closeness
 Apportioning blame wrongly
 Offensive material
 Flags and emblems
 Badges
 Graffiti
 Unnecessary highlighting of differences (NHS, as cited in
Edwards, O’Connell, p. 28)
How Might this Look in Practice?
Root Causes
 Individual factors
 Learned behavior, “perpetrators of bullying have been bullied themselves”
(Paterson et al., as cited in Edwards & O’Connell, 2007)
 Individual insecurities
 Stress
 Individuals lack training on appropriate behavior and expectations
 Organizational factors
 Power imbalances between organizational members (nursing as “oppressed
group,” Hutchinson, Vickers, Jackson, & Wilkes, 2006, p. 119)
 Lack of professional training
 Lack of leadership
 Organizational demands and stress, “do more with less” mentality, focus on
 Organizational change and uncertainty (Randle, Stevenson, & Grayling, 2007)
Effects on Individuals
 Nurse-to-nurse hostility
 Anxiety, fear, shock, anger, guilt, vulnerability,
 Loss of self-confidence
 Loss of self-esteem
 Feeling threatened
 Developing stress-related illness
 Contemplating suicide (Leiper as cited in Bartholomew,
Practical Recommendations: An
Individual Perspective with
Organizational Implications
 Disclosure
 Knowledge of workplace protections
 Documentation
 Being assertive
 Being empathetic
 Use open questions
 Buying time
 Assertiveness training (Randle, Stevenson, & Grayling,
What and How to Address:
 Carefronting (Briles, 2009)
 When you ________________
 I felt _____________________
 Because __________________
 Was it your intent to _______
 In the future ______________
 Are you committed to ______
 If there is not a change _____
Incivility in Nursing Education
 Defined:
 “rude or disruptive behaviors that often result in
psychological or physiological distress for the people
involved and may progress into threatening situations
when left unaddressed” (Clark as cited in Clark &
Springer, 2010, p. 320)
 Faculty and student consequences
Disrupted student-faculty relationships
Problematic learning environments
Increased stress levels for faculty and students (Clark &
Springer, 2010)
Creating a Culture of Civility in
Nursing Education
 Recognition that both students and faculty have responsibilities
 Factors contributing to incivility
 Faculty (high stress, negative attitude of superiority, assumption of
“know it all” attitude, arrogance)
 Students (consumer mentality, refusal to accept responsibility,
making excuses, high stress)
 “faculty and student stress and disparaging attitudes in conjunction
with missed, avoided, or poorly managed opportunities for
meaningful engagement are major contributions to incivility in
nursing education” (Clark as cited in Clark & Springer, 2010, p. 320)
An Organizational Perspective
 Strategies
 Define the problem
 Awareness and accountability
 Organizational and leadership commitment
 Policies and procedures
 Staff education
 Communication/team collaboration skills
 Reporting policy and follow-through
 Disruptive behavior policy
 Address barriers
 Implement intervention plan (Rosenstein, 2009, p. 332)
Specific Recommendations from the
Joint Commission
 Education
 Enforce accountability
 Consistency in enforcement
 Model desirable behaviors
 Development of comprehensive approach (policies/procedures)
 Zero tolerance for intimidating or disruptive behaviors
 Alignment of medical/professional staff policies with those of larger
 Reducing fear of retaliation; protecting those who report—make
non-retaliation clauses part of policy on addressing disruptive
 Responding to patients and families that have witnessed
intimidating or disruptive behaviors
 How and when to begin disciplinary actions
Source: Joint Commission,
Specific Recommendations from the
Joint Commission
 Develop process for addressing that uses input from inter-professional
Medical staff
Nursing staff
Other employees
Provide skills-based training
Develop system of reporting and surveillance
Use tiered approach to addressing
Conduct all interventions within context of improving organizational
commitment to the health and well-being of the staff
 Document all attempts to address intimidating and disruptive
Source: Joint Commission,
Zero Tolerance
 Good start
 Needs follow-up with “strong communication that there
is zero tolerance for these behaviors, and strong actions
when they occur” (Physician Executive, 2009, p. 22)
 “Implement a no-tolerance policy and enforce it 100% of
the time” (p. 22)
 Empower staff
 “I am sorry, but you may not speak to me it that tone of
voice” (p. 22)
Healthcare, Higher Education
 Many similarities between higher education and healthcare
 Emphasis on costs
 Emphasis on output measurement, productivity
 Increasing accountability
 Organizational power centers
 Codes of conduct (faculty, employees, students) necessary but insufficient to
address disruptive behaviors
 Collaboration is necessary
 Inclusion of groups most likely targeted
 Appropriate cultural mix
 Accrediting body involvement and standards
 Places of rigorous inquiry; health sciences education perfect place to start
 Recognition of institutions that adopt a robust plan to address intimidating
and disruptive behavior
Point of Contact
 Contact info:
Christopher Pate, Ph.D, MPA, CQIA
Department of Radiology
Brooke Army Medical Center
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
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Edwards, S.L., & O’Connell, C.F. (2007). Exploring bullying: Implications for nurse educators. Nurse
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McLaughlin, S. (2008). Historical perspective: The joint commission’s growing role in the
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Randle, J., Stevenson, K., & Grayling, I. (2007). Reducing workplace bullying in healthcare
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Rosenstein, A.H. (2009). Disruptive behaviour and its impact on communication efficiency and
patient care. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 2(4), 328 – 340.
Sheridan-Leos, N. (2008). Understanding lateral violence in nursing. Clinical Journal of Oncology
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Simon, S.L. (2008). Mission (im)possible? Nurse civility in the NICU. Neonatal Network, 27(2), 141 –
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