Session 1.1 - Martha Hayward (Leadership)

May 29, 2013
Martha Donovan Hayward
Lead for Patient and Public Engagement
Institute for Healthcare Engagement
Why Are We Here?
Is there anything else we would truly
rather be doing?
At the end of the day, everything every one of us does
somehow impacts the people who use our services.
The person and family is at the center of all we do.
Exceptional Experiences
Not about being nice
Not an educational program
They result when:
– Mission, vision, values align
– Leadership team commits
– Discipline is instilled
– Infrastructure, education, expectations, and core processes are
– Behaviors are clear
– Experiences are consistent across the continuum
It is about…
Intentionally designing a culture of excellence.
Creating a culture that oozes a sense of care,
compassion, respect and concern.
Being clear about our goals and intentions.
– The goal is to see beyond our walls
– The goal is to see care through the eyes of each person
– The goal is partnership and collaboration with all parts of the
system that touch each person
Expected outcomes
Experience and loyalty
Improved quality and safety
Improved community perception and reputation
Increased market share/volume
Financial Health
Decreased dissatisfaction and associated costs
Decreased claims/losses
Better health outcomes
Essential skills for leaders
Developing relationships outside your four walls
Naming the experience for each person
Holding self, peers and team accountable
Label and link
Stop List
Rounding and Observation
3 Key Steps
Executive Leadership Alignment
2. Level set expectations for everyone
in the organization.
3. Focus on infrastructure, targeted
processes and development.
What is it?
– The total learned, shared, taken-for-granted assumptions that a
group has learned throughout its history; base of daily behavior
– Deep, broad, stable
Schien, Corporate Culture Survival Guide, 1999
– Seen in behavior
Changed over time by working on behaviors that
eventually shift mental models – not the reverse
How Culture is Embedded
• What leaders do, pay attention to,
measure and reward on a
regular basis
• How leaders react to critical incidents
and organizational crises
• Deliberate role modeling, teaching
and coaching
• Observed criteria by which leaders
allocate rewards and status
• Observed criteria by which leaders
recruit, select, promote, retire and
terminate organizational members
E. Schein, Organizational Culture and Leadership,1994
• Organizational design and structure
• Organizational systems and
• Organizational rites and rituals
• Design of physical space and
• Stories, legends and myths about
people and events
• Formal statements of organizational
philosophy, values and creed
Whose Job Is It?
All in
– Utilize Change Package
– HR connection
– Leadership essentials
– Engaged partners: staff, physician and PFA’s
Hire for Values
Clarify the values you are hiring for.
– What do the values look like in action?
– Position descriptions; performance reviews
Develop behavior-based interview questions; use
Involve patients/families in interviews.
Orient to the values.
Systems in place to listen and learn
from new employees
Key Change Ideas: Leadership
Leaders take ownership of defining purpose of work and
modeling desired behaviors.
– Purpose
– Label and link
– “All in” behaviors
– Storytelling
– Leadership rounding
– Leadership behaviors
– Champions
Identifying Patients and Families
Ask clinicians “Do you know a patient/family member
that comes to mind as a potential members?”
Are there patients/family members who have contacted
healthcare leaders about concerns and who were highly
effective in communicating their requests?
Are there Patients/Families with unique perspectives as
previous patients or family caregivers for a project?
Use your internal and external network of Board
members, faith community, volunteers to cast a wide
Developing Health Care
Team Members
Remember – it is not just Patient/Family Partners who
need development to work with healthcare team
Most healthcare team members are not skilled in
working in true partnerships with patients/families.
We are used to being “in charge.”
Specify listening behaviors to use in activities with
Partners to assure their talents are being used