EUROPEAN COMMISSION – JUSTICE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES ON GENDER EQUALITY ____ AWARENESS - RAISING ACTIVITIES TO FIGHT VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN & GIRLS IN GREECE LONDON, 7 - 8 FEBRUARY 2012 THEODORA KATSIVARDAKOU HEAD OF THE DIRECTORATE OF SOCIAL POLICY GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR GENDER EQUALITY MINISTRY OF INTERIOR - GREECE Violence against Women An obstacle to the achievement of • development • peace • gender equality • social cohesion The prevention and combating of all forms of violence against women is one of the 4 strategic goals of the National Programme for Gender Equality 2010 - 2013 The facts • 2007-2009: 44 women victims of homicide by a spouse or partner; 12% of the total number of homicides • 1 in 3 women victims of domestic violence went on to marry the perpetrator even after having received abuse prior to the marriage • 2 in 3 women victims of domestic violence remain in the abusive relationship for over 10 years. «National Programme for Combating Violence against Women 2010-2013» • legislative measures to strengthen the institutional framework • actions to prevent the phenomenon and assist victims SOS Helpline • Operation of the SOS Helpline since March 2011 • Nationwide; providing direct counseling for women victims of violence 24 hours a day / 365 days a year • The Helpline SOS 15900 received 3,938 calls between 11/3/2011 and 11/1/2012. • 2,957 (77% of total) complaints related to gender violence cases, of this number, 84% related to cases of domestic violence by a spouse / partner Counseling Centers • Creation of fourteen (14) Counseling Centers of GSGE; one (1) in the main seat of each Greek Region, plus one in the city of Piraeus. • Creation of twenty seven (27) Counseling Centers in the 27 largest Municipalities. • Budget per center: €300,000 for 3-year operation • The Counseling Centers provide frontline services, responding to the need for emergency assistance to women victims of violence Shelters • 20 Shelters in the largest Municipalities of the country • Capacity of each shelter: 20 women with their children • Budget per shelter: €700,000 for 3-year operation • Respond to the need for direct assistance or accommodation for women victims of violence • Operate in conjunction with the GSGE Counseling Centers Services Provided • • • • Psychosocial support Legal counseling Accommodation Legal aid in collaboration with local Bar Associations Training Professionals • Counselors: - an initial 30-hour training on psychosocial support and legal counseling with a gender perspective. - Continuing education on a monthly basis for one year • Police: - 209 police officers via 12 seminars on gender violence • Hospitals: - 29 male and female nurses via 2 seminars on gender violence Awareness Raising Campaign Key priorities and aims of our campaign: • To publicly denounce violence against women as a violation of women’s human rights • To raise awareness on violence against women and encourage every citizen to challenge it • To widely disseminate information on existing structures and measures aimed at the protection of women victims Awareness Raising Campaign Period of implementation: April 2011 –April 2013 • TV and radio spots • Printed material (leaflet, posters, stickers) • Info booth • Conferences Awareness Raising Campaign Slogan SOS Helpline logo * In Greek and in 3 foreign languages Awareness Raising Campaign Target Groups Women victims of gender-based violence Professionals handling cases of violence against women (psychologists, social workers, lawyers, police officers, doctors, etc.) Society as a whole (women and men of all ages and backgrounds) Awareness Raising Campaign Counseling Methodology – Presentation Conference *a 350-page Guide on the provision of counseling services and support structure operations * a 90-page Handbook of counseling specifically on sexual harassment in the workplace Target group: • professionals of psychosocial support & legal counseling who deal with women victims of gender violence Presented at a Conference: • 30 September 2011, 350 participants Downloads from site: 140 per item Awareness Raising Campaign «For the last Time» 35’’ On air: March - June 2011 Awareness Raising Campaign Awareness Raising Campaign «This is where she hurt herself» 45’’ On air: November 2011- January 2012 Awareness Raising Campaign Participation in the 15th Biennale of Young Artists Awareness Raising Campaign 1st Panorama of Films on Violence Against Women Presentations to Schools & Students • Approximately 10 presentations a year to schools and high-school classes • Open discussion on gender violence & gender equality issues NGO funding for Programmes/initiatives on combating Violence against Women • 5-6 programmes • Budget : €70,000 each • Subjects: – Counseling of women victims of violence – Raising social awareness – Training professionals Funding • NSRF: Operational Programme «Administrative Reform 2007-2013» • Priority Axis III «Strengthening gender equality policies across the breadth of public administration» • Activities Category 3.2.3 «Strengthening the activities of Public Administration and Local Government for the benefit of women and combating violence» • Campaign Budget: €543,000 Cost of violence against women • Direct cost: care and support to abused and battered women and their children and services dedicated to successfully bringing perpetrators to justice • Indirect cost: most importantly the cost of human suffering, loss of human dignity and erosion of the social fabric plus lost work-hours and productivity • Each euro invested in policies to prevent domestic violence, reduces the total cost of VAW by €87 Programme Objective • Combating VAW • Development • Social Cohesion In a framework of respect for human rights and gender equality Thank you for your attention. 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