銀髮族休閒 南華大學 休閒產業經濟學系 黃瓊玉 2012 年 2 月 25 日 Global Perspectives on Leisure and Aging • Demography and Population Aging • Global Aging: Current and Future Status • Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood Demography and Population Aging • Demography The statistical study of human populations with particular reference to size, density, and distribution. • Demographic variables Fertility rate, life expectancy, median age, absolute number of older people, proportion of order people. • Demographic transition theory The movement in a society from high to low birthrates and death rates. • Population aging The phenomenon in which older adults make upan increasingly larger proportion of a given population. Global Aging: Current and Future Status More developed countries (MDCs); less developed or developing countries (LDCs) Global Aging: Current and Future Status Latest data Global Aging: Current and Future Status • 台灣與國際間的比較 - 中華民國 2012 年至 2060 年人口推計報告 ( 資料來源:國家發展委員會人力資源發展 ) Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood World Health Organization (WHO) : Active aging • Active aging (活躍老化) The process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation, and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. (使健康、參與、和安全達到最適化機會的過程,以便促進民眾老年時的生活品質) - 老年人能維持自主 (autonomy) 與獨立 (independence) 的概念。 • 政策或計畫的目標 促進老年人身體健康、心理健康和社會連結,維持其自主與獨立 。 Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood • 影響民眾老年時生活品質的六大項決定因素: 1. Personal factors (e.g., cognitive and psychological health) 2. Social environment (e.g., social support, loneliness) 3. Behavioral factors (e.g., healthy lifestyle) 4. Access to health and social services (e.g., preventative and acute care) 5. Physical environment (e.g., safe housing, clean water) 6. Economic conditions • 六大項決定因素內的一些共同特色: Personal choice, independence, participation, physical activity, self-efficacy, social engagement and support, and community involvement. - 跟休閒的經驗(leisure experience)有關。 Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood Popular categories of leisure opportunities in MDCs • Educational experiences Road Scholar A nonprofit organization in lifelong learning and educational travel for seniors. Senior Net • Travel and tourism • Volunteerism and community service The US government sponsors a variety of volunteer service programs e.g., Retired and senior volunteer program, Foster grandparents, Senior Companionship program, Volunteers-in-Parks, Service Corps of retired executives. • Exercise, fitness activity, and sport Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood 小結 Individual leisure patterns are heterogeneous Influenced by variables such as age, gender, educational level, personal health, wealth, personal experiences, culture differences….. MDCs will experience a dramatic growth in the numbers of older citizens over the next 20-40 years • More demands on the existing leisure infrastructure. • Future retirees will tend to be healthier, wealthier, and more educated than today’s retirees. Leisure and Quality of Life in Older Adulthood Leisure in later life in LDCs Conclusion Leisure (Geoffrey Godbey) One of freedom to pursue experiences that are personally meaningful and satisfying. Leisure becomes the opportunity to pursue experiences that bring us pleasure, promote self-development, enhance our self-esteem, and allow us to engage in activities we are passionate about. 休閒是從文化環境和物質環境的外在壓力中解脫出來的一種相對自由的生活, 它使個體能夠以自己所喜愛的、本能地感到有價值的方式,在內心之愛的驅動 下行動,並為信仰提供一個基礎。 • 影片一 • 影片二 作業 訪問至少三位 65 歲以上退休人士有關於他們在退休之後的休閒經驗。 請就下面兩點,設計一系列的問題,訪問他們在退休之後的休閒經驗: 1. 他們的參與模式和在四大休閒類別 (education, travel, volunteering, and fitness activity and sport) 的涉入情況。 2. 請問他們:「退休生活中,休閒經驗重要性的看法」 。