When to refer to CRHT

A brief overview.
Key principles of CRHT.
 Crisis management is a process of working through the crisis to
the point of resolution.
 Successful client engagement is paramount.
 The CRHT aims to take a holistic approach to crisis resolution.
 CRHT work with users from a 'strengths' rather than an 'illness'
 Educating the service user will comprise a significant part of the
crisis work and should help clients learn behaviours to improve
and maintain their mental health.
How and When to to refer to CRHT.
 Client known to secondary services presenting with
early warning signs.
 Client new to services and presenting with mental
health crisis.
Alternatives to CRHT.
 Should CRHT not be thought suitable. CRHT would
seek to assist in signposting the client to more suitable
 CRHT have good knowledge of local resources.
What to expect from CRHT input.
 Multi-disciplinary intervention.
 Complete risk and psychosocial assessment and
 Minimum weekly MDT review of treatment and