The Creative Side and Message Strategy

The Creative Side and
Message Strategy
Part 4: Effective Advertising Messages
Chapter 12
Effective Advertising Messages
• Part 4 examines breakthrough advertising, and
how creatives are developing messages people
want to watch and read
12 – 2
Chapter Outline
Chapter Key Points
The Art and Science of Creative Advertising
Creative Strategy
Facets of Creative Strategy
Planning and Managing Creative Strategy
12 – 3
Key Points
• Define creative advertising and explain how it
leads to a Big Idea
• Describe the characteristics of creative people
and their creative process
• Discuss key creative strategy approaches
• Outline the key parts of a creative brief
12 – 4
The Art and Science of
Creative Advertising
• The ROI of effective advertising
– Relevant, original, and has impact
• The Big Idea
– Implements the advertising strategy so that the
message is both attention getting and memorable
• The Creative Leap
– Jumping from the strategy statement to an original
idea that conveys the strategy in an interesting way
12 – 5
The ROI of Effective Advertising
• Relevant
• Original
• Has impact
12 – 6
The Big Idea
• Implements the advertising strategy so that the
message is both attention getting and memorable
Video Snippet
How AFLAC developed its
12 – 7
‘Big Idea’
The Creative Leap
• Jumping from the
strategy statement to an
original idea that
conveys the strategy in
an interesting way
12 – 8
Creative Thinking
• Free association
– Creates the juxtaposition of two seemingly
unrelated thoughts
• Divergent thinking
– Uses exploration to search for all possible
• Analogies and metaphors
– Used to see new patterns or relationships
• Right-brain thinking
– Intuitive, nonverbal, and emotion-based thinking
12 – 9
Creative Thinking
• Creative Roles
– Copywriters and art
directors develop the
creative concept and
draft the execution of the
advertising idea
• The Creative Person
Creative Characteristics
• Problem solving
• Ability to visualize
• Openness to new
• Conceptual thinking
– In advertising, creativity
is both a job description
and a goal
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Young (and Rubicam) Wrote The
Book on Creative Thinking
Visit the
12 – 11
Creative Strategy
• Where the art and
science of advertising
come together
• A Big Idea must be
– Creative
– Strategic
• Creative strategy
– What the advertisement
– Also called message
• Creative execution
– How it is said
12 – 12
Message Objectives
1. Perception: create attention, awareness, interest,
recognition, and recall
2. Cognitive: deliver information and understanding
3. Affective: touch emotions and create feelings
4. Persuasion: change attitudes, create conviction and
5. Transformation: establish brand identity and
6. Behavior: stimulate some form of action
12 – 13
Head and Heart Strategies
• Two basic approaches to translating message
objectives into strategy
• Hard- and Soft-Sell strategies
– Hard Sell: touches the mind and creates a response
based on logic
– Soft Sell: uses emotional appeals or images to
create a response
12 – 14
Head and Heart Strategies
• Most advertising messages use a combination
of two basic literary techniques to reach the
head or the heart of the consumer
• Lectures and Dramas
– Lecture: a serious instruction given verbally
– Drama: relies on the viewer to make inferences
12 – 15
Facets of Creative Strategy
Drive Perception
• Attention and awareness
• Interest
• Memory
Drive Cognition
• These messages get
consumers to learn
about products by
focusing on a product’s
12 – 16
Facets of Creative Strategy
Touch Emotions
• Highlight psychological
attraction of the product
to the target audience
through emotional
• Appeal
• Selling premises
• Conviction
12 – 17
Facets of Creative Strategy
Transform Product
• Branding
• Image advertising is
used to create a
representation in the
customer’s mind
• Associations
Drive Action
• A signature that serves
to identify the company
or brand
• Also serves as a call to
action if it gives
direction to the
consumer about how to
12 – 18
Message Approaches
Slice of Life
12 – 19
Planning and Managing
Creative Strategy
• Creative brief
– Prepared by the account
planner, summarizes the
marketing and
advertising strategy
– Vary in format, but must
combine basic strategy
Strategy Decisions
The problem
The objectives
The target market
Positioning strategy
Type of creative
Selling premise
Execution suggestions
12 – 20
Planning and Managing Creative
• Message execution
– The form in which the
ad’s message is
• Message tone
– Reflects the emotion or
attitude behind the ad
• Global campaigns
– Require ad work that
addresses advertising
objectives and reflects
the positioning strategy
– Usually desirable to
adapt the creative
execution to the local
12 – 21
The Go/No-Go Decision
• Assess the effectiveness of the ad’s creative features
– Structural analysis
– Copy testing
12 – 22
Steps and Stages
12 – 23
Creative Strategy
• Where the art and
science of advertising
come together
– Creative strategy
– Creative execution
12 – 24
Message Objectives
• Perception
• Cognitive
• Affective
• Persuasion
• Transformation
• Behavior
12 – 25
Messages That Drive Perception
• Attention and awareness
• Interest
• Memory
12 – 26
Messages That Drive Cognition
• These messages get consumers to learn about
products by focusing on a product’s features
12 – 27
Messages That Touch Emotions
• Highlight psychological
attraction of the product
to the target audience
through emotional
12 – 28
Messages That Persuade
• Appeal
• Selling premises
• Conviction
12 – 29
Messages That Transform a Product
Into a Brand
• Branding
• Image advertising is
used to create a
representation in the
customer’s mind
• Associations
12 – 30
The Quintessential American Brand
Visit the
12 – 31
Messages That Drive Action
• A signature that serves
to identify the company
or brand
• Also serves as a call to
action if it gives
direction to the
consumer about how to
12 – 32
Planning and Managing
Creative Strategy
The problem
The objectives
The target market
Positioning strategy
Type of creative strategy
Selling premise
Execution suggestions
12 – 33
Creative Strategy Brief
Figure 12.3
12 – 34
For Everything Else
There’s MasterCard
Visit the
12 – 35