GE21001 Dynamic Human Worlds
Lectures 5 + 6
Development, Power and Place
Dr. Susan P. Mains
Lecture Outline
Defining Development
Forms of Development:
- political context
-uneven development
-Useful Readings:
*Radcliffe, S. (2005) Rethinking Development. In Cloke, P.,
Crang, P. and Goodwin, M. (Eds) Introducing Human
Geographies. 2nd Edition. London, Hodder Arnold, pp.200-210.
Willis, K. (2005) Theories of Development. In Cloke, P., Crang,
P. and Goodwin, M. (Eds) Introducing Human Geographies. 2nd
Edition. London, Hodder Arnold, pp. 187-199.
Defining Development
• A range of social, economic, political and health
• How do we measure “political development”?
• Shift from financial to more holistic measures
• Cultural and political context significant
• What kinds of “development” are desirable?
Defining Development
• “Development” created in a particular political
• President Harry Truman “underdevelopment”
1948 at the beginning of the Cold War
• Relational
• The idea of a continuum
• 1st, 2nd, and 3rd World, later a 4th?
– Again political context significant
– US imperialism
Ways of Measuring ‘Development’
Population Characteristics
Check the Population Reference Bureau: DataFinder for up-to-date statistics
Doubling Time:
the measure of how long it will take the population
of an area to grow to twice its current size
Life Expectancy:
the average number of years a newborn infant can
expect to live
More Population Measurements
Total Fertility Rate (TFR):
the average number of children a woman
will have throughout her lifetime
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR):
the number of deaths of infants less than 1
year of age compared to the number of live
births for that same year (or infant deaths
per 1,000 live births)
Education Indicators
Literacy rate: the percentage of the population
over age 15 years able to read and write, and is
often broken down by sex
Secondary School Enrolment
Economic Indicators
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): a monetary
measure of the value of goods and services
produced within a national economy over a given
period of time
Gross National Product (GNP): GDP + net income
from abroad
GNI PPP per capita: the Gross National Income
(with purchasing power parity) per person
Human Development Index
GDP and GNP are seriously deficient as measures
of economic activity:
• they omit whole areas of work
• they perversely count as wealth creation that
which may destroy the foundations of productive
Human Development Index: The United Nations
uses a Human Development Index, which is
calculated on measures of life expectancy,
educational attainment and personal income.
Non-Demographic Indicators III
Human Development Report (UNHDP)
Links between environmental and political contexts
Links between, infrastructure, policy, education &
Role of national and international institutions,
everyday experiences, obstacles and opportunities
for change
e.g., the politics of water
Millenium Development Goals
Time specific targets
Millennium Summit (2000)
Millennium Declaration
8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Millennium Development Goals for 2015
Millenium Development Goals
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality rates
Goal 5: Improve maternal health
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases
Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development
The purpose of politics is to bring the greatest happiness to the greatest
number of people—Jeremy Bentham
Political Indicators
• Global Peace Index (2010)
• The Map of Freedom
• Corruption Perceptions Index
• Border Disputes
– E.g., the Arctic
Political Indicators
• Global Peace Index (2010)
• The Map of Freedom
• Corruption Perceptions Index
• Border Disputes
– E.g., the Arctic
Political Indicators
• Global Peace Index (2010)
• The Map of Freedom
• Corruption Perceptions Index
• Border Disputes
– E.g., the Arctic
Political Indicators
• Global Peace Index (2010)
• The Map of Freedom
• Corruption Perceptions Index
• Border Disputes
– E.g., the Arctic
Contrasting Perspectives
Abbas submits Palestinian statehood bid to UN
Netanyahu: Better bad press, than a good eulogy
Borders, external influences and access to resources